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Tea Party Protester Meltdown

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posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 08:57 PM
I would say that this video gives D.H.S every right to be concerned.
We are seeing an evolution in the ideology of some Tea Party members.
Will I be called a Communist and threatened with death because I support my President?

My question to Tea Party members is, do you understand what you are doing?
Multiply this man by one million and imagine what America and her government is facing.

I would say that he used the threat of violence much like a member of the Taliban would, it is terrorism.

Tea Party members, why so mad now?
Why did you ignore what was happening for 8 years?
The Bush administration repeatedly raped our Constitution and Bill of Rights and you went on to reelect him!

Tea Party Candidates are getting support from Dick Cheney, it leads me to question the sanity of this movement.
If the neocons regain control what would that spell for people that supported President Obama?
If this video is any indication, things do not look good.

They call President Obama an unlawful President even though the people of this Nation elected him(without voter fraud I might add).

You call him a communist even though we still own private property and firearms.

You loved the Police state before, it is only fitting that it is used to kept us safe from from people who scream "the only good(insert), is a dead (insert).

Now I tell you like you told us in 2006, if you got nothing to hide don't worry about the fact you lost the right to privacy, its your baby remember?

What you do is the equivalent to firing a terrible employee and attacking his replacement as soon as he walks in the door.
The new Administration is searching for energy solutions that will change mankind.

The Obama administration will pull out the good stuff closer to election time.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by samhouston1886

I would say this angry brainwashed guy is very misinformed, even though I am against "obamacare" (the healthcare plan that was passed).
We are heading towards fascism, not socialism. Socialism destroys corporations and the very top of the income scale and spreads the wealth out (in theory). Fascism is the merger of the rich (mega corporations) with government. One characteristic of fascism is an oppressive police state. Again, we are moving towards fascism not socialism.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by samhouston1886

first of all
dont say we elected, nor re-elected GW Bush.
That was voting machine fraud and you know it.
I never voted for him, not once.

Americans, not just tea party folks
are pi$$ed that our government has betrayed us,
raped us, stole from us, beat us, and tossed us
to the side like a cheap whore.

We do not want to be a commodity traded between
nations, nor do we want to be sold into slavery.

As this video points out, Americans are pi$$ed,
the only trouble is, not all of us are sure how to
go about fixing it or what steps have to be taken
to get it done. Once those have been determined,
there will be another Revolution.

And just for the record, this guy is not a terrorist or
an extremist. He is an American who loves his country
more than he loves his own life. Put a million of those
together and there will be a new government.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by time91

Exactly!!! star

People seem to be so confused as to what it is they are fighting against.

The Tea Party Movement is wasted potential.

Especially when its run by a bunch of ultra-right neo-cons who swept everyone up.

Its rhetoric is quite scary for the future of America.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by samhouston1886

I never voted for him, not once.

That's the same thing Tea Partiers say about Obama.

Just because you did not vote for Bush does not mean the other 309,159,999 Americans didn't either.

I disliked Bush and yes I think he rigged the Florida election results and he was not legally our president from 2001-2005 because you can't be president by rigging an election(unless you got buddies on the supreme court and in the media).

I did not vote for Obama either, he is just as bad as Bush. I have decided to stop being so one sided and I now leave the door open to supporting any candidate who is pro-main street, anti-corporate and pro-people. So if he/she is a Repub/Dem they will get my support. This partisan crap needs to end.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 09:51 PM
LMAO, did you see how many people got up & tried to support him? = Zero

You present proof of a lone nut who no one from that crowd supported and yet you base this entire thread around it. You can even see a person trying to pacify him and yet he still continued his rants.

Good luck trying to paint the TPM into something they are not... ha ha ha &

[edit on 29-4-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by samhouston1886
The Obama administration will pull out the good stuff closer to election time.

Yes I would like to the good stuff, the stuff that is going to be coming in relation to Blagjoevich's subpoena which proves Obama was in talks with the famous governor when he denied any such events.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:00 PM
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Was Thomas Jefferson a Muslim terrorist?

