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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by eletheia
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Or the vampire she says she is as according to old Bavarian folklore there are six ways to become a "Blutsauger"(Vampire) and one of them is by having died by suicide.

You may well have something there!

I've was honoured enough to be allowed to see excerpts from Nenothtu's writings
and it's astounding the way that James/Judy has travelled through his/her life and
seems to be able to settle wi th his/herself.
I agree with you that this 'DanaScully' character could well of been Judy.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

LadySambuca once wrote:
War sehr gut mit dir aller zu plaudern, aber jetzt geh ich schlafen!
Also gute nacht, over and out and Chuss!

I still think Sambuca was James/Judy and its german is not that good and it wrote CHUSS wrong.
Here is the right german way what it wrote:
War sehr gut mit euch allen zu plaudern,aber jetzt gehe ich schlafen!
Also gute nacht,over and out and Tschüß

Tschüß means Bye-Bye ( goodbye )
I hope this helps alittle

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Again, I may be a little nieve -but when one sets up a hoax, isn't it supposed
to last until after your life time?
What I mean is that eventually you will be held accountable and after that,
no amount of screaming that the sky is falling in will be heard by your peers.

The famous 'Surgeon' photo of the so-called Loch Ness Monster turned out to be a
a moulded head and neck on a toy submarine. The Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film
has hardly any credability left and is seen a monkey suit prepared for a movie.
These two examples of hoaxes and possibly others, all fell apart AFTER the alleged
hoaxer had passed on.

I know some would say that James/Judy was playing to a wider audience and a lot
of the listeners/viewers wouldn't have known his/her past exploits... he/she could
sell his/her snake oil knowing it would be a while before someone was on to him/her.
The idea of being caught with the hoax must have been something he/she had never

As I've just re-read the first paragraph, I've just realised his/her way out... 'in your life time'
James changes, James changes his surroundings, James changes his body
and James changes his families.

The internet is a fairly-new medium and it's handy for sending information around the
globe and getting yourself in the public eye, but if one looks to the left and right of
this electronic highway, you will see strangers from many walks of life sitting like
buzzards -waiting for your first mistake!

These guys will shred your account of a strange story or ridicule your displayed images,
unless all action has been taken to verify all the parts. One as to be mature and sensible
when delivering such astounding news that may effect people on a global scale.
James/Judy either didn't care about that or had a 'ace' up his/her blouse.

That ace may well of been her supposed death and with the diligence he/she showed with
his/her UV alien signal, James never thought the strangers from the internet would track him.
The annoying part is that Wayne Herschel made hay about his book, while holding court for
Ms. Faltskog.

So here we are, attempting to follow James/Judy as he/she may be already hatching a new
hoax... where will this rabbit hole lead to next?!!

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Nitromaria

Ah! thank you Nitro. Do you think he/she typed it incorrectly or do you think
that he/she wasn't very good at the German language?
That could be a tell-tale sign.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:40 AM
As the saying goes :-

""There is no honour among thieves "

Judy is using Wayne and Wayne is using Judy well that seems fair enough, however they are both amoral as

they make use of unsuspecting others without a second thought or any feelings of guilt or remorse for those they

have cheated and hurt as they go through life, Micheal Heeseman, Marion, NitroMaria, and Janice, to name but

a few there must be many, many, many others in their 25+years of hoaxing.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by eletheia
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Or the vampire she says she is as according to old Bavarian folklore there are six ways to become a "Blutsauger"(Vampire) and one of them is by having died by suicide.

Now, that's interesting, in a metaphorical way. I wonder about some issues of mental stability. Could Judy actually believe she's a "different" person from James? That would explain a lot - the multiple personality thing. If she actually "believed" she were an actual separate entity, it could be that she also believes James died (perhaps strongly enough to come out in his defense as DanaScully) even to the point, perhaps, of having convinced herself that she is his "wife" just long enough to mount that defense. With enough different personalities a lot about this story could be explained - such as the primaries' firm insistence that their version of events is "real" even though it doesn't match with events in the real world.

Now, multiple personality disorder is a real thing, and has been documented, but it's so vanishingly rare that the vast majority of all six and a half billion people on this planet can reasonable expect to go their entire lives without ever encountering anyone suffering with it. I think that out of all of the people on this planet now, or who have EVER been here, all of the documented cases can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Now THATS rare!

Somewhere in all the twisting up of the personalit(ies), it's not unreasonable to think that this vampire belief originated in the combinations of what was transpiring, Jame's sex change leading Judy to be forced to view him as "dead", and this folklore she may have picked up while resident in that area - if she ever was. The mind can play some really strange tricks when it gets out of kilter.

