Originally posted by Goethe
I have a contact in this group.
Sure you do...
First, I fell its only right to post this.
Justified and correct? Is that how you truly "fell" about this?
You, op took the time of starting this thread to inform others. Thats a good sign for humans. But some still choose to mock you instead of offering
sound advice.
Pointing at a hoax and saying that it is foolish to invest in it, is not mocking.
This is why some will make it, and sadly, most will not.
Yeah... Just because "some folks" don't drink the Kool-Aid, pick up arms and go screaming down the street "the NWO is coming!!!" at the first
sign of a "badly written post of rumors and disinformation"- some people won't make it.
Now if 100% of the populace took every hoax as "truth"...now THEN everyone would make it.
The phrase 'False Flag' should be used much less from this point forward in our communities. Its being used so much and so often over hyped. Like
Why should it be used less? You have a contact in these groups and you are saying that this is "correct information".
That being the case, shouldn't the term "false flag" be used even more?
You are losing me here.
They have camps, yes. Some like to say they dont exist, but HR 645 and Clintons admission in the 90's makes this not even debatable.
Camps are real.
Thank God Alex Jones has you listening to him. Who would believe in all these camps if people like you didn't spread the story like wild fire?
Now, with newer legislation and stuff Bush put into place, I mean both Bush's there...
Nod to Bush, eh? So...I assume you think Bush (pick one) is part of some masterminded plot to use camps, trains and false flag attacks on citizens of
We are set up to be taken over from within.
Maybe it has something to do with the average man today being a total idiot who can't help but gravitate towards stupid stories and misinformation as
if they were true?
Maybe it has something to do with so many "doom sayers" running around quoting Alex Jones like he is some kind of Jesus spreading the word?
Eh...maybe you are just wrong?
Theyll wait until 'something' causes fear in the masses, then declare martial law for our own good.
Right....sure...your contacts tell you all this or are you just quoting another Conspiracy outlet that has all the credibility of a snake-oil dealer
trying to sell his product to a crowd of "fools"?
Trains... Why trains?
Yeah! WHY TRAINS!? Oh yeah... because that it what you have been told by others.
Easy for you...since you do not even seem to care about how "truthful" anything you are spewing as fact actually is.
Trust me... sharing information is not easy when you actually give a damn if you are quoting lies or not.
No one stopped to ask themselves why Warren Buffet dropped billions of his own cash into Burlington North freight...
Must be to get all of us on trains?
Trains hold alot of cargo(sheeple)
Nod to Bill Cooper now, eh?
I always find it totally amazing how many people tend to adopt phrases and word-ways of other speakers as if they have no thought of their own.
If someone says "you can't print phantom money", you know they are a Gerald Celenti fan.
If someone says "911 was an inside Job and FEMA trains/camps will get us all", then it is safe to assume that person has been sniffing the
In other words... mimicking (actually, parroting) a crazy doom-sayer's rhetoric may impress some other "website zealot" out there. But it sure
don't impress me.
In fact, it just goes to show me where you get your news, insights and where you waste your time and research.
Trains are already in place and would nto arise any undue attention.
Trains are everywhere...are you saying this is evidence of something wicked or nefarious?
Trains go to most bases I believe and most of these supposes camps.
So do buses, planes, bikes, trucks, helicopters, boats, joggers and all sorts of things. I wonder why you are only attaching your worries to trains.
Trains are easier to use than planes for this type of op. Minimal workforce to operate them and little force required to herd the sheeple.
Apparently you have never tried to put millions of Americans in trains before.
Little force?
Wow...you really believe this don't you?
It is such a shame that you speak so openly and forcefully on this subject, even saying you have contacts with inside information, but you have no
proof to share, and seem more ready to quote Alex Jones then to display any semblance of "inner knowledge" on the subject.
Alot of weird stuff has happened recently most do not connect...
Blanket statements do make one seem so much more wiser....eh?
How about this one-
"So many signs are smashing our faces, yet only a few (like me) can read those signs".
See how worthless and stilted that sounds?
Oprah is closing shop...
Oprah is not closing shop.
BlockBuster is going out of business,
Along with a thousand or more other retail outlets across the globe.
ABC closing all regional offices save for DC...
Are you watching the metdown of our economy and the job cuts across the board?
Are these all early hints at your trains coming?
420k+ troops stationed here since 2008 for domestic use...
It isn't like we have a war on the Mexican boarder and half a country going "stir crazy" over a black President. Never mind the fact that the money
is running out and that all the jobs are evaporating at light speed.
Why would we need troops on American soil?
Must be for the trains...right?
Is that what your "inside contacts" tell you to tell us?
Drones coming to the south border...
Not a fan of these Death-Machines...but get used to them. They are the "soldiers of the times". But you are saying that these Drones have something
to do with putting millions of Americans on trains to send them off to prison camps.
I see...
And you say this as if it is as factual as the makeup of water molecules.
HR 645...
PreCrime and the Future Attribution Screening Technology about to be in use by DHS...
Are you mistaking the full use of a new technology to be a stepping stone towards getting millions in these trains you speak of?
The more than 75% rise in food prices since 2008...
Again...the money is running out. If you think inflation means "death camps and trains" then I am afraid we are on totally different trips of
Swine Flu operations being a lie...
Baxtor got paid...end of story. It was a hustle to make 60+ billion dollars on moving a product.
But you think this was all due to a operation that plans on putting millions on trains.
Now, seperate, none of that seems bad really... Maybe to some Im sounding like a nut,
I'm glad you said it...It is against the T&C rules for me to be too blatant on that matter.
but I know me and mine have bugout bags ready to go in the 4x4 just in case.
Riiiiiiiight...bugout bags. Yep...you really are prepared for the military coming to find you and place you in these camp-trains.
Bugout bags...
The use of the term alone shows me where you get this info from and just how unprepared you are for such a "nightmare" if it ever became true.
Now, if an EMP is used, it all depends on how big the device is, and how many areas are effected by it.
Just like that TV show? YEAH!!! I hear you man!
Not out of the question I think, but unlikely.
Well heck, why not trains equipped with EMP weapons!?
Two birds with one stone!
I say we all start assuming that these trains will all have cannons that fire EMP waves at us while they capture and detain us.
Maybe Alex can say it on his web-show so we can all jump on board and say its true.
I think it will be more along the lines like NLE-10 or something there abouts.
Thanks for your "guess"...if you do not mind I am going to file it under "jumps to baseless conclusions that I wouldn't make myself".
Regardless, if one American city starts to rise up for whatever reason, martial law WILL be declared like after Katrina and arms will be taken first
thing, before food is even given out.
Oh...I think a city or two will surly riot if the situation keeps declining.
But you won't catch me telling people that FEMA trains will then come and bring them to the Alex-Jones camps.
Spreading that kind of rhetoric is just a way to get people worried and acting like total idiots in a dire time where we need to remain calm and
You think Im crazy?
Honestly? No...
I just think you are a young man who has jumped to too many conclusions in the haste of youth.
Now if it turns out that you are over the age of 35 and spewing this nonsense, then yeah, I think you may be a bit crazy and possibly on some list
tell that to the dead in New Orleans from corupt cops and men in black outfits illegally detain Americans from leaving a flood zone.
What do I tell the innocents who were raped, killed and robbed by the looters that the police were handling the best they could?
I know this summer and fall Ill be on vacation somewhere south and possibly a small island.
Right...a small island. Just you and your inside-contact with your bugout-bags and your supplies, laughing at those who didn't see the signs warning
of the trains.
Sorry...two thumbs down on your info and irrational thinking habits.
[edit on 28-4-2010 by Mr Mask]