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:06 PM
I would say there are some underlying anger issues. Beyond that he certainly believes in his country if his story is true. The protest are civil now, wait till the taxes hit down the road and people work just to pay taxes, healthcare, and have little else.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:15 PM
It is difficult to determine how many people were gathered for that event. But, it is safe to say, it was a significant number. So, this guy with the camera found one wackjob and you chose to promote the video as evidence that Tea Party activists are a danger.

There are wackjobs on all sides. Can't we avoid the broad brush tactic, here on ATS? You know, deny ignorance and all that.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by time91

Sir, I would not deny anything in your post, I agree with much of what you say.
The point I am trying to get across is that the people making the most noise welcomed this under Bush and denounce it under Obama.
The people who claim to love freedom and hate the Police State seem to have hated freedom and loved the Police state from 2003-2008.

I think they pose a clear and present danger to the stability of this country because they have shown that they will ignore and support any crime as long as it is a Republican perpetrating them.

A criminally compliant class who today talking about killing communists and revolution, what can I expect from them a year or two from now?
If you follow history it sounds like the beginning of the Nazi party.

Imagine that TPTB want to institute open fascism, what would be a better reason than a violent uprising from the Tea Party?

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by samhouston1886
Tea Party members, why so mad now?
Why did you ignore what was happening for 8 years?
The Bush administration repeatedly raped our Constitution and Bill of Rights and you went on to reelect him!

Why so blind until now? Why werent you paying attention when hordes camped at the base of the mountain in Idaho or around that compound in Waco or up in that field in New Hampshire or every single Spring for decades when the tax protesters marched or any of the other constant and perpetual anti-fed protests?

It's like you either havent been paying attention to history since the Whiskey Rebellion or you just expect that nobody else has and you can get away with the "where were you when the other guy blah blah" tripe.

Where were you when Obama renewed the Patriot Act and added everyone on Earth to the terror watch list? If you were cheering Bush on for the Patriot Act then I commend your consistency but deride your sense of liberty.

Can we stop dragging out tired and untrue points now? Please.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 08:09 AM
That was plain scary to see!

From Nicaragua he said! hmmm!

How about an ex-member of the fascist Nicaraguan Death Squad?

These people picked up people in the middle of the night, tied them up at the back of their pickups, and drove out in the jungle and shot them in the head!

I can definitely see this man as one of those people!

If I was a Tea Partier fighting an important fight against a corrupt Corporatocracy Government, I would certainly not want to be associated with a Nicaraguan fascist!

Well! it's kind of humourous really!

A fascist guy fighting against a fascist Corporatocracy system which he believes to be Communist!

Oh dear, the irony!

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by samhouston1886

your just a dat bit misinformed there bud. the american people did not elect obama. rather 539 people in the electorial vote did! people like yourself spin the truth and you call this man uneducated. getting to my point most people have not elected a president for over 200 years.

last but not least, gerald celente says it best, " when people lose everything they lose it! regardless if you want to stick with the msm and label people birthers, tea parters, etc, and so forth. when people have had about enough you might have to come up with another label, cause freedom is not earned by sitting on your arse behind a computer, freedom is fought for!
best regards

[edit on 30-4-2010 by allprowolfy]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Was Thomas Jefferson a Muslim terrorist?

Apparently, the state of Texas believes so. They are trying to erase him from the history books.

This really explains why Jefferson had so much trouble with the Church. Even going as far as to rip out the guts of the Bible leaving mostly liberal passages. He was a secret Muslim trying to destroy the very foundation of this country. The Declaration of Independence he worked was the start of an attempt to create a secular government where Islam could come in and take over.

Seriously. I don't think Jefferson was advocating violence against other U.S. citizens which may hold a different view of a angry few. Nor, do I believe he was advocating violence against the government as the only solution to end what some may view as tyranny. Our country was created in such a way that the government may fear it's citizens through a non violent voting process where one can kick out the offending parties.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Sir all of the things you mentioned such as Waco and The Fed, are all very real abuses but what I want to know is what makes the Tea Party think that they
are any better?

