posted on May, 5 2010 @ 02:56 AM
Alright, I am the layman.
I have a few questions about the internet laws and treaties internationally and I know you guys are a lot more versed than I am on this, I'm sorry to
make a topic in here to ask questions instead of assert a position (though from what I do understand, I am WAY against this stuff happening, I gleaned
that much!)
I've read about ACTA and the UK law that recently went through in a rush job and pissed everyone off (I don't know the name of it). Are there any
others I should be concerned about? Is there a risk of this happening secretly? Such as a secret executive order? I keep hearing that Youtube
is removing content and censoring people with fake "copyright infringement" claims but I honestly don't believe Google would do this without their
hand being forced.
I mean really all it would take to censor someone on youtube would be to convincingly call up youtube and claim that they were using copyrighted
material in their video to at least temporarily silence them.
What are the current US laws on torrents/p2p, is it legal for someone to stream lower quality versions of copyrighted content under fair
Is/has ACTA already been signed? If not, is it going to be? Will the US bend the MPAA?
Can someone explain this in an easy way that I can understand so that I can know what's going to happen to my internet?
I didn't put this in conspiracy because I just want real # and not imagined intentions behind it all, just what it does in a literal and direct
Closest thing to conspiracy I want to know is if Obama could sign a "secret" executive order to censor the internet, like if that is an actual
ability he possesses, etc.
Please help me out and thank you in advance.
P.S. If there's a bunch of stuff I did not mention it means I do not know about it please inform me.