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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:22 AM
Let me ask this question...If this is a Hoax then why is this still being discussed?
If its a closed case shouldnt be talked about. No?

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Could it be that the glory and limelight has faded and Wayne's public backing has dropped away and our little boy from Gateshead is feeling left behind?

I do. I really think the celebrity factor and not being one really bothers Jimmy. It's also my opinion that being left schlongless and unappealing to either sex bothers it quite a bit too.
edit on 5-7-2011 by Marrr because: Edited to add: Jimmy van Gruenan is not a celebrity

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by ObvTruth
Let me ask this question...If this is a Hoax then why is this still being discussed?
If its a closed case shouldnt be talked about. No?

As said before, the UV signal case is deemed closed here, but there others that
this person has perpetrated and recently, it seems that somebody wishes to retaliate
by accusing ATS and some of it's members of some terrible things.

I believe this thread is still active and research into James's and Wayne Herschel's
antics to 'schlep' money from the gullible still goes on.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by ObvTruth

The fact that this hoax is still being pushed as truth will work for starters.
Not to be off topic, but I noticed that you like vampires? Cool man.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Marrr
reply to post by ObvTruth

The fact that this hoax is still being pushed as truth will work for starters. ..

I agree, for those out there who really want this to be true, Judy and James
are magnets and these pair are only too keen to take your money and whisper
the right words in your ear!

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by ObvTruth

May I ask, do you believe NASA picked up a signal and had TPTB cover up
the event and have Judy Fältskog gagged?
Wayne seemed to believe the incident and wanted to come here to argue the

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress

Originally posted by ObvTruth
Let me ask this question...If this is a Hoax then why is this still being discussed?
If its a closed case shouldnt be talked about. No?

As said before, the UV signal case is deemed closed here, but there others that
this person has perpetrated and recently, it seems that somebody wishes to retaliate
by accusing ATS and some of it's members of some terrible things.

I believe this thread is still active and research into James's and Wayne Herschel's
antics to 'schlep' money from the gullible still goes on.

I watched the latest Starwars/MIB video (in all its spelling glory) and I'm convinced that the whole affair became a troll feeding fest, except the troll dumps his/her dung on Youtube... Weird.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by ObvTruth
Let me ask this question...If this is a Hoax then why is this still being discussed?
If its a closed case shouldnt be talked about. No?

Just to add to what the others have said ...

I don't believe it's a closed case as yet. New tendrils sprout and we get offshoots that intertwine with the original story. These tendrils need to be pruned back to assure they don't turn into roots and begin another hoax-vine.

I'd also like to add that any time this is discussed in a forum or blog away from ATS the dialogue usually becomes so insolent (mostly from a person or persons unknown
that rush on to defend this original hoax) that it inevitably gets closed down.

And, adding to that ... any Judy Faltskog videos that pop up on YouTube that require discussion can't be done over there because the comments feature is conveniently disabled.

So here we are.

I hope that answers your question.

edit on 5/7/2011 by Netties Hermit because: clarification

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Look, when I listen to the tripe presented by charlatans, I just see way too many holes in the "information" (I think you have been too generous defining that). I posit therefore that a person with a modicum of education will see that in a similar light, and a person without such would be helpless when it comes to judgement in any event.

I don't disagree with you, but I still see your effort as mostly futile. It's not even a critique, because I've spent way, way too much time here on ATS debating and trying to expose most idiotic theories. I almost regret that. I always forget Matthew 7:6, which I think is a piece of brilliant advice for those who know.

You're right, of course - but you already know that. Folks with even a rudimentary education will see right through their story. The key there, then, is education. Being uneducated or "ignorant" is entirely different from being stupid. As they say, "ignorance" can be cured by education, but "stupid" is terminal. What we're attempting to do here is to provide that education for the benefit of those who don't already "know", but are merely ignorant, rather than stupid. There's no shame in ignorance - we ALL have to overcome it at some point in our lives - but putting the material out there, and letting it run it's course is the extent of what we can do. The ignorant will take it and become educated, the stupid will pass it over as "disinformation" in preference to their own preconceived and unsupportable notions.

"Denying Ignorance" is what ATS is all about, and making sure that information is available for those who don't fear education.

You mention the folly of throwing your pearls before swine found in Matthew 7:6. It applies somewhat in this case, but I prefer to look at it through the lens of Mark 4:3-9. My responsibility here is to sew the seed. Where it lands and the growth from it are in the hands of another entirely. In some cases, I have no doubt that it's falling on the fertile ground of educatable minds. For the rest, that which doesn't fall on fertile ground, well, even birds have to eat, right?

Either way, it's a public service!

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Oh ok that makes sense i guess but Hoaxes should be put to rest immediately when its deemed a Hoax

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Marrr
reply to post by ObvTruth

The fact that this hoax is still being pushed as truth will work for starters.
Not to be off topic, but I noticed that you like vampires? Cool man.

Thats them just keep on proving its a Hoax and they should back off eventually.

Yes i do! I'm a HUGE True Blood fan.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by ObvTruth

Oh ok that makes sense i guess but Hoaxes should be put to rest immediately when its deemed a Hoax

We're trying, we're trying!

This one won't lie still though

edit on 6/7/2011 by Netties Hermit because:

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by Netties Hermit
Video is back up
albeit a tamer version and we now have a new alias in the form of Jakob Petersson from Norway.

Though I strongly object to those allegations made at me.

My grammar and spelling are quite proficient thank you very much.

Speaking of grammar and spelling....

Did anyone else notice in the "Honor Guard Message to ATS" vid that "the sword of jutice is coming"?

"Those's who sit with ATS should note that they sit amongest those's... "... "Those's"? "amongest"? What the hell is THAT?

Judy is a "good friend" that "Ivan" and "many others surport"

"SURPORT"? What the hell is THAT? (By the way, "i" should have been capitalized in that sentence in the video... I can recommend a good proofreader if you need one for your next video, and you'll never guess WHO...

ROFLMAO! I don't think The "Tormenting Norwegian" ought to be casting aspersions concerning "spelling and grammar"!

Did s/he mean instead "The Sword of Judas"? See, "Justice" has an "s" in it somewhere, so that couldn't be what s/he meant...

I welcome a good sword fight, though, whether from the "sword of jutice" or the "sword of Judas" matters nary a bit. haven't been in a really good sword fight in over 300 years - since gunpowder came into vogue - with the singular exception of a recent "dragon slaying", but that's another story entirely. I still have several swords, and stay in practice with them just in case the gunpowder factories get blown up.

A few other problems with that video...

Did anyone else notice the "aged" look on the background - lines and such traveling across the video like an old worn out "drivers' ed", "dangers of reefer" or "dangers of STD's" movie from high school? Where have I seen that before? Oh, right, on the skinny Bob videos! Simply amazing how Judy leaves tracks everywhere she treads!

Isn't the ATS logo used in the background of that video copyrighted material? Sure looks like another copyright violation to me!

"Something isn't going according to our plan".... ROFLMAO! Speak for yourself, Judy - you're speeding OUR plan along wonderfully! You're hemmed in. Whatever action you take, whatever words you utter, at this point play right in to the plan, and actually support it! It's no "hidden plan", either - I've made no bones about the plan being executed, the reasons for it, and the sources of the information. YOU, on the other hand, have not quite been so forthcoming. Best thing you could do for yourself at this point is to get quiet and fade away, but you won't... you CAN'T... and that's been accounted for in "The Plan", too - I just TOLD you it has!

All we really have to do now is sit back and watch you deconstruct your self and your story with every utterance you make. It's self-propagating now.

"Lies, smears, disinformation, debunking, misdirection, SLANDER" - these are all things which you accuse US of being guilty of, but with the singular exception of "debunking", all that falls squarely at YOUR feet, not OURS. Projection much?

My "cards have been marked"? I love a good game of poker - but you'll LOSE. You don't bluff very well, and have to continually bluff with arcane magickal threats that you know NOTHING of - which makes the bluff obvious. Yeah, I'll play... but I won't play with "marked cards". That's cheating. We can toss thunderbolts at one another any old time you feel froggy!

What the hell is [-..-] ? Anyhow, right back atcha, baby!