I'm not a psychiatrist, other than the armchair variety. My first wife WAS a psychologist, and I helped her study through the first part of her education in that discipline, up to her Master's thesis. I believe she went on to get her PhD, but I wasn't around for that leg of the journey. My point in telling this is to explain that while I'm only an armchair psychologist, I'm not entirely uninformed in the subject area. A real professional might have an entirely different take on this improbable theory of mine.

Another theory is that Judy was just waiting for someone to notice this chain, and had set it all up ahead of time to plead an insanity defense. Not having known James, I can't speak to his mental stability, other than to say that many of his actions don't strike me as being quite right. For example, trying to sell forged documents to a private individual in order to promote a hoax is one thing, but trying to sell them to a foreign intelligence service, specially trained to spot forgeries is quite another. Most governments don't take kindly to being ripped off, and the intelligence apparatus are generally a bit harsher than other sections upon those sorts of events.

Another indicator is who in their right mind would think this hoax would have actually passed? Even without the "UV to radio" issue, the jig was bound to be up when no actual signal ever materialized.

It's just a theory, but I'll keep an eye open to see if other parts of the puzzle fit in to it. f they do, then Wayne Herschel ought to feel nothing but shame for having taken advantage of James/Judy in his/her distress in the matter of this hoax.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Nitromaria
reply to post by A boy in a dress

LadySambuca once wrote:
War sehr gut mit dir aller zu plaudern, aber jetzt geh ich schlafen!
Also gute nacht, over and out and Chuss!

I still think Sambuca was James/Judy and its german is not that good and it wrote CHUSS wrong.
Here is the right german way what it wrote:
War sehr gut mit euch allen zu plaudern,aber jetzt gehe ich schlafen!
Also gute nacht,over and out and Tschüß

Tschüß means Bye-Bye ( goodbye )
I hope this helps alittle

Question: how well do you think that peculiar rendition of German would play with someone who originally spoke Dutch?

Or Afrikaans....

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by eletheia

they are both amoral as they make use of unsuspecting others without a second thought or any feelings of guilt or remorse for those theyhave cheated and hurt as they go through life,

Sociopathic tendencies. Another sign of mental instability, but one rarely recognized. Many sociopaths go all the way through life without ever being recognized.

Of course, THEY don't try to pull scams on such a grand scale..

there must be many, many, many others in their 25+years of hoaxing.

Indeed, it makes one wonder who else may be in the bushes watching, and able to supply another piece in the puzzle, but afraid to step forth.

Before anyone starts thinking I'm trying to set up an "insanity defense" for Judy, I have never viewed "insanity" as a defense to any sort of actions. I don't even think it should be considered in cases of capital murder. We do what we do, and live with the consequences. The universe doesn't care any more about crazy folk than it does the rest of us. It applies consequences evenly across the board.

I once saw a man "freeze up" in an ambush. The guy just stood there, stock-still, with his rifle at port arms like he was on a parade field instead of in the middle of a firefight with bullets buzzing past. If it hadn't been for another guy who DIDN'T Freeze up, and who knocked him flat on the ground as he was running past for cover, the universe would have killed that guy as dead as anyone else, without remorse, and wouldn't have cared in the least that freezing was his way of dealing mentally with that sudden situation.

The simple truth is that we ALL have quirks, mental tics, some larger, some smaller, that may be viewed by another as "not quite right". In that respect, we may ALL be a little bit "crazy", and insanity just isn't a valid defense against the reality of our actions in my opinion, or, apparently, in the opinion of the universe at large.

edit on 2010/10/14 by nenothtu because: of my atrocious spelling again - and a keyboard that is most un-co-operative.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 03:18 PM
I found "The Aenstrian Revelations" online, as a pdf file, but never could get it to download properly. It's in German, so I'm not sure how well I would have done reading it any way. I'd like to get a copy of it for the Files in any event, but it looks like that may not happen.

What I could manage to snag was part of the Foreword, and just that little bit was an eye-opener of sorts. I'm not sure of the publication date, but I'm sure it pre-dates the Gospel of Wayne, the doctrines of Wayneism. For all that, it sounds disturbingly similar to those tenets.


My dad could speak German, but he's dead and can't translate it for me. My son is studying German, but he's only just started, and it will be a couple of years before he'd be able to tackle it. I only know enough German to get my ass kicked in any Gasthaus in Germany.

I ran it through Google translate, which provides at best an imperfect translation, but from the sound of it, it's nearly word for word the Gospel of Wayne, with the singular exception of being told from the viewpoint of the alleged Aenestrian, Karne.

