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Who is the better President? Bush or Obama?

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posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 07:48 AM
To answer your question, in a word, NEITHER!
The new boss is the same as the old boss!

See avatar

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 07:53 AM
Bush had a administration full of dual American and Jewish citizens and they served there obvious master Israel, Zionism, and the evangelicals.

IMHO This group of people allowed 9/11 to happen to help drum up support for there wars in Iraq and Afganistan and there War on Terror to also help in there warped view to usher in End Times Prophecy.

Remember Terry Schiavo?

Remember the Patriot Act and the Department of homeland security and growing the government and government control over the people more than any other past president?

Remember Enemy Combatant? And how these laws were designed to save us from foreign born terrorists, but now these terrorists are in every state.

Remember the fema camps GWB needed for all these terrorists, um oops I meant a immigration emergency?

Remember that GWB administration failed to see 9/11 coming just as they failed to see the economic disaster coming. Remember how they restarted our [usable] nuclear bomb programs compared to Obama making a attempt to limit or reduce nukes.

Remember bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran, opps thats from the guy that lost.

Remember Cheney and his arrogance? And his lawlessness?

Remember how even with a majority in Congress Bush still failed to fix social security? And it needed to be fixed.

Remember that upto 60 million lost healtcare coverage under Bush?Mostly children.

Remember Katrina and the wonderful job Browny did?

Remember Gitmo and secret CIA black prisions? Remember Torture is the American way?

Remember when we were too scared to directly talk to Iran or North Korea?

Remember the mushroom cloud over New York City?

Remember the fear they wanted us all to live under? Terrorists hate our freedom, has nothing to do with our then current foreign policy or past policy.

Remember GWB giving Christian religious groups perks yet he didn't attend church himself, remembering the catering to the far religious right, and now these are the groups that are crying the loudest now and being labeled as terrorists?

Remember 9/11
Remember Abu Grab
Remember the patriot act
Remember the department of homeland security
Remember Iraq
Remember Afghanistan
Remember tax cuts for the wealthy
Remember the $720,000,000,000 spent in Iraq
Remember the $268,000,000,000 spent in Afghanistan
Remember the soldiers that died so Haliburton and the other oil company's that supported GWB and Dad could obtain historic level profits.
Remember More usable nuclear weapons
Remember Going to the Moon
Remember Katrina
Remember Karl Rove
Remember threat level red
Remember that federal laws trump state rights
Remember God told GWB to attack Iraq and Afghanistan

Im giving Obama credit where all thats needed was a president that could speak clearly. Im not even a Obama supported but he is much better than the last guy At least he knows how to get things done.

Remember the secrecy of the last administration? Compared to the transparency of the current one.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
Bush had a administration full of dual American and Jewish citizens and they served there obvious master Israel, Zionism, and the evangelicals.

IMHO This group of people allowed 9/11 to happen to help drum up support for there wars in Iraq and Afganistan and there War on Terror to also help in there warped view to usher in End Times Prophecy.

Remember Terry Schiavo?

Remember the Patriot Act and the Department of homeland security and growing the government and government control over the people more than any other past president?

Remember Enemy Combatant? And how these laws were designed to save us from foreign born terrorists, but now these terrorists are in every state.

Remember the fema camps GWB needed for all these terrorists, um oops I meant a immigration emergency?


Folks, I rest my case!
Simply NOT paying attention to the facts!

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 08:33 AM
my choice would be that a bum on any given street in the big city could do a better job

both equally worthless
both equally drones

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Peace Pipe

☻ Who is the better President? Bush or Obama?
► Since you asked a specific query comparing two people, I would say Obama is certainly better so far in comparison with Bush.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:12 AM
It is like comparing Typhus to Dysentery, Both are a disease to the people of this country related to poor hygiene and improper waste disposal. Bush hammered the immune system and Obama is causing fever and chills as the country craps itself inside out. It is like asking which is better cancer of the lungs or cancer of the stomach. They both suck

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:15 AM
Obama talks too much.
At least Bush said things that made him look like a hillbilly jack @ss and was slightly entertaining to watch.
Just my two cents.


posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by Peace Pipe

Both are equally bad, but Obama is on a glide path to be one of the worse worse presidents in US history due to the long-term damage he could create in the country.

These gents are actually very complimentary.

Bush worked to erode our rights and freedoms by tying them to national/homeland security. Now we have this security infrastructure that we have to come to accept as necessary.

Obama is eroding our rights by smashing social programs down our throats that erode them by layering debt and soon to be high interest rates and taxes on us which will limit our economic freedom. Things like health care and the mandate to purchase it are also right eroding practices.

