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Was Bigfoot Captured On IMAX film?

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posted on May, 2 2010 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Wolfenz

I doubt you'd be taking shots at night during the summer in the far north. I think that the color choice was a personal choice, or maybe it was chosen by the film crew so that the crew could be easily spotted. I imagine a lot of the people on the crew were not wilderness pros, but were chosen because of their knowledge of the film industry.

yes I agree but all black ! ? still the mystery continues ...
sure shot at night with night vision film crews do it all the time in Africa ..
Australia and even here in the grand old USA it could be a personal choice but then again dress in black might spook a deer into thinking the Camera man is some type of Black Bear ... ! LOL as there are plenty in Upper Quebec but rarely seen near the Can/AM boarder

here ya go about what a Deer sees (vision) as the Caribou is a member of the deer family !

[edit on 2-5-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

I'm confused by the choice of black as well. Seems like any outdoorsman would know that darker colors attract biting insects. It's sure to be an issue that far north, especially near a caribou herd. Perhaps they're covered in some sort of mosquito netting, making them appear black.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by Dogdish

great video, that thing has way to human like body to be a bear, and way to long arms to be a human

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Interesting but yet again inconclusive.

The subject in question resembles a bear imo.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:36 PM
In this scene there is hardly any trees. The only trees I noticed were at the end of the shot where the caribou are swimming across the river. This area is really far north and close to the northern extent of trees. That makes a black bear an unlikely choice.

Remember this is a camera crew and not necessarily an outdoorsman. Depending on the time of year there may be few mosquitoes and other nasty insects. I've been there when the mosquitoes hatched. Quite an experience.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-

Defiantly something is wrong. Maybe a Bigfoot...

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:48 AM
I agree, I wouldnt exactly call this "solved" - I think its 100% inconclusive.

Other words, come up with your own answer. Its not 100% clear cut.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 08:48 PM
This has been thoughly debunked is not a hoax but it is a member of the film crew with a backpack on.... This is seriously yesterdays news...

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-

It doesn't LOOK like there is something creeping back there but there IS something creeping back there. I question the validity of this video and further question the actual existence of a, "bigfoot." I feel like if we really wanted to find a bigfoot that we would, and wouldn't have to nitpick at random video clips.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Informativeme

New species are found all the time.
Bigfoot is likely very intelligent compared to other animals, has a vast area to live/survive in and tries to avoid humans.

If you heard an intruder in your living area and you did not want to confront them, you probably know where the best place to "hide" would be in that area. Its likely the same for Bigfoot.

[edit on 5-5-2010 by FoxMulder91]

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