If one changes the word "Karne" to "Wayne", it's nigh indistinguishable. Do I think there's a connection there? Why yes, yes I do! I just don't know if Wayne Herschel is actually Judy Faltskog's father Karne, or if he just plagarized the Aenstrian Revelations to suit his own end, or if he and James/ Judy have been in on this hoax together all along.

I'll bet the truth shakes loose in the end.

Edit to add a sample:

English Google translation -

I Karn from Aenstria greetings and love to convey to the people of planet Earth.
I and my brothers to visit the time your planet are not strangers to your Earth.Our people have the planet Earth since the beginning of this current civilization among have under this maintained constant surveillance and we are now and here today to the people of the earth a constant surveillance Service to prove. I and my brothers are here for our Earth brothers and sisters, the true meaning of my brothers and I are here to help our brothers and sisters world-the true meaning of to teach love and compassion and to show you how to show your world from the chaos of darkness and teach love and compassion to you, you knows your world from the chaos of darkness lead in the new dawn of truth and light can. could result in the new truth and the dawn of light.

German original -

Ich, Karné von Aenstria übermittle Grüße und Liebe an die Menschen des Planeten Erde. Ich, von penalty Aenstria übermittle und Liebe Grüße an die Menschen des Planeten Erde.
Ich und meine Brüder, die zur Zeit Euren Planeten besuchen, sind keine Fremden für Eure Erde. Ich und meine Brüder, die zur Zeit Euren Planeten besuchen, sind keine für Eure Fremden Erde.
Unsere Leute haben den Planeten Erde seit dem Beginn dieser gegenwärtigen Zivilisation unter Unsere Leute haben den Planeten Erde seit dem beginn gegenwärtigen Zivilisation unter dieser
ständiger Überwachung gehalten und wir sind jetzt und heute hier, um den Menschen der Erde einen ständiger Überwachung und wir gehalten sind jetzt und heute hier, um den Menschen der Erde einen
Dienst zu erweisen. Dienst zu erweisen.
Ich und meine Brüder sind hier, um unseren Erdenbrüdern und -schwestern die wahre Bedeutung von Ich und meine Brüder sind hier, um unseren Schwestern Erdenbrüdern und-die wahre Bedeutung von
Liebe und Mitgefühl zu lehren und Euch zu zeigen, wie Ihr Eure Welt aus dem Chaos der Finsternis Liebe und Mitgefühl lehren zu zeigen und zu Euch, Ihr Eure knows Welt aus dem Chaos der Finsternis
in die neue Dämmerung der Wahrheit und des Lichts führen könnt. in die neue Wahrheit und der Dämmerung des Lichts führen könnte.

edit on 2010/10/14 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:26 PM
Well! Ain't I just got egg all over my face!

The above excerpts are possibly spurious. I can't find the word "criminal" in any of the other texts I've found. I've managed to cobble together about the first 4 pages of the actual book, up to the first page of the introduction. The actual book has it this way:



I Karn from Aenstria greetings and love to convey to the people of planet Earth.
I and my brothers to visit the time your planet are not strangers to your Earth.
Our people are among the planet Earth since the beginning of this current civilization
maintained constant surveillance and we are now and here today to the people of the earth a
Service to prove.
I and my brothers are here for our Earth brothers and sisters, the true meaning of
to teach love and compassion and to show you how to your world from the chaos of darkness
lead in the new dawn of truth and light can.
We have seen the chaos and devastation that the forces of darkness of the human
Have brought race and see it as our duty to you as the older brothers of humanity
to show how your life better and back once more to the gentle light can, from your
come are.

and in the original German:



Ich, Karné von Aenstria übermittle Grüße und Liebe an die Menschen des Planeten Erde.
Ich und meine Brüder, die zur Zeit Euren Planeten besuchen, sind keine Fremden für Eure Erde.
Unsere Leute haben den Planeten Erde seit dem Beginn dieser gegenwärtigen Zivilisation unter
ständiger Überwachung gehalten und wir sind jetzt und heute hier, um den Menschen der Erde einen
Dienst zu erweisen.
Ich und meine Brüder sind hier, um unseren Erdenbrüdern und -schwestern die wahre Bedeutung von
Liebe und Mitgefühl zu lehren und Euch zu zeigen, wie Ihr Eure Welt aus dem Chaos der Finsternis
in die neue Dämmerung der Wahrheit und des Lichts führen könnt.
Wir haben das Chaos und die Verwüstung gesehen, die die Kräfte der Finsternis der menschlichen
Rasse gebracht haben und sehen es als unsere Pflicht an, Euch als die älteren Brüder der Menschheit
zu zeigen, wie Ihr besser leben und noch einmal zu dem Licht zurücklinden könnt, aus dem Ihr
gekommen seid.