One of the differences is that you can repeal the Patriot Act. You can't write off the debt, making Obama potentially far worse unless through some miracle he can get significant economic growth going, which is highly doubtful. His policys are like herpes. We'll have them for ever.

They have essentially bookended the country, both accomplishing the same thing from the opposite sides.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

I'm glad you posted that video. Besides being very funny, it just reinforces the idea that the POTUS is a puppet, dancing to his Masters' strings. Obama is just another puppet capitalising on the hope and change theme. They are told what the people are craving to hear. They play their role. They pretend that they are staying true to their word even when they make decisions that contradict their promises.

But it is unfair to compare them as Presidents because Obama is not even through his first term yet.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by skunknuts
That's like asking, 'who is the better driver, the person who drove the car into the ditch, or the mechanic trying to repair it?'

Good point! Great post.

It's also like asking, "Who had a better life? The 90-year-old or the 4-year-old"? Once Obama is done with his presidency, I'll be able to compare the two, but now, it's impossible to say who was/is better for the country, if either.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:41 AM
Bush = Obama = McCain = CFR = Treason

If McCain had been elected it would have had "McCain Care", Cap'n Trade, Bailouts, McCain's Stimulus...etc.. More heavy excavating in the Abyss of DEBT.

When the Right is in power the right go to sleep, When the left is in power left goes to sleep.

Yet both find endless reasons to take sides with either "Warfare or Welfare"

50 cents of every dollar created now goes to pay interest on the national debt, add to that the 25% of taxes on income, sales tax, inflation.

Debt is Slavery.....Wake the F--- up Slaves!

[edit on 30-4-2010 by zzombie]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 02:56 PM
I am only repeating what others here have said....NEITHER.

With Bush we had NASCAR dad's to the defence and rescue.

With Obama we have minorities to the defence and rescue.

The next president will probably be a Woman so that we can have:

Ladies to the defense and rescue.

Come on folks quite being so damn stupid. TPTB are only playing on our emotions to put all of the last pieces of control into place. Stop dancing to their fiddle.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 03:50 PM
Obama by a mile, but it doesn't matter because elected officials are nothing more than puppets to entertain the masses. The elite run the show behind the curtains and the elected officials are bribed to do as the elite please.

Its a con-job thats been getting worse and worse and worse and worse after each sucessive year, decade and century. It all goes back to our tainted constitution that keeps getting worse and worse and worse with all these new amendments, of which 90% are again in the elite's favor.

I mean could the con-job be more obvious than having the supreme court rule: Freedom of speech includes freedom of financially supporting your favorite candidate. As far as I know, that is called bribery! If they pay for your government, how can we call them our government? As the saying goes never bit the hand that feeds you and elected government officials are not stupid/brave enough to do that.

Keep halucinating for "change".....

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 03:52 PM
They are both working together on the same project\plan made in 1954
so they have both been amazing tacticians.but i like the carma of Obama better.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Thank OP

A simple question requires a simple answer.

Ignored Intelligence gathered on Al Queda by the Clinton administration
"Bin Laden determined to attack in the USA" Condelesa Rice

Bush made his personal vacations a higher priority than overseeing government

Bush sat for 7 minutes after being told "America is under attack"

Bush Invaded Iraq based on outright LIES and in the process destroyed the lives of thousands and their families

Bush gave the go ahead to the Patriot act

Bush destroyed the surplus that Clinton had built up and ran up the largest deficit ever

Bush gave blank checks to the banks.

Obama wants to help people who are underinsured with Health care
& he gets labelled a Communist, Nazi, Marxist, Tyrant

[edit on 30-4-2010 by dalek]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Asking this question is a lot like asking what tastes better, poop or crap?

In the end, you are still eating sh*t.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 05:14 PM
There hasn't been a real president in office since JFK.

Everyone since then has been a different kind of pile of #. Comparing them would be like comparing two different cow patties and determining which one is better.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 05:19 PM
I would revise your question to "Who do you think is the best Puppet of The USA". So far the most conforming Puppet has been Obama, he really knows how to follow the directions on that teleprompter.


[edit on 30-4-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

, not sure how many laughs i can put down, love the telepromter thing, as bush could not produce a complete sentence and either could obama without his telepromter! and they graduated from ivy league colleges??

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 06:09 PM
I vote for Bush! At least he backed Israel! Obama, I believe has an inward hatred for Israel. There is a blessing for those who bless Israel and there is a curse on those who curse Israel. Obama is bring a curse upon America.

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