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CIA: Al Qaeda is a complete fabrication

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:14 PM

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication
by Mr. Charrington on January 7, 2008

BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. This video documentary is off the hook…

Source: Right here

There are many people who think that Al Qaeda is an actual entity, even some former military members will swear to it mainly because of the way they were led into the fight against the ghost terror group by politicians who fed the military chain of command. Say what you will, think what you want and reply whatever makes you feel better. The truth is that Al Qaeda is a fabrication.

Tony Blair said, "Al Qaeda is not an organization. Al Qaeda is a way of working ... but this has the hallmark of that approach."
Source: Right here

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:17 PM
BBC Power of Nightmares parts 1 thru 6. Click on each part at the end of each segment. Very interesting and full of facts. Enjoy!!

[edit on 4/26/2010 by mikelee]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:28 PM
I am skeptical.

I have no proof that Al Qaeda is real, but if it's all a lie then who are those who attempt to terrorize all over the globe? Those who have succeeded in blowing up buildings and killing the innocent. Who are they?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by aletheia
I am skeptical.

I have no proof that Al Qaeda is real, but if it's all a lie then who are those who attempt to terrorize all over the globe? Those who have succeeded in blowing up buildings and killing the innocent. Who are they?

The CIA trained Al Queda members, or so that' what they said originally, and I'm sure they did for wathever purpose these people were required for at the time.

However an actual Al Queda network has never existed. They never were this huge driving force in the middle east or anywhere else for that matter.


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

But what about all the Muslims who feel these groups are the real deal and want to fight America, Britain and Israel. I mean who's in charge.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by tothetenthpower

But what about all the Muslims who feel these groups are the real deal and want to fight America, Britain and Israel. I mean who's in charge.

Thats the thing, those Muslims are part of independant terror organizations or the Taliban which does exist.

Nobody is in charge of anything. You've been duped into thinking there's this huge organization thats out to get the West and it's just not true.

Isolated groups with isolated incidents are made to look organized and outside their respective cells they clearly aren't.


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Got ya! Thanks for answering my question amigo.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by aletheia
I am skeptical.

I have no proof that Al Qaeda is real, but if it's all a lie then who are those who attempt to terrorize all over the globe? Those who have succeeded in blowing up buildings and killing the innocent. Who are they?

Good question!

I dare say it's an unknown agency that is comprised of both the CIA, and the Mossad working together, covertly ofcourse with the help of British intelligence. Otherwise known as the Vatican.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:40 PM
This 6 part documentary is excellent to clarify some things regarding Al Qaeda.... Al Qaeda as part of a physical terrorist organization doesn't exist. It never did. Al Qaeda is a word in Arabic language that stands for "the base " The "base" in a data base of Muslim extremists who were recruited in some way by the CIA or Mossaad to take part in flase flag terrorist operations around the world. The historical foundation of Al Qaeda dates back into the 70's with its role in destabalizing certain political "hotspots" around the globe that the global elite felt were crucial in attaining either physical or monetary control in regions of interest. Zbigniew Brzezinski was one of the forefathers in creation of Al Qaeda, along with Robert Gates. Now the important thing to understand here is that while real terrorism does exist, it takes place as relatively smaller random events. Larger, huge terrorist events like 911 that require truly intelligent planning, physical and financial resources are conducted by the CIA & the Israeli Mossad. This is not to say that the intelligence agencies don't take part in other smaller events, they do. Its just, if its a major event, it is sure to be done by intelligence agencies and their patsies. For example, if a nuclear bomb goes off in one our US cities, its most likely intelligence agencies responsible . Rogue FBI agents who have been payed off also play a crucial role in these plots. The idea of Al Qaeda as a physical group of terrorists that is spouted in our mainstream news and everyday media is an absolute LIE !

[edit on 26-4-2010 by Viper73]

[edit on 26-4-2010 by Viper73]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:46 PM
It's the same method that NATO used with Gladio they built up the threat of the Red Brigades in Italy so much so that they used the stay behind armies across europe to keep any nation from going left.Only now it's to keep the idea of the big islamic boogy man alive in order to continue the fleecing of the public.

[edit on 063030p://4726 by mike dangerously]

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by aletheia

Michael Meiring? Google him.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:05 PM
1st big clue for me was when I learned that al qaeda is literally translated as "the base". Its most common use in Arabic is as a euphamism for the toilet! Now, I ask you, is it really logical to believe that a determined group of fanatical Islamic jihadists are going to call themselves "The Crapper"?

Let's face it, there is a very real possibility that ALL terrorism is state-sponsored. That is the point of the "Power of Nightmares". Free people can be persuaded to willingly give up their liberties and properties to the state in return for protection from a murderous and implacible enemy. All the state needs to do is manufacture that enemy and keep it alive with timely threats and the occassional atrocity and the populace will give up anything in order to feel safe. Who really fires those bottle rockets into Israel? Who really flew the planes into the towers? We only know what the governments tell us. The proof is never provided and rarely asked for.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by eldard

I did. Looks like the CIA has been busy using their smear tactics against someone who knows too much.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by eldard
reply to post by aletheia

Michael Meiring? Google him.

Is this the guy you were referring to?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:52 PM

There are many people who think that Al Qaeda is an actual entity, even some former military members will swear to it mainly because of the way they were led into the fight against the ghost terror group by politicians who fed the military chain of command. Say what you will, think what you want and reply whatever makes you feel better. The truth is that Al Qaeda is a fabrication.

The mujahