posted on May, 4 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare
WHY, oh WHY does no one seem to comprehend the
disadvantages imposed by the speed of light?
Take the OP, for instance.
A "signal" recieved, by radio telescope, here on Earth, in 1977.
DOES anyone see where I am headig, with this???
Let's try again...say, for instance WE KNEW OF an actual alien civilization that exists on a planet orbitng a star that is, oh....TWENTY light years
away....let's call it "Epsilon Eridani" (Just tossing out names, and distances, for effect...) (I 'think', can look it up, that Eridani is a
bit closer than 20 LY....AND has been suggested to be the possible system where Vulcans evolved, but I digress...)
Back to my scenario....WE are in communication with a civilization that exists twenty light-years away. Plausible, but....don't people understand
how these sorts of "communications" would happen?
TWENTY years, at light speed (for radio, or any form of EM radiation) to progress....EACH WAY!
Come on, and think about this....turn off the TV, and ponder....then contemplate the difficulites.....please.