Nanotechnology is the new deal which is wished to be implemented in nearly every facet of life. Read More below - Nanotechnology Basic Intro
After reading an article on the yahoo.come news reel on Nano-Technology, I did more searches on "Grey-Goo", Which I believe is basically the idea of
a Nanotechnology turn dangerous by mistake (or orchestrated).
Then I came across this arcticle::
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In this article, it is mentioned that these Nanoparticles are already on the drawing board for ideas on implimentation in food that is consumed by
"Low-calorie chocolate and beer that doesn't go flat could be on sale within just five years, Lord Krebs said last night." - quote from the
above link article.
Knowing nanotechnologies have the ability to destroy cells and kill people from the inside, reflecting with the
Georgia Guidestone guide to Population Control agenda to maintain worldwide population to
500,000,000 or less. I had a eureka moment, THIS IS THE PERFECT POISON and guise to An obvious nonnatural entity, convincingly and forcefully put into
food with the idea to make the food better. Essentially putting people at risk to this Grey Goos health defects and even death.
Introductions to the food industry usually starts off where they do not legally need to inform you if the additive or process which is in the food, or
process in which the food went through. Same goes for cloned animals, and I have a strong feelings will work the same with the Nano-Food industry.
"However, he and other peers believe there will be no requirement for the hi-tech products to be labelled as containing nanoparticles - microscopic
compounds that can worm their way into the brain, liver and kidneys with unknown consequences." - follow below link
Years ago I played a videogame called Metal Gear Solid where in the game, many characters including your character Solid Snake use nanotransmitters to
communicate with others NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) in the game. Some of these nano-components, which were injected into several of the games
important plot characters had simulated heart attacks, which was later revealed to be caused by activated nano-transmitters that were inside of these
select key characters, which were activated remotely by an unknown character or entity
I am starting this article because this is a very important subject, and people need to become informed and educated on something that is so small, it
can be put into the air and breathed in through your nostrils! So It effects YOU, and your loved ones.