Let it never be said that I won't correct myself if I'm wrong.

Still sounds a lot like the Gospel of Wayne, though.

Edit to add an update: just managed to get the whole manuscript.Nice pictures, weird philosophy.
edit on 2010/10/14 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:56 PM
Judy appears to be doing fairly well in her demise. This link:

Judy Faltskog

was originally posted on 5 May 2010, and was a link to Judy's account then, so yes, this is the same Judy Faltskog. Same Facebook account. This is as least her third avatar since that date, and this one was posted in the last 3 days.

I admire Judy's spunk. Never let a little thing like death hold you back from thrashing around on the internets!

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:59 PM
The following are snippets from something i have come accross which is new to me from Cynthia Hinds UFO-
AFRINEWS. January 1992


There is no concrete evidence of the timing of this story it could have been 1988 or1989 (As this was a massive hoax and many known ufoligists were involved i personally dont know how it cant be pinned down accurately)

Recently i received an angryand aggressive letterfrom someone in SA who claimed to be a good friend of James V.G.and who intended reporting me to a highly placed UFO personage for irresponsible .......and unproffesional
piece of journalism.He also accuses me of having incomplete information and wild speculation ending with this is bad journalism!!!! shame, shame, shame on YOU.

Then she goes on to say she has a feeling that this is not perhaps a friend but James himself

She goes on to say one thing about James he was a good reader because to make up this story he must have "borrowed" from a great number of ufologists i certainly recognise quite a bit of material. He also purchased 544 US dollarsworth of books which he paid for with an American cheque.............needless to say the cheque came back acc. closed.

Anonymous information from SA was received stating that James Van Greunen had been executed at 1300 hrs
on 27 2 1990 by the military authorities. On contacting his wife she confirmed this information she said she was given this info over the phone by the military authorities..............................James was subsequently seen in Cairo with his German girlfriend !

How familar does a lot of that sound !!!!

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:21 PM
Hey BIAD, whats with the new avatar? I definitely preferred "LI'L BIAD DANCING LIKE A VIXEN". This 1 looks like I'd have to wrestle you, which is a problem irl, b/c I'm skinny enough that people have a go, but tall, flexible, daft & dom enough that it rarely works out (unless they want to be forcibly subbed, but thats not my bag).
I wonder what Mr. Herschel's bag is? To wander onto the scene with a sub on a leash, but wearing nothing but chaps that made a perfectly neat frame for the rear target... Looks like he's asking for a rough ride, eh?
If I was nenothtu, I'd be singing:
"Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash Herschel in the light
On the Sphinx, your Ra-god, don't forsake him
Or admit you were full of hype

Dodgy sins of stupid fancies
Chase the dollars she shall wear
Plastic furs adorn the un-serious
Herschel, Herschel awaits you there

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand lives
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Just not this tissue made of lies

Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather
Shiny leather up your arse
Tongue the thongs, the belt that does await you
Kneel, dear Herschel, I'll cure your heart

Herschel, Herschel, speak so slightly
Herschel, down on your bended knee
Taste the whip, in love not given lightly
Taste the whip, now bleed for me he he

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
I may be jaded but I like your tears

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash Herschel for a laugh
Herschel, your nemesis comes online, please don't provoke him
Yeah right, strike back and prove you're daft"

Apologies to Lou Reed & VU, especially for calling this "Penis infirm".

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

As ever, you DO have a way with words!

As I'm going along doing my research and typing away, I find myself amazed at the amount of material I find from ATS out there "in the wild" on the internet. Why, I think I've even found some stuff that isn't here any more!

I did find a most interesting quote from Judy that appeared to have fallen off the internet somehow...probably in that nasty Secret Squirrel intelligence agent attack she under went... but there it is, archived in all it's glory!

I'd love to tell you what it is, but Wayne says ya gotta get the book to get the FULL story!

Interesting bit of information eletheia turned up there. I hadn't heard about James' execution at the hands of South African Military Agents. I suppose that sort of thing could cause one to feel a bit persecuted, or at the very least somewhat put out. I know that getting shot at puts me a bit out of sorts, and I imagine actually getting executed might just ruin my whole day!

Poor Mrs Van Greunen... I see that senility caught up with her sometime before her post here earlier his year. she seems to have forgotten the execution in 1990 that she confirmed then, and somehow now has gotten it in her head that he died in a Bavarian forest in 1993!

