Serenity is an allegory for
The Civil War
I always thought the following...
The War = The Civil War
Browncoats = Confederate soldiers
Alliance = Corporate America
Miranda = Miranda rights (a poor substitute for states rights)
But then I see this thread, so what the heck, I'll try it out as a Disclosure Allegory.
I seem to remember that the vast majority of characters in the movie
who fought to bring about "The Signal" died in the process.
Only once the word got out did the hunt for them stop.
We in the audience _know_ how much blood
was shed to get the message out, and
gave it great credence, but the
transmission as shown in
the movie could easily
be debunked.
If Serenity is
an allegory then
the message is that
no proof is going to be
accepted unless it is washed
in a lot of blood. Either the Aliens
will have to kill a lot of people, or a lot
of people will have to die getting one on TV.
And not quietly. They will have to be seen dying.
But if you mean Serenity is an allegory for how to organize
a conspiracy for truth in the face of massive resistance, one
that abhors the shedding of blood, then yes maybe. But still
I think Joss was telling us that Internet users are more like the
people who died inside their hermetically sealed offices. With no
pain, and who did nothing to save themselves. The Internet itself is
the new Pax, pacifying most but causing aggressiveness in a few others.
Miranda = Internet addicts
Alliance = Main Stream Media
Browncoats = survivalists
The War = politics
David Grouchy