This is truly pitiful. We live not so far away from there, and believe me, the cops are already hard enough on these kids, without hoodlums making it
worse and flirting with a murder charge, and the blackness of soul of becoming a killer.
I may not enjoy the company of a policeman, personally, but in my home we teach respect for all people, and respect for those who lay their lives on
the line and would pull you from a burning building, car crash or gunfight and save your life at a moment's notice, whether you respect them or
That is worthy of our respect. We must continue to push this with our kids until they are young adults, and reinforce it then as they go along.
Example is best.
Making police jokes, using negative euphemisms, etc, is not allowed in our home. Only a few things are off limits, and that is a big one.
Having this approach helps us to respect the position even if the one filling it isn't our choice or we disagree, however strongly, with them. This
prevents a fundamental resentment of the police and other authority figures.
Although we live in difficult times, all times have been, honestly. At this point in our civilization, if we don't show and reinforce respect, we
will be permanent enemies of these agencies.
We can take responsibility and own our relationship with the police to the best of our ability, or we can just agree that everything is beyond repair
and therefore give up trying to do or hold on to anything that is capable of being the very backbone of our society.
All it takes is an honest look in the eye to our uniformed officers, and a thanks for being there once in a while. It's a tough society, and one
cannot truly blame them for looking out for danger first, chitchat last. But opportunities exist. When I was a server, I would look out for
policemen and military personnel. Extra this, free that, whatever my boss would let me do, I did, to make a conscious effort to show appreciation
and respect.
It goes a long, long way, these little things. We can all do them. That way, every face a police officer sees won't be a threatening one.
My two cents....