I saw two documentaries a couple years ago that showed what happens with AIs...
The first one was to study how species could evolve over time. A simulation was then created. On the screen, you would see, let's say, 3 inches
( 10 cm ) green bars. They were programmed to "reproduce", that is, re-write, their on programming every X times so there would be new green bars.
But as time passed, some of those re-writings had errors, and new bars would pop on the screen. Of different length and different colors. Over time,
some bars, incomplete, associated to become " multi-cellular " bars. Some began to show aggressiveness by "stealing" the information from other
bars to "sustain" themselves. Communities were formed. They implanted this program on an internet style réseau and let the different communities
go and explore through the new door. Not heard of it since.
The second one is tangible as it involves 5 AI robots. They were solar powered and in order to receive their regular doses of light, they had to
bump three cones and speed under the light to get their batteries charged. That's all they were told to do, with a software design that allowed for
experience to be gained. So after a while, the robots began to work as a team, having three of them hitting the cones simultaneously while one waited
under the light to get maximum exposure. Each one had its turn. After a while, one of the robots, waiting in line to get his share of light,
"stepped" on it, and he bumped the one in front of him to get the other's share... He kind of became boss. The most extraordinary fact is that
hey had no means of communicating except through their eyes.
I guess we could say that every now and then, an evil robot WILL be created, even if not intended, but only by its nature...
Quantum physicists say that our universe is the manifestation of something from a higher dimension... That would make US a form of AI.
We require some kind of fuel to function, have gases exchange involved, a vidange system, communicating devices ( speech organs, nose, ears, eyes and
skin ) an organic hard drive with a software that can be trained, manipulated or rewritten. We can extrapolate, which is the highest form of
"math" IMO. Have reflexes that can be "fine tuned", etc.
As for virtually recreating dead people, you should watch Caprica, tho the science is weak at times, for the sake of the story... But with the
telepath computers ( Which I've first heard of as a Japanese or Chinese experiment in the 80s. ), you could have the imprint of your brain
transferred in a computer device or a cloned or android brain to continue your life after your biological death. The question is: would your soul
follow? I think it would. We have artificial limbs that obey the brain. We had ( Japanese or Chinese ) come here and test for a week a PAIR of
artificial arms on a man with his arms removed up to the shoulders. After only one hour of training, he could lite a cigarette with matches... and
that was more than fifteen years ago...
As for having the ability to wake up minutes before the clock, it can be useful when electricity cuts... The subconscious is a powerful, quiet
side of us, don't be afraid by it or its manifestations as it is you talking to yourself. Listen to it, it will make you wiser. No offense intended.