posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:14 AM
Actually on a percentage basis there were no more people addicted to drugs than there are today. The entire war on drugs only serves to expand the
police state. One must first understand the difference between drug "use" & drug "abuse". We allow drug use legally with alcoholic beverages and
guess what there are a small percentage of people that abuse alcoholic beverages.
when people have personal emotional issues for the most part they use alcohol,drugs or the Lord to address. The number of "abusers" would not change
dramatically if drugs we legalized and taxed. The secondary benefit would be reducing our prison population by 70% and finally breaking the drug
cartels, because if it wasn't illegal the drugs are cheap.
For the really addictive drugs like crack, heroin or meth, I hate to admit it, but a government program to distribute would be required. Come get your
fix and undergo counseling for 30 minutes. This problem is self-solving as these addictswill either rehab or be dead within 5 years. Without the cash
incentive the motivtion to push is gone.
This of course will never happen as I'm sure the political donations to those who are adamantly opposed to legalization from the drug cartels are