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Was The Oil Spill A False Flag??????

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posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by FrostForests

I feel it is unlikely that it was done on purpose by American Government
Agency or friendly oil company because look at the resistance to drilling in Alaska. In this respect its going to make it a whole lot more difficult to get further drilling sanctioned in Alaska. But hang on, this could be a miniscule good point but in no way makes up for the cataclysmic, heartbreaking disaster the enviromnent is facing. I wonder if the Arabs are rubbing there hands together. The Oil price will be shooting up thru the roof.
People have forgotten Excon Valdis now, this will put oil and the enviroment back in the minds of the public. Lets hope they remember this when they are filling there gas guzzling SUVs to run down the shop to by a loaf of bread and a newspaper

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 12:25 PM
Only way I can see this event could be a "false flag":

- Soon there comes doubt that it wasnt maybe accident at all
- Army and police is taking over drilling stations, oil refineries, pipelines
- Comes rumors from different crime syndicate/Terrorist/Militia involvements
- Official announcement from attack by ....


- To lift oilprices higher in front of coming Middle East war to prevent shock effect in oil prices near future
- Accuse enemies abroad from this/these events happening now, giving excuse to revenge - "Natural disaster from natural disaster" - (use of nukes)
- Higher oil prices will lift value of dollar
- To lift readiness in protection of oil industry (make that an army job) to face future threats

Everything is possible.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Pocky

Why should we trust you?
What puts you in the know?

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by FrostForests
I don't think it was a false flag, but I certainly think that it was done purposefully.

With the long running talks about drilling in and around the US, this seems like a inside job by the powers that be to sway away from that idea and continue dependence on foreign oil. This will be a heavy topic within the debate now, and it will allow "green" energy to look even better.

Sorry I haven't had time to read every post in this thread, so I hope I'm not repeating anything.

There is growing evidence of something fishy about this oil spill.

Consider the facts:

1. What caused the explosion?
2. What made all of the safeties fail?
3. Why wasn't the fire left to burn instead of putting it out, creating the spill?
4. Why did this happen "coincidentally" just as Obama was promising to pursure offshore drilling?
5. Obama said during the campaign he wants higher gas prices; guess what--he's probably got 'em now. This happens right at the beginning of the summer driving season. They NEEDED an excuse to get gas prices to skyrocket.
6. Why was a SWAT team dispatched to the rig? To destroy evidence, perhaps?
7. How is it that a president who represents the party that criticized Bush over Katrina has now allowed a potentially worse disaster to take hold--unless it's deliberate to push a green agenda?

All I can say is that if all you 9/11 conspiracy theorists don't jump on this one then you're more interested in politics than the so-called "truth".

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Zane Zackerly
5. Obama said during the campaign he wants higher gas prices; guess what--he's probably got 'em now. This happens right at the beginning of the summer driving season. They NEEDED an excuse to get gas prices to skyrocket.

Sorry, I must have missed that campaign objective. Do you have any sources I could review? It seems like umwelcome change.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

Originally posted by Zane Zackerly
5. Obama said during the campaign he wants higher gas prices; guess what--he's probably got 'em now. This happens right at the beginning of the summer driving season. They NEEDED an excuse to get gas prices to skyrocket.

Sorry, I must have missed that campaign objective. Do you have any sources I could review? It seems like umwelcome change.

You can Google it if you want. He said, in so many words, that he would have preferred they rise a little more slowly (speaking of the 2008 prices) but that he was happy they were rising.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 05:21 PM
All i can say is this mostly one to keep your eye on.I wonder how long will it be before they evacuate the gulf coast because of eco reasons.a mass relocation of more folks

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

Originally posted by Pocky
reply to post by alchemist2012

Big accidents like this are planned.

Please forgive me. I've never seen the word "planned" used to describe an accident.
Can't stop laughing.

Not everything is a conspiracy and sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Too funny.

[edit on 29-4-2010 by kinda kurious]

I get where you're coming from, silly right?

Right before my high school years there was an influx on iranian kids to the district.. they kept talking about some silly "operation ajax" like 'conspiracy theory' where the USA, land of the free and champion of democracy, overthrew a democratically elected president for oil companies!, this guy was so fly, he was time magazines man of the year!.. yet the US elite kicked him to the curb and installed an a-hole dictator.. "Bah!, not the america I know!" I said. This was before the internet where I had to go out of my way to look into it.. but why bother with something so silly sounding? those fuzzy foreigners are just wrong...

History tells us govt truth often ends up being stranger than fiction...

IMO it's too early to draw any conclusions.. usually from my observations after one of their mind f concoctions, TPTB have some written long ago fascist legislation ready to be signed (patriot act / OKC bombing), a boogie-man ready to blame (bin laden) and or assets near by that just happened to be there (9/11, haiti) "training"...

Yea sure at this point some opinions sound whack or unfounded based on what we know today.. but sooner or later a bigger picture emerges and ya never know when the crazies are gonna turn out being accurate, again.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by alchemist2012
Swat teams sent to other oil rigs??? was this the false falg to draw attention away from one of these events

Maybe it's a false flag because it will end up being "an enemy attack?'

Good job Sorcha Faal thinks so and not anyone else. If they did, a lot of Americans would be crying out for blood.

Originally posted by JanusFIN
Only way I can see this event could be a "false flag":

- Soon there comes doubt that it wasnt maybe accident at all
- Army and police is taking over drilling stations, oil refineries, pipelines
- Comes rumors from different crime syndicate/Terrorist/Militia involvements
- Official announcement from attack by ....

Sounds like it would be to me too. Except instead of a militia, they blame North Korea or Iran.

[edit on 3/5/10 by NuclearPaul]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 11:54 AM
Isnt there allready a rumor flying around about N.korea or Iran because they put some special ops troops in S.america???????

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:50 PM
Pics and video from a 'fisherman' who was near the platform at the time, allegedly:

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:29 PM
If nothing else works to stop this Gulf oil leak soon, what about the use of a multi-multi-bunker-busting "deep earth penetrating" navy or air force bomb to be used to cause the earth to collapse around this oil leaking pipe "deep below" the Gulf's rocky bottom ? Would this bombing cause a partial and temporary seal of this oil leak by allowing the weight of the earth to be used to seal this oil leak, until a better seal could be made later ( several or more probably many months later ) ? Or maybe nuke it to fix it ?

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 05:56 PM
Still there is no answer i posted this thread weeks ago and got laffed out just want to see if you can check the date of the OP and with all the events i ask once more was this a false flag???????????

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:35 PM
Why not a false flag? 911 was a false flag. In my opinion there is a group of evil corrupt people who want to destroy our country by financially draining all our resources and by contaminating and polluting all our water ways and seafood. This oil spill alone, will wipe out all the fishing industry on the Gulf coast altogether, which will leave to more credit defaults and mortgage foreclosures and high unemployment. So much for any small fishing villages they are finished now.

The Bankers working with the criminals in the Bush administration did a grand job of bankrupting this country and Goldman Sacks betted against themselves as the down fall continues, they are the one’s who are raking in the dough. The banking cartels are behind most false flags around the globe. Making billion upon billions is not enough for these bankers, they want to own you and everything you have and take all your freedoms away.

In my opinion, this oil spill is not an accident, these people will stop at nothing into destroying our economy, and this spill will destroy every Gulf coast tourist resorts for many years, this will include most of the real-estate there is a domino effect, this is not just about the pollution or the seafood.

We will see no accountability on this event. These people are above all laws of all lands.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by impressme]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by impressme

Not to mention the side effects if it gets caught in the gulf stream and contaminates the atlantic as well

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