Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
-Richard Armour American poet and author
I remember the first time I was actually interested in politics. It is hard to believe how many years it has been since the notorious Clinton scandal
in the white house. I was always a Clinton fan, but then again, I wasn't even a teen - what did I know? I remember questioning what exactly an
alleged affair had to do with politics, how exactly it was "illegal" and why the media was so focused on it.
I remember my support for George W. Bush, based on the fact that I didn't like listening to Al Gore speak. Then came the scandal in the Florida
voting and though I was only 12 years old, maturity peaked through and I began to open my eyes to real "politics".
September 11th, 2001 sits in my memory as the day I truly became interested. Much like everyone else, and still to the belief of some, I was under the
impression that the events of that day were done by a group of people who hated our freedoms. Our freedoms? What were our "freedoms"? Thus began my
trek into my obsession with the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers, and the history of the United States.
In 2004 I supported Bush again, but this was because I hated Kerry even more. I remember thinking - "Hey, I don't like either of these guys, neither
of them are good enough to run this country and do the right things." Yet I was the only one. Everybody around me just played into the system and
never questioned it. Politics were taboo to talk about so I never really shared my beliefs, that was until high school when finally - I let my voice
be heard.
I quickly became hated in my school as I spoke out about the merits of Communism. I wasn't a Communist by any means, the topic simply intrigued me.
Everyone was so closed minded by the red scare and the propaganda laid against Communism that I received jeers and a practical excommunication from
fellow classmates. I spoke of the reasons for Communism's failure being due to the human psyche and the lust for power of the dictators in charge -
so much so that they refused to give up control and refused to think about the well being of the people overall - the literal plan that Communism was
SUPPOSED to represent.
I presented Communism and Democracy, and laid out the pros and cons of both but I soon realized that these kids, though at the time some of them not
even old enough to drive- had already been brainwashed by the political system and they had already made up their minds to be sheep of the political
From childhood we are instilled with the ideologies of two party politics and the belief that we can only believe in one side, and so we must be
against the other. We are hard wired by our upbringings to believe that there can only be one side solutions to problems and that certain areas of
reasoning and knowledge are taboo and must be ignored or degraded - never to be viable options.
I wish I could say that it is something that is relatively new, but the divide has long been going on. I cannot speak for past generations though
evidence is clearly there, but so long as I have been alive the divide is stronger then ever, and it grows stronger still.
Even on ATS, though Skeptic Overlord brings up the topic now and again, I never really took notice until I took a step back and observed. The blatant
political divide that is present on ATS (that has been present for quite some time as per SO's topic
OP/ED: Dark Days. (The black band on ATS)) is leading even us, those who would be the
only open opposition to tyranny and the corrupt system, to make no progress and to become lost in petty arguments that target individual beliefs and
ideologies rather than the issues that affect us in our daily lives and will continue to effect us for years to come.
It seems that with increasing speed, every viable topic of broken liberties, insane new laws, or government corruption doesn't take any more than one
reply (and in some cases the opening post alone) to dissolve into the realm of Liberal vs Conservative or Republican vs Democrat. It leads me to the
question that I have asked time and time again - where have the
people gone? What ever happened to independent thinking and why has it been
replaced with stereotyping and fallacy driven labels?
No, I am sadly afraid that this political divide now runs too deep and it will be because of the inability of people on ATS and around this country to
accept individuality over conformity - that this country will meet its downfall. However, this is simply clear to any who would choose to observe
reality, for those who are conspiracy minded, let it be known that division of the people is intentional and it has been the most successful ploy by
power hungry men to ever be enacted.
Yes, while bickering continues over whether Bob should be allowed to marry John, and while fights ensue over whether Jenny is allowed to abort her
fetus, laws will continue to be passed that actually deal with things people take for granted. Laws the regulate your every being from the moment you
are conceived in the womb, until the moment you are buried 6 feet in the ground. You will be be too busy discussing whether taxes should be raised or
lowered and never stop to think that they should be removed altogether. Throughout your life you will make billions upon billions of unconscious and
conscious decisions and because of the distractions of the political divide - you will do them mindlessly and with complete regard and acceptance to
the regulations and laws you are accustomed to - never questioning, never opening your eyes, just mindlessly obeying.
The system has worked so grand. While everyone continues to want to force people to do things the way THEY want things to be done, regulations and
laws layer upon layer, stack on top of each other to create a world where even the simplest of actions (or inaction) are questioned in the name of
"law" and the "greater good".
And so, people will do nothing. They will THINK that they are doing something but ultimately, the closed mindedness and lack of individual thought has
created, and will continue to create a nation of
sheep. People will continue to believe what they want and spew hate towards any side that is
different than theirs instead of actually accepting the fact that individual beliefs of each and every person CAN coexist with the other without
forced issues.
I think Obama is a bad President.
Ah, get out of here you racist Neo-Con!
George W. Bush destroyed our rights.
You left-wing socialist, go back to Europe where you belong!
I believe in individual liberties and lower taxes.
You racist, Tea Baggin' Sarah Palin supporter!
This is what I see. THIS is what is everywhere. Individual thought has died and been replaced with the grand political divide and believe me when I
say this:
The Political Divide will be the ruin of the United States of America
I have been called a Neo-Con. I have been called a radical. I have been called a Communist. I have been called a liberal. I have been called a
Democrat. I have been called a Republican. I have been called a Constitutionalist.
But you know what? I am NONE of those things and I will be damned if I sit back a let people continue to ignore what I really am:
... and as that I recognize that I am responsible for my views and beliefs and I shall respect all others views and beliefs even if they conflict with
my own. In my fight I will find truth and answers and I will focus not on what is left or right... but on what is RIGHT and what is WRONG.
I ask - who else is with me?