posted on May, 1 2010 @ 11:25 PM
Welcome to ATS Jack! To answer your question, in my opinion, this site is routinely monitored by various government organizations.
Should that stop you from posting? No. You can pose questions, and discuss issues without revealing national secrets or info you may have been privy
to in your should instinctly know how far you can go... and as you are a member longer, you will find out that there are many ex and
current military, law enforcement, spooks, both real and imaginary, writers and media people, and fortunately only a few nut cases, who post here.
Most who come here are seeking the truth about a variety of matters that they are truly interested in, don't understand those issues, or both. Others
have agendas, or are seeking their 15 minutes of fame. Enjoy your membership and I look forward to reading some of your posts.
[edit on 1-5-2010 by manta78]