posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 10:28 PM
I keep hearing how illegal immigrants do all the jobs Americans won't do. Now why is it that Americans don't want to pick berries or shovel horse
poop for minimum wage? They would have to be insane to do that. All you have to do if you are a legal citizen is knock out a couple of babies with
your BabyMama and you get free housing, free insurance, free food, etc.. and none of the responsibility of showing up for work on time or paying rent
each month. Its a no-brainer, in fact I find myself to be quite the sucker for working all these years to take care of my family.
Now the fix. End entitlements. I bet if you and your BabyMama is starving to death because you dont get any more food stamps or you are freezing to
death because you dont get anymore free housing then shoveling horse crap to put food on the table, heck even buy a table, heck even pay rent to have
a place to put that table in.. shoveling horse crap for minimum wage starts looking pretty attractive.