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Obama Praises new comic "The 99", I find copy

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posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Obama recently praised the new comic strip created by Kuwaiti publisher Naif al-Mutawa.

Although it is purposely not a religious comic, it does incorporate many aspects of Islam (among other religions).

I heard nothing but good talk about this comic, so I looked it up online.

And I found the first issue for FREE; and you can read it right now.

And I must say, its GOOD. I am really digging this comic so far; I believe Naif is a very well educated person and knows A LOT about Western and Eastern comics.

In the back of the first issue, Naif said that his goal was to unite Western with Eastern memes to create something for Everyone.

I know people will probably have negative comments about this (especially Christians- as you can see from their comments on the CNN page discussing this.)

But I am really impressed personally; and although there is probably some sort of conspiracy behind all this; it is surely worth a read.
CNN article discussing Obama's praise for the comic.

Here you can read the comic yourself for FREE. (First Issue)
Go to the TOP LEFT and click on "Download your FREE copy of The 99 Origins"

I am usually agianst Obama on almost all subjects; but today; I am 100% on board on this issue.

"The 99" is really turning out to be a great comic.

So anyone interested in comics I highly suggest giving this one a shot. It's pretty good and has a fun story line.

[edit on 28-4-2010 by muzzleflash]

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 01:55 PM
Since I am not a religious person, I found this comic especially easy to read from a multi-cultural standpoint.

The gist of the story is that there are 99 stones of power and that 99 heroes from all over the world *even an American!* unite together to defeat evil and save the world from greed, corruption, and murderous thugs.

The main theme is that unless the forces of good cannot unite and stand together and work together, that they will never be able to save the world from the forces of evil whom are united.

You really have got to check out the first issue. It's a winner IMO.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Isn't this just a story on the NWO? You know the one world government "good guys" against the "evil" bad guys which are basically defined as anyone against the "good guys" and what the hell is the President of the United States doing reading comic books when the freaking economy is in ruins and wars are threatening to break out all over the place?

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:30 PM
Thanks for insight and link. I read this earlier today and it's just great to our president as a respectful individual.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:36 PM

I know people will probably have negative comments about this (especially Christians- as you can see from their comments on the CNN page discussing this.)

My friend they are only Christian in name, Jesus was about Peace and Justice.

God said that they were "Smoke in His Nostrils".

They love to watch people die on Fox news, they demand blood and destruction.
They are as phony if not more so than the militant Arabs who kill innocent Men, women and children for "Allah" a matter a fact they are the other side of the coin to Arab terrorism.

If people who love peace found themselves without those two groups, the world would be a better place.

The Population, Cops and Soldiers would live longer less stressful lives.
More people would be happy and fighting would diminish.

The way I see if The 99 promotes Peace and Justice it is a good thing.

The World could always use more "Heroes" and the right programing helps guide children along the right path.

Kudos to the President for having the testicular fortitude to speak his mind, its shows he has character.

Now please be ready for Teabag stormtroopers, they will be here soon to accuse President Barack Obama of being the Antichrist, the "Kenyan" or what ever their madness has formulated this week. .

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by ararisq
reply to post by muzzleflash

Isn't this just a story on the NWO? You know the one world government "good guys" against the "evil" bad guys which are basically defined as anyone against the "good guys" and what the hell is the President of the United States doing reading comic books when the freaking economy is in ruins and wars are threatening to break out all over the place?

Good job NOT reading it lol.

What happened to deny ignorance?

Next time, before you say stuff like that, maybe read it and explain why you think that way?? Thanks

See I expected it to be some pro-NWO crapola too, but when I actually read the comic I realized it was a fun story that was well written *And very well drawn too kudos to the artists!*

[edit on 28-4-2010 by muzzleflash]

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Propaganda for Children!!!
Hitler used this same tactic back in World War II

The Nazi-controlled government in German-occupied France produced the Vica comic book series during World War II as a propaganda tool against the Allied forces. The Vica series, authored by Vincent Krassousky, represented Nazi influence and perspective in French society, and included such titles as Vica contre le service secret anglais, and Vica défie l’Oncle Sam.

