the tv I watch is so...scattered. I watch cartoon network's Adult Swim programming, the Daily Show, and Fringe. I can find mostly all this stuff
online 30 minutes after it shows.
but if I'm going to just have a channel on, it's usually nat geo or animal planet.
can't deal with it for too long, though. TV stations turn up the commercial volume so high that it's meant to grab your attention no matter what.
kind of an underhanded move imho
What I am going to be the VERY FIRST poster to post a YT clip after 10 pages of discussing TV? Watching TV is kinda like riding a jet ski or self
gratification. It's actually quite fun but you just wouldn't want your friends to catch you doing it.
I live in Florida and would never be without TV during hurricane season. In 2004 I almost evacuated to middle of state where Jeanne hit. I was able
to view live radar and aborted my evacuation.
Truth be told, I work in the indusrty (video editor) and have enjoyed your comments. I've cut my share of crappy commercials but also an award
winning documentary I'm quite proud of. TV is a medium, nothing more. It can be used to entertain, educate, influence, deceive and persuade like
many other forms of media. Don't blame the tool, blame the carpenter. Enjoy!
Quit watching network programming back in 2000. Only use my TV gets is for movies and a couple game systems.
The only TV my kids get besides the above is when they visit the grandparents who seem to be TV zombies...
It is hard to concentrate and pay attention to TV (not movies) and if a commercial comes on, I feel the "stupid missiles" bouncing around and trying
to penetrate my ego.. Most seem to be the parma pushing their drugs.
There are some interesting links on this thread dealing with the effects of television viewing on the brain but it's a shame that the video dealing
with the induction of alpha wave hypnosis and nervous hyperactive neuroses has been completely removed from the interweb.
Hardly ever watch tv, life just passes ya by when you do!
I only watch NatGeo or discovery channel. Travel channel has some good stuff once in a while, i would recommend Anthony bordains no reservations, this
guy has the best job ever, travel the world and be a food critic!
And then every once in a while i watch FOX NEWS, so i know what NOT to think or believe
and my only guilty pleasure is south park. I learn nothing, but damn is that show funny and on the money sometimes!
Thanks Karl12, i missed your post, that could be why i simply cannot watch t.v. I can usually find any t.v. show /docu/movie online anyway without any
My husband and I both feel that there is no REAL news on TV anymore no intellegent reporting or discussion, it seems to be aimed at making us
feel or believe someones idea rather then informing us, the commercials nearly always seem to be produced for children and are
embarrising, if they want to tell us about their product just do it! whats so good about it, stop with the plastic headed king etc!
Sooo we started buy DVD's and watching our favorite shows and movies that way, and like others we only watch in the evenings when it is impossible
to garden and to tired to do our many hobbies before bed.
It’s a weapon of mass mind control and brainwashing.
Turning off your TV is the most powerful single act you can take to fight the NWO and their plan for death.
They are terrified of you turning it off … do it.
Television is pure brainwashing. It is designed to train people how to think and how to act according to what the elite oligarchs want from us
peasants. The best way to stop serving evil is to turn off your T.V. and leave it off forever, or at the very least you should spend as little time
as possible watching broadcast T.V.
The more taxes on cable and sattellite TV providers, the better, as it will discourage people from watching the lighted box of mind-numbing hypnotic
"I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies and television. That doesn't stop you from watching them."
The internet is much much better than television ever will be.
Television is the most powerful weapon of psychological warfare in history and yet it is a member of the family in most households. The programming
that we are constantly assaulted with conditions us to a particular worldview. This fake reality changes our behavior making us less active and more
compliant with society's shortcomings. Since television is controlled by a small handful of powerful corporations, viewers will never witness
informing, truthful news and entertainment. As political and corporate power unite at an ever increasing rate, being informed is more important than
ever. People need to seek out independent and alternative unbiased sources on the internet for their information or we will continue to be manipulated
by the corporate controlled media.
The television programming that we are constantly assaulted by throughout our lives conditions us. It programs us to a particular worldview.
"Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy # we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No
purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been
raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that
fact. And we're very, very pissed off. "--Tyler Durden
Television is poison for your mind. Always watch as little as possible. This technology was released to the public as a way for the global power
elites to manage our minds and to train us how to think and how to act according to what THEY want us to do.
Why do you think the prices of TV's always come down to affordable levels? Because the powers that be WANT you to watch television because doing so
weakens your mind as TV is designed to reduce your mental capacity to that of a brainwashed indoctrinated hollowed-out shell of a human being.
If you ever look at the facial expression of a person who is watching television, you will notice that they have a blank stare accross their face,
and this is because they are in a TV-induced hypnotic trance which is when the brainwashing happens as the TV victim's mind is at its weakest, most
vulnerable and suggestable state.
The following YouTube video explains some of the basic facts about television 'programing.'
I moved away to live on my own in halls when I started uni, so obviously I never had a TV. I'm in the end of my second year now, and have moved back
home, but I rarely watch TV at all. The only program I really watch now is shameless.
im new to the site i friend told mee to check it out an BAM!!!!! i saw this and i totally feel the same wayy i call it the devil box, lol it seems
every time i watch it its like BUY BUY BUY BUY SELL SELL SELL SELL i cant take it its over wellming man crazyness
Agreed! I feel like any show, even the things i like most are kinda pathetic. I mean, its common knowledge to know tv is bad, but everything on there
keeps your mind tiny by mentioning stupid, irrelevant things like what tyler woods said in a interview or something.