This hoax was originally put together by Judy Faltskog and Wayne Herschel with the
intention of raising Judy Faltskog's profile beyond that of a Dr. and an astronomer to dizzy
hieghts only she could envisage and in the process make herself famous AND in the
ensuing excitement of a new discovery Wayne would sell books $$$$$$$$ which i
believe have had stagnant sales since it's publication in 2003, and as in the words of
Wayne's brother Lloyd on his FB "Bro' if this comes off your book will fly."(Don't bother
to delete Wayne we have it copied
Since the two of them are used to an already captive audience of syncopantic believers
with little or no actual knowledge, they expected their little scam would be a 'breeze.' They
hadn't taken into account the astute, shrewd, intelligence of members here on ATS, and
along with their own sad lack of knowledge (you know the old saying 'a little knowledge is
a dangerous thing
However it would seem the pair are all to familiar with this outcome (Blossom Goodchild,
Orchids,Kalahari, Lesotho, ) to name but a few. Their modus operandi in these instances's is
for Judy to slink off and lie low (how does she put it 'go into stealth mode') Wayne on the
other hand concentrates on his FB, with it's fawning, grovelling, obsequious members, and the
constant mind numbing LINKING to his sites..........Then when it all blows over they start over
It hasn't been so easy for them this time, the hole has been dug too deep !!.....Judy has been
off the internet except for closed sites and FB. (closed sites don't bring in new passing custom)
There has not been much on her since May 2010, except for Nov 2010 when she made a fool
of herself flooding sites (Club Conspiracy, Disclose TV, etc.) maligning us here on ATS and
getting her knickers in a twist and losing the plot, closing down blogs, leaving her without
a platform to pitch from. And Wayne has felt it necessary to close his FB wall due to the
embarassment caused by the pathetic content which does not stand up to scrutiny.
The recent spate of video's they have been putting out of 'Aliens' (probabaly obtained at the
time of Henry Azadehdel 1998) have been debunked and so they are being unable to "rise from
the ashes" - the longer we have been on this hoax thread the BIGGER the 'can of worms'
being exposed and the harder it is for them to begin over again.
MARR........The invitation to Wayne has always been on the table, even after he went into the
shower and never returned
(around page 60?) The trouble with Wayne is 'he talks
debating' BUT he NEVER answers anything he is asked , and skirts around any difficult
questions by LINKING to his sites. (LINKING is something Wayne is an expert in
And on any site other than his own he has no control of the delete button so he gets exposed
for the fraud he is
Judy IF she knows who she is (Dr, astronomer, vampire, abductee,factory worker? ) can't keep
her composure under enquiring discussion, when she has no logical answers, she stoops to
extreme vulgarity, check out Club Conspiracy or Disclose TV to name but two!!
PS Marr have replied to your U2U but you have not picked it up.