reply to post by GAOTU789
And trust me they do a damn good job at selling it. TV shows, movies, books, scientists/schills, youtube, politicians, fake sightings, etc...
Do you know how many people still think when they see a TR-3B Astra it is a black, triangular "alien" craft?
They have to sell the grigori as nice Type 2 "aliens" and fighting an even more powerful supposedly 'mean' Type 3(God and His angels in reality).
They have to make sure people watch V. The public have to think "aliens" are in the Bible and other ancient writings. They have to infiltrate
everything and sell that "alien agenda"!
How to spot these infiltrators and secret NWO schills out of the innocently MK-ULTRA duped public-
Look for at least twelve of these characteristics to be prevalent:
1.They believe in aliens, but not God. Very belligerent towards the religious in fact.
2.They believe in evolution. This is an important part of the "alien gospel" since they will say they seeded us from monkey and "alien" DNA.
3.They believe in and push the Apollo Moon Hoax. How would people believe in "aliens" if we can't even get off this little lump of rock?
4.They hate anything negative about the coming New World Order or fearful 'end of the world' talk.
5. They see nothing wrong with RFID PositiveID verichips and Somark tattoos. They usually have already chipped their dog if not themselves.
6.Always banging the 'Drake Equation' drum. They never want to talk about the FERMI PARADOX!
7.More likely to sabotage or get rid of someone that disagrees with their outlook than most. Arguments are replaced with personal attacks.
8.They love sci-fi wayyyyyyy too much!
9.Always have at least one stupid 'sighting' story.
10.They think the Roswell Crash was not a Mk-Ultra mind game but real.
11.They think "aliens" are working with the govt, but our govt. is hiding them. (HELP WITH WORLD HUNGER OR THE OIL SPILL, PLEASE ALIENS!)
12.They don't want you to know that H.G. Wells not only wrote War of the Worlds but also The New World Order.
13. They can't seem to remember that Arthur C. Clarke thought first contact would be in 2010. He also 'knew' of the stupid monolith crap coming
soon to a Martian moon near you. HOW DID HE KNOW AHEAD OF TIME????
14.They do not want you to know the Apollo astro-NOTS were all Freemasons!
15. They don't want you to know that Aliester Crowley's two sickest pupils were L. Ron Hubard-founder of Scientology- and Jack Parsons-founder of
JPL from which NASA sprang forth.
The leaders of every country must sell... sell... sell... sell...
2012 is coming & Rockefeller is always watching!
[edit on 3-5-2010 by AliensAreDemons]