My login came from an album by Judas Priest. "Defenders of the faith"... the cover of the album, (for y'all who don't know what that is, it's a
12' cd..). had a robotic lion on the front with all sorts of neat things like rocket launchers, flaming eyes, etc... The description was something
like "Metallion: Defender of the heavy metal faith.."... Being a guitar player, and being in a band for more than a few years, my buddies switched
my nickname from kamikaze to Metallion. It sort of stuck.
In the X-Men or especially the comic book series Excalibur, lockheed is a little purple dragon that is from another planet, where everyone speaks in
rhymes. Acutally couplet rhymes to be exact. I enjoy rhyming so I figured... why not name myself after him (only on ATS of course) I suppose another
interesting question would be.... where did everyone get their avatars?
my name- an old friend of mine would call me pickle and the started calling me misspickle- so i kept it because i thought it was cute and quite
original lol- i havent seen anyone else use it!
Anyways, "prophet" came from my friends who would always call me that due to the fact that I always try to bring peace between fights, I would make
predictions that would come to be right, and I was always someone they could depend on. They used to call me "peacemakermike" but since that was too
long (and my friends are lazy) they shortened it to "prophetmike".
As you may have already guessed... my name is Mike.
Yeah, so that's MY story of my username. Hope it was fun...
I use this one for pretty much everything. I got it when i put my name and favorite number into a randomizer thing they had when trying to decide a sn
for aim. That's tje origin of my name.
I navajo obviousl lol and one night I was trying to teach myself navajo and I was reading about Nostradomus in the other browser window lol Navajo
Prophet heh heh heh
Mine is just the name of my website but I saw something in the rules about promoting your website after a certain amount of days or something so
instead of putting .com at the end I just left it as it is
I believe everything we think, see, touch, feel, is just an illusion. The computer chair your sitting in, the monitor your looking at, and the
keyboard your typing on...
Yeah, mine's probably the most creative name ever. Actually, it was a long time ago. A dark, stormy night and I was dreaming of something. door squeaked open and I heard a noise... I went out there, but found nothing. I heard someone calling out my name...I went down
stairs. There was nothing there...nothing but a cold sensation going down the back of my spine and ending just as the trickling of a river flows into
an ocean. I later found out that my great-grandfather had died just about at that same moment in time. His last words were, "Get Herman"......
Just kidding. I thought it up because it's so simple, it's funny (was funny at the time). There's also that old war guy from The Simpson's named
Herman. He's awesome.
Mines from a book by Robert Fryer about the last Confederate soldier. The name of the book is...wait for it, "The Last Patriot". It's a good read
and really eye opening for those who think the demonization of a defeated enemy and the glorification of the victor is only a 20th-21st century