Most definitely an interesting post and something I can personally relate to as what you described such as the sleep paralysis for example is
something that used to happen to me on more than one occasion to say the least.
I'll come to that in a second But to your original question...."Am I Psychic?"
In my opinion Yes…
But that's not to say that's because of the experiences you described in your opening post or because your “special” or anything as that's my
answer when anybody asks me that question as I strongly believe that everyone is or at the very least has some form of psychic ability in then.
I mean everyone at some point does experience some form of psychic ability (whether they will admit it or not) but they do.
Others seem to be slightly more in tune with their abilities than some others whether than be through constant practice or just something that they
are born with it who knows.
But we all have it and we can all use it and whether YOU want to further it is up to you.
Though the craziest thing closest to paranormal (I’ve ever experienced, my family has other paranormal experiences but I leave it for another day)
is having sleep paralysis, though it is a scientific phenomenon lol. I used to have them almost every day till it got to the point that I was afraid
to sleep.
The sensations are VERY REAL, in fact no different from reality. I felt I was literally floating a few inches above my bed, I had this vibrations over
my body and this humming noise in my head.
Been there, done that.
At first sleep paralysis really did freak me out as when I experienced it I didn't know what was happening and like you correctly stated you just
could not move at all (Personally I couldn't not even my toes or fingers like you later mentioned) but luckily for me I only experienced common sleep
paralysis so it only lasted for a very short period and of course it means I didn't experience any we'll call it for now "paranormal phenomenon"
(even though in a second I'll explain why I strongly believe it to not be any form of the paranormal)
At the early stages of my sleep paralysis I didn't enjoy it at all as like I already mentioned it freaked me out and the worst thing about that was I
experienced it alot, in fact it got a to a point where it was every night if I can remember correctly.
But I starter to research it alot and try to better understand what was happening and I started to realize and learn that what was happening is
actually an extremely common "thing" and in fact most people will experience it at some point in their life.
But I'm referring to common sleep paralysis which now it brings me to the next type of sleep paralysis Hallucinatory (hypnologic) sleep paralysis.
One of the main differences straight away between these 2 types of sleep paralysis is the length of time our experiences are going for.
Common sleep paralysis is fairly short but Hallucinatory sleep paralysis will last for alot longer.
Now to my main point...
I don't see what you saw under your sleep paralysis as a paranormal experience because of this because when we sleep we experience Rapid Eye Movement
(REM) which is where we experience dreams and then we move to the next stage called “muscular atonia” which stops us acting out our dreams because
all the muscles in our body will be suppressed during REM sleep (except the diaphragm and muscles of the eyes).
But if we wake during REM and before we move on from the next stage of muscular Atonia then we will experience paralysis and because we're in this
state you'll experience hallucinations something that we are led to believe is a paranormal experience but it really is not.
Also it should be note that Old Hag Syndrome is also closely related with this type of sleep paralysis.
Here are some helpful links for sleep paralysis...
SleepDisordersGuide - Sleep Paralysis
2 Types of Sleep Paralysis
Sleep Paralysis
[edit on 1-5-2010 by Rising Against]