The appearance in Cairo was clearly just his shade. He was probably just milling about there, waiting on Wayne Herschel to discover the Sphinx.

Is anyone counting? I think this makes 3 times now that we've found James/ Judy has died. If my cat theory is correct, then s/he only has 6 more chances.

Unless there are more that we simply haven't found yet...

If any other aspiring hoaxers are reading this, looking for tips, this clearly illustrates the folly of telling one lie, and then having to cover it with another, and another, and another... eventually, you will lose track of them all, and one miscue opens the whole can of worms!

Remember the K.I.S.S. principle, kids - that's an acronym for "Keep It Simple, Stupid", and it applies well and truly to this pair of hoaxers at hand.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:02 AM
I am sorry but I dont know what accent she has.All I know is that her German is not half of good as my English ( speaking or reading or writing ).
Its just to bad...I can talk,read and write German,English and Spanish but none of them 100%

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by Nitromaria

I just thought that her German might have indications of Dutch or Afrikaans when written, because of some of the similarities and differences between German and Dutch creeping in. If it did, it might make her German easier to identify as hers.

For example, the Aenstrian Revelations have "James Von Greunen" instead of "James Van Greunen" as the author on the front cover. Either way, it doesn't say "Judy Faltskog" per her claim at Aenstrean Realms.

I'm finding other things to connect those particular dots together, though.

I can say that I'm willing to bet her German isn't as bad as mine!

edit on 2010/10/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 04:19 AM
For example, the Aenstrian Revelations have "James Von Greunen" instead of "James Van Greunen" as the author on the front cover. Either way, it doesn't say "Judy Faltskog" per her claim at Aenstrean Realms.

Well I can tell you for my part....for me its hard sometimes because when I talk,read or write in german I have to think alittle bit to put everything fit togehter lol sometimes english or spanish get put in so I think thats what happens to Judy.Do you know what I mean?It is really hard sometimes to translate something when you have another language in your head.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 04:38 AM
PS to my last post sorry but it was late and i was tired.....................

The ending to the letter sent to Cynthia Hind by the "friend" of James went:-

shame, shame, shame on YOU!!

Now where have i seen that before ? page 87 and page 88 of this thread by AnneH

p. 87 shame on yer both!

p. 88 shame on yer all !!

and somewhere else i recall the full shame, shame, shame, on you

I also got to thinking this hoax began in SA with James Van Greunen and also in the region (Bullawayo) where Wayne was brought up and went to school and not far from where he did his national service. Whilst James was impersonating officers etc he could have been an "extra" in the " scenerio" lending credence in numbers to the whole set up.Around that time they were both in SA at the same time.They have both done the small lecture circuit taking money at the door and as Cynthia Hind said that there was an occassion when the takings went missing !!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by Nitromaria

Yup, I know what you mean. Translation takes twice as long because you have to think in two languages. As a matter of fact, that's the only way I can think of to speak another language even close to being like a native - you have to think in that language while you're using it. That's why most people who speak a foreign language do it slowly - they have to translate in their head as they go, effectively thinking in TWO languages because they haven't gotten familiar enough with the one foreign to them to think in it exclusively.

I was just thinking that just that sort of thing might show up in Judy's usage of German, and maybe be an indicator that any particular passage came from her.

Sort of like the way Wayne uses "piers" when he means "peers" in English is a dead giveaway that it's really Wayne typing.
edit on 2010/10/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by eletheia

...p. 87 shame on yer both! p. 88 shame on yer all !!
and somewhere else i recall the full shame, shame, shame, on you

Yes, this certainly sounds like Judy's prose.

I think Nenothtu may be correct about 'multiple personalities' when it seems
James will decide to start again... a clean sheet and a new way of explaining
himself to the world.
Granted, he enjoys the limelight -as much as most others, but I'm guessing the
many facets of his make-up... the fragments of previous personas, get in the way
and rather than an internal battle (although that may still occur) the audience feel
the rage and become disillusioned with his conflicting information.
That audience of course, is anyone that interacts with him.

The main goal seems to be acquiring money and that in it's self brings out the
worst in us all. Money equates to happiness in most of our lives... the TV tells us
so. This may be James's view on life and he may even assume that if he does get
the brass ring (totally unobtainable in me view)... then hius life will be normal, like
the other boys and girls in that schoolyard -so long ago.

I see BIAD tilting his head struggling to understand this lost soul.

For you dear Bunken Drum I will again, change my avatar... tut, tut!

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