Originally posted by baddmove
I am 49 years old and grew up on T.V. but for some reason, in the last 5 years or so i have not been able to sit in front of the T.V. and watch
anything longer than , say 30 mins with out feeling like i am being shot at with" stupid" missiles.
Commercials actually give me a headache and most shows just don't make any sense to me, almost like i don't get it, know what i mean?
So ATS'rs, my question is..do you watch T.V. and if so, how does it make you feel?
It makes me feel like i am being dumbed down and i just can't watch it any more.
edit for wife help
[edit on 29-4-2010 by baddmove]
I completely agree and understand.
I actually went through a period of my life where I was staying up way too late every night, just flipping channels on the tv, or playing video games.
I was tired every day and I felt like I was wasting my life, or at least my nights. I knew it had to stop, but I was just so used to laying in bed at
night, waiting for sleep to come, while watching tv, that I couldnt break the habit.
Finally, one day I had an epiphany. I took my tv, my dvd player, all my video games and gave them to my little brother. Everyone was shocked, but my
brother was super stoked of course.
Every day, I would come home and play guitar for hours and hours. I became really good in a short amount of time, and started playing in bands and
performing. I would read at night and it helped me with my insomnia, while learning new things at the same time.
On those nights when I still couldnt sleep, I started inviting lady friends over for some actual human interaction. (Much better than tv. I
Basically, with all the time I used to spend watching tv at night I was now using to do things that not only provided far more enjoyment and
satisfaction, but would also give me something for the time I put into it, unlike a television set.
Recently, I started watching tv again. But not commercials or news. Me and my lady like to watch high quality shows together. Its not the best way to
spend an evening, sure. But its entertainment, and it gives us a reason to forget our troubles for a moment, and become enveloped by a good story.
Shows I'd highly recommend that we currently watch: Spartacus, Dexter, True Blood, Lost, Fringe, V, The Pacific, Justified, etc... all either on
Demand, or recorded on our DVR so we can fast forward through any commercial nonsense.
Sorry to waste your time with my story, but this is just whats worked for me.
And, I have one tv in the house, far away from my bedroom.