posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:05 AM
I'm so confused! Lol.
If it's 3:30 AM
on the 7th in India (i.e. 3:30 AM on the morning of May 7th in India, before the sun rises,) then that's 2:45 - 3:00 PM
today in San Francisco, California, isn't it?
But people are saying it's tomorrow here too. Tomorrow here at 2:45 PM would be 3:30 AM on May 8th in India, would it not?
And some people are saying 2:45 my time, whereas others are saying 3:00.
I hate not being confident in even the most basic forms of math. >_< Lol.
*Has a learning disability in mathematics, and apologizes in advance*