This thread is going to be HUGE!!! And I guarantee the comic is going to sell millions. The server response for the website is already plugged with sheeple that want to download the free one. Either that, or ATSers are getting their hands onto a copy to dig deeper into the propaganda bologne!!

HECK! You know damn well were all gonna buy it.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by PreyBird

Interesting perspective.

I will begin doing some research on the Vica comic book from pre-ww2 nazi Germany. I have never heard about that before.

In the same vein, we can say that comics like Captain America were also propaganda vs the Nazi's *(Red Skull etc).

So really we can look at comics from this perspective very easily.

Great post, starred.

That is exactly the type of ideas I am looking for. GJ!

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 06:14 PM
Downloaded it and will read it a bit later tonight. I love a well written comic series. Thanks for the head's up!

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 07:15 AM
I actually found an update for this thread, in case anyone was interested.

This video came on CNN today about The 99.

Add the text after the link into the bar when you load it, so you can find the exact video. Sorry the link isn't working properly.

In the video the creator said his goal was for children from different backgrounds, ie Christian Jewish Muslim etc, to actually view and believe the heroes were identified with their own cultural identity.

It's an interesting update, read into it what you will. I am sure people will see all kinds of symbolisms or conspiracies in this stuff. Enjoy.

[edit on 5-5-2010 by muzzleflash]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 07:37 AM
Wow. Do you not recognize an aggressive campaign of taqiyya when you see one? This is a clear example of usurpation of a cultural institution by the jihad. This vector will be used to further Islam at the expense of non-muslims and has nothing to do with comic books, super heroes, or any Western values. It is designed to undermine them and replace them with Islam.

It is painfully obvious that this is simply more jihad concealed with pretty colors and Western-style presentation.

Pretty sad that people continue to buy into the "Islam is Peace" tripe.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by mike_trivisonno
Wow. Do you not recognize an aggressive campaign of taqiyya when you see one?

You know I could easily say you are practicing a form of taqiyya as well. I know you have much more harsh feelings inside, I can tell. But you conceal it because those beliefs are super politically incorrect these days and you feel it would be rash. So you conceal those true feelings and water down your public words.

I think EVERYONE does that.

I could say you are even practicing a form of jihad through such relentless attacks.

I bet you didn't even read the comic either?

I am open minded, and consider religions very closed minded.

Your post causes me to feel you are in a religious war. That is fine but I think you are viewing things in a very narrow perspective.

In another metaphorical way, you could say Big Business is on a jihad against peoples around the globe too. They destroy anyone whom disagrees with their Corporatist agenda.

Hell who isn't on a Jihad these days? They all come in different packages with different wrappings, but the crap in the box is still the same.

It's a double edged sword. Judge lest you be judged.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

The jihad comes to me, not the other way around.

I have already stated that I support the deportation of muslims. Not because I hate them but because they are threat to my civilization. They have come to my country with the express purpose of expanding the Ummah not to participate in my culture but to replace it with Islam. And I will fight that.

Your understanding of Jihad is infantile and your application of a word that has very specific meaning is deception at worst and ignorance at best. One might almost conclude that you purposefully attempt to conceal the real meaning of Jihad. Why? Are you ignorant of Jihad or a supporter of Jihad.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by mike_trivisonno
Wow. Do you not recognize an aggressive campaign of taqiyya when you see one? This is a clear example of usurpation of a cultural institution by the jihad. This vector will be used to further Islam at the expense of non-muslims and has nothing to do with comic books, super heroes, or any Western values. It is designed to undermine them and replace them with Islam.

It is painfully obvious that this is simply more jihad concealed with pretty colors and Western-style presentation.

Pretty sad that people continue to buy into the "Islam is Peace" tripe.

Well I haven't read it, but I might do it. This thing so far reminds me of the Arrivals "prophecy" videos on youtube. They seem to slam every culture in the western world and see basically USA is the one-eyed antichrist. but yet they don't slam Islam in any way.

But I will definitely like I said read this comic.

when I have time of course....

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