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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 09:47 AM
Those dastardly Netintelligence guys are at it again. Not only is Miss Judy's comments now missing on Wayne's old FB page, but the whole article has been removed. His new page has a short version of the article sans Judy remarks (for her protection?) whist they continue the investigation into googlers and their illegal use of a search engine.

Later I will look for my screen shot of that page but for now with Netintelligence hot on my trail I must be careful.

I will go into stealth mode.

[edit on 11-7-2010 by dcmb1490]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:28 AM
Not only did she plagiarize The Declaration of Human Sovereignty, she also lifted a website design. Take a look at:

and the same alien pictures in her site:

Once a con........

Kind of reminds me of someone else that doesn't have an original idea, eh Waynster.

[edit on 11-7-2010 by dcmb1490]

[edit on 11-7-2010 by dcmb1490]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by dcmb1490

It's embarrassing to admit, but I had never heard of an "NetIntelligence" Agency. I looked it up (hoping my use of Google in this context would be legal) to see what sorts of scary alphabet folks we were dealing with there.

This agency Is SO black, SO far undercover, that there isn't any reference to it at all on the entire world wide web that I was able to uncover, and I think that spans all knowledge on the globe (at least that's my impression of why they call it the "WORLD wide web").

All I could find was a seemingly innocuous software purveyor that sells "net nanny" types of software.

It's obviously just a front for the nefarious agency, POSING as a "net nanny".

I hope they haven't cracked my pr0n collection. Just the Bea Arthur photos alone may be worth hundreds of thousands.

I think I'm going to have to go into stealth mode, too - and take my pr0n collection with me...

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 02:56 PM
From Butcherguy:
...I think it is possible we may be dealing with a case of
schizophrenia here...

I've heard wilder claims.
I think James/Judy is a troubled soul that has been struggling
to find her own identity... witches, Wiccans and astrophysics...
all wrapped in the small frame that was once a male, seems to
me... and I certainly mean no insult here Mrs. Falskogg, that it's
been quite a ride up to this point.

I do honestly, hope you find your calling, but I think this sort of
high jinx isn't the way forward.

As far as Mr. Wayne Herschel is connected, I think he would just
like to see the world in a more secrecy-wrapped way and he holding
the key components... and selling books.

For ElijahWan... yes, I will exept any monies that come my way
for scripts... my dresses need updating!!

I too, may go 'stealthy'!!


posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 05:58 PM
Stealth mode it is ...

Let me know if anyone wants to borrow a lantern.
I have a few spare plus some extra wicks and kerosene ...

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 07:05 PM

The NSA guys finally came to after the party the other night, and they seem... unhappy. Hangover, probably.

They say they're taking me to an undisclosed location... then disclosed it to be somewhere in Bosnia. I think these guys might be new at this game. Does anyone know where Undisclosed Location, Bosnia is, or what the postal code might be?

If I can manage an escape, I'll send messages from my secondary Evil Genius Lair, somewhere in the wilds of North America. Funny, that. The nearest town to it is ALSO named Undisclosed Location. Must be similar to that way that most US states have a town called "Lebanon" located somewhere within them. Folks lacked originality in the old days when they were naming towns, kept re-naming new places the same old thing ("New" York, "New" Jersey, and "New" Amsterdam, for example).

Anyhow, I may be out a couple of days, until the truth serum wears off, if I can't manage an escape before then, but rest assured, in the words of the immortal Terminator, "I'll be back."

If we fly over Germany, Sweden, South Africa or Peru en-route, I'll try to drop a message out of the aircraft window to let Dr. Judy know what's up, and that she needs to go under deeper cover before they find HER, too!

BIAD, I know what you're thinking. That's just WRONG, on so many levels, and NO, I'm not going to tie it to a rock!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:55 AM

Cosmic trees of light. Tunnels of light. Christ-like Deity in tunnel of light. Body language and speech promotes deception imo.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:21 AM
Epsilon Eridani, werent they saying thats where the Wow signal came from?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by Marrr

Well... I watched up to the second video and I can truly say
I was wrong when I thought he was just a 'wack-job'... he's
so far along the path, he's contemplaing his beliefs becoming
a religeon!!!

I've seen this kinda thing before, the individual talks about
'leaving behind information' that could be used to start a
cult and this entices the listeners to want to start it before
he 'goes' and therefore, that individual reaps the rewards.

Now, if wasn't for the NSA guys waving and in two cases
whistling at me, I could focus on the rest of Wayne's message
to the gullible.

I wonder what the injury was that left him dead for twenty
minutes? Inquiring minds wanna know!!

Note to Neno: If you do tie it to a rock, you can use it as
a cudgel... unless I'm thinking of the wrong 'it'!!!!

[edit on 12-7-2010 by A boy in a dress]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Spot on BIAD.
It's a cult. (or trying to be)
I've been searching the discussion groups on his "oneism" and it has all the hallmarks - with Wayne as the leader of course.
Will post some links tomorrow - I'm sure DrHammond has seen them too - of Mr Herschel espousing his 'oneism'
Until then then - shhhhh
Stealth mode remember!
- hermit

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

I took notice of the "dead zone" as well. Whether or not Wayne Herschel claiming or setting himself up as a deity is due to a head inury/mental illness/attempt to bilk and dupe/ is up for debate still.
One thing is certain though. We have a man/?/ tasked with being a God in his mind for whatever purpose and he is recruiting for a standing Holy Army.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 07:20 AM
Of course, I felt a little silly not putting proof of my degree
up on the site to show how difficult it is to hoax these kind
of documents, so here goes...


As you can see, it's self-evident that no 'doctoring' has taken
place and the informstion is original and intact.

I hope this shows that Doc Judy and Wayne must be telling the
truth and not just in it, as some may believe here, for the cash.

Stealthy... stealthy!!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress
There you go again, making me laugh hard enough that the Earl Grey tea I was having needs to be removed from the keyboard.

You are a riot, re: MEN/GIRLSA! Shades of MolecularPhD, with that Cambridge diploma!

[edit on 12-7-2010 by butcherguy]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by A boy in a dress
There you go again, making me laugh hard enough that the Earl Grey tea I was having needs to be removed from the keyboard.

You are a riot, re: MEN/GIRLSA! Shades of MolecularPhD, with that Cambridge diploma!

[edit on 12-7-2010 by butcherguy]

Thank you and I know that MEN/GIRLSA isn't such a well known
department of MENSA, in fact, it has only been around a couple of
years to cater for... the 'inbetweenees' if you like.

I've dug out some of the images BIAD's creator sent me back in the day
and I hope it doesn't confuse you into believing that I am astrophys...
astrophyc... someone who looks up.
I just don't want people thinking that all images are faked.


[edit on 12-7-2010 by A boy in a dress]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 10:12 AM
I still think this thread was used in the beginning to recruit Holy warriors and sell the Wayne Herschel bible.

What's troubling me is how our new prophet is so concerned about the billions of the poor and the oppressed, but does not have any organizations or foundations to help these folks, except for the donate button at the church of Wayne.

And here we go again hearing about love and rainbows but the man gets downright nasty on blogs and forums. He talks down to people that question him like they are some kind of idiot and only he is smart enough to understand love and equality.

Press him, and he will start to cuss at the questioner as I have copies of his tirades and he has even done somewhat on this thread.

It just appears that this thread was encouraged at first to line the pockets of the prophet and goes against what he preaches except for him.

Where's your proof (not in any interview on radio,papers, internet) of helping others. I cannot find him mentioning helping others.

Maybe his followers will go door to door to spread the word. Not on bicycles but in little UFO's with his name in lights.

Guess I'll go to church and donate to the poor. Thank almighty Karne that there is paypal in heaven.

[edit on 12-7-2010 by dcmb1490]

[edit on 12-7-2010 by dcmb1490]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:58 AM
Judy, Judy.

Don't tell me you do not read here because you react to everything said or posted in some way. Is that why your popular abductee site of 14 members went private after your site link was posted?

Let me refresh your memory:

"Thank God I never saw for myself what they wrote about me. My husband said that the lawyers are absolutely confident of ... See Moretotal success."

Mail just arrived and I didn't know that your lawyers, husband, and NSA gave away millions for entering a contest. Maybe I'll fall for that scam and netintelligence will have all of my personal information.

Appears your footprint is becoming smaller in the world, Judy.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 03:03 PM
Wayne is becoming more famous. He's moved up to #9 on the google search for this thread.
Judy thanking God for not seeing what was typed here. Ya right. I thought she worshipped aliens, not God?
Any thoughts on the Alien message, once deciphered, would have something to do with Waynism and the Wayne Bible?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Marrr

That's been my theory and its just a theory. Here's my take. I believe the original signal would eventually be decoded by NASA Judy in part and it would lean toward the teaching of Jesus Wayne. His bible and church would prosper as the cult began to grow and Miss Judy would gain fame until she would fall inevitably from the scrutiny. She could always share some of the proceeds from the collection plates.

Like I said its a theory or good Sci-Fi, Well like, The Kalahari incident.

I can't see why he still supports her in a lie other than some kind of monetary or material gain. Can anyone else?

Maybe I'm missing something.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by dcmb1490

Agreed and props for your analysis. For a while, I entertained the idea of them being former lovers. With Judy actually being a dude and all. But you're right, High Lord Wayne would not be clinging on to Judy's "signal" story like a dingleberry on a hobo's anus, if it wasn't tied in somewhere down the line.
Too much money to be made for him not to do that, but that would make too much sense. Something their stories have lacked from the beginning.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Marrr
reply to post by dcmb1490

Agreed and props for your analysis. For a while, I entertained the idea of them being former lovers. With Judy actually being a dude and all. But you're right, High Lord Wayne would not be clinging on to Judy's "signal" story like a dingleberry on a hobo's anus, if it wasn't tied in somewhere down the line.
Too much money to be made for him not to do that, but that would make too much sense. Something their stories have lacked from the beginning.

LOL, Dingleberry or Klingons would be good names for the disciples of this cult with a certain aroma about it.

Others are seeing this for what it may have evolved into.

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