By the way, you're absolutely correct when you say that "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE". It IS, it's available for FREE from a growing number of outlets, and you've not got a hope in hell of overcoming TRUTH, no matter how hard you try or how many of those goofy videos you produce. A "slick" video presentation can never trump cold hard TRUTH, and I don't really care how you try to spin it!

I particularly liked your new and improved back ground music. 1970's pr0n video background music was a very welcome departure from those creepy-asses Gregorian chants you were using before!

Let's dance. I'm so sharp that I give paper "nenothtu cuts", and you will NEVER win. By all means keep trying, though - it never fails to amuse!

edit on 2011/7/6 by nenothtu because: of pesky spelling and grammar errors. can't disappoint our little Judy!

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress

Could it be that the glory and limelight has faded and Wayne's public
backing has dropped away and our little boy from Gateshead is feeling
left behind?

Out of the goodness of my heart, I will donate a tin cup for him to hold whilst standing around in front of Tesco's.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by ObvTruth
Let me ask this question...If this is a Hoax then why is this still being discussed?
If its a closed case shouldnt be talked about. No?

I'll fight it as long as they try to propagate it.

As long as they keep trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public with the same tired old tripe, it will be met by cold hard truth.

THAT'S why it's still being discussed.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress
reply to post by ObvTruth

May I ask, do you believe NASA picked up a signal and had TPTB cover up
the event and have Judy Fältskog gagged?
Wayne seemed to believe the incident and wanted to come here to argue the

Since our little Judy has become such a stickler for spelling and grammar, I've just got to know how in the devil you get that umlaut thingy to appear over the "a" on a qwerty keyboard! I confess ignorance, and stand ready to get educated.

edit on 2011/7/6 by nenothtu because: of brain cramps.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

I watched the latest Starwars/MIB video (in all its spelling glory) and I'm convinced that the whole affair became a troll feeding fest, except the troll dumps his/her dung on Youtube... Weird.

S/he's afraid to drop trou here at ATS, for fear of a jack-boot making intimate connection with his/her posterior. On those occasions when s/he DID put in an appearance here, it never lasted very long, since s/he appears to have anger-management issues, and failed to maintain sufficient self-control to engage in debate, or even civil conversation.

Of course, YouTube is a cure for that, since they are apparently less strict, and in addition s/he has disabled comments on all videos in order to squelch dissent (doesn't s/he accuse ATS of squelching dissent? More of that pot/kettle paradigm, I suppose).

The thing is, s/he has been invited to defend his/her position here numerous times, and has consistently failed to be able to defend that position, skirting the issues altogether in favor of mud-slinging, with no real substance or facts to back his/her claims up. The same would likely occur at YouTube if s/he were to allow comments, and s/he has an abject FEAR of facts finding their way into his/her fantasy world.

So. s/he disable comments in order to brook no opposition. Nice. better than trying to defend the indefensible, and showing yourself to be a raving loon, I suppose.

It's apparently lost on her/him that the very fact s/he will allow no opposition shows her/him to be a raving loon every bit as well as losing a debate on fact and truth, yet still trying to sell the same old tired BS!

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

By the way, you're absolutely correct when you say that "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE". It IS, it's available for FREE from a growing number of outlets, and you've not got a hope in hell of overcoming TRUTH, no matter how hard you try or how many of those goofy videos you produce. A "slick" video presentation can never trump cold hard TRUTH, and I don't really care how you try to spin it!

Isn't the ATS logo used in the background of that video copyrighted material? Sure looks like another copyright violation to me!

A worthy post. From that snapshot sent, it sure looks like another violation is on the way.

edit on 6-7-2011 by Marrr because: A . and a capital F were missing

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx

nukes may not be the most advanced weapon but it does command a certain respect, a nuclear explosion gets several times hotter than the sun and emits radiation at deadly levels so in a way you could say its basically a star bomb. and advanced or not I dont think aliens want stars thrown at them by little old us.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Grievere
reply to post by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx

nukes may not be the most advanced weapon but it does command a certain respect, a nuclear explosion gets several times hotter than the sun and emits radiation at deadly levels so in a way you could say its basically a star bomb. and advanced or not I dont think aliens want stars thrown at them by little old us.

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