Where was the Tea Party when the Ed and Loraine Brown were kidnapped from their home and tortured?
Where was the Tea Party when we were asking for a real investigation into the 9/11 Treason and murder that was committed against my City and Brothers?
Where was the Tea Party our Troops were being treated like garbage by the Bush Administration?

They were out loving the Bush system of economics
They were out demanding that the Bush administration lock us up in camps for questioning 911.
They were out cheerleading the Wars they LOVED up until 2009.

The movement is like a bunch of bank robbers who think just because the Police are outside that they can just change their hats and PRESTO they
are the good guys.

I remember them spitting on us as we held our signs.

Sure we could all use change in government, real change not the hollow promises but what I am trying to say is that the Tea Party is no better and in fact worst than our current Government.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by samhouston1886

Bush treated troops like garbage? Wasn't Obama the one not listening to the recommendations of his generals on the ground about how many troops were needed and Obama sent less than half the amount requested.

The war on terrorism prevented any further domestics threat since 9/11, but look at the domestic situation since Obumbus took office. He has humiliated the very agents whose interrogations led to the apprehensions of terrorist responsible for misdeeds globally and prevented future attacks. Now that our ability to forecast future attacks has been crippled by this buffoon, more & more domestic extremists are popping up trying to detonate bombs in NYC subways, trying to blow buildings in Houston, etc etc.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by samhouston1886

They were out loving the Bush system of economics
They were out demanding that the Bush administration lock us up in camps for questioning 911.
They were out cheerleading the Wars they LOVED up until 2009.

Of course those people are mixed up in it. I've spoken to them myself. Going on about their religious crap and hating on Obama for doing exactly what Bush did and every President before him did.

Then I turn around and there's a hard-core Libertarian next to an Anarchist at the same event seeing it as a way to tear down the thing that has been crushing us since 1792.

You're hitting them with some broad-brush stupidity for whatever reason and it's offensive and ignorant.

If the real anti-gov's can use the momentum to their advantage that's great. If the whole thing pitters out into some one-party revival nonsense that's fine too because in the end this large pop-movement blanket will bring together all of those anti-gov types who thought they and their little local groups were alone all of these years.

It will run its course and serve its purpose just like every other splinter group before it.

No matter what the pop-movement it will always be fighting redirection back into the one-party system.

It took the one-party no time at all to absorb the Green's. The Reform's were absorbed just as quickly. But left behind were the genuine anti-gov types. More solidified in their positions and more motivated having been betrayed and ignored.

Notice how they can't absorb the Libertarians. Each attempt breaks the divide wider. When the dust settles the one-party posers will go back to their party and there will be more anti-authoritarians left out in limbo than before the tea party. Just what happened with every other little movement prior.

As much as I hate polls:

Palin, who topped the list with 15 percent, speaks for the 43 percent of those polled expressing the distinctly conservative view that government does too much, while also saying that it needs to promote traditional values.

Paul’s thinking is reflected by an almost identical 42 percent who said government does too much but should not try to promote any particular set of values — the hallmarks of libertarians. He came in second to Palin with 12 percent.

Read more:

50/50 Palin and her trash and Paul anti-authoritarian.

At the very least evidence you brush is too broad.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by allprowolfy

Uh, I think that Obama won the popular vote as well as the electoral vote. What the hell are you talking about. I think you have Obama confused with Bush.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by samhouston1886

Holy crap! The whole crowd just started pushing and shoving and beating the guy with the camera! They were throwing rocks at the police! Holy crap! Wait, I just got done watching the G8 protesters not this one. Sorry. The camera guy obviously went through the large crowd to find someone on the brink and when he did he kept poking until he got his reaction. So what? The same is done on the other side. The tea party protests have not been violent, hell this guy keeps calling the agitator "SIR", not "# HEAD", "# BAG" and the like.

Go find a stronger case to make your point. I call this thread:


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