posted on May, 3 2010 @ 10:34 PM
I have heard this expression; "pride comes before the fall", but I find it to be deceptive, as it is hubris that comes before the fall, and the
clear intent to demonize pride seems to be a part of an agenda that relies upon empty platitudes. That said, pride is a sense of accomplishment, and
it is hardly accomplished to be born a certain race. The racial component of each person is less compelling that what those people do. It matters
not what color of skin a Micheal Jordan has, when he is flying with ease across a basketball court, and it mattered just as little that Larry Byrd was
white, even if he did come off as looking more awkward than Magic Johnson, both were great players and the color of their skin was secondary to their
remarkable gifts.
If one truly wants to know pride, they must earn it, and if through earning this pride, they can avoid the pitfalls of hubris, then it is pride well
earned. No amount of platitudes declaring humility better than pride will change the genuine sense of accomplishment one knows from genuine effort
and success because of that effort. Further, all who know genuine pride, also know humility and understand that where pride is a difficult sense that
must be worked for, humility is a reality that finds us all, sometimes daily and even then many time throughout a day.
It is pointless to claim pride for the color of ones skin, and it is always pointed to know pride from true accomplishment, and pride in that regard,
knows no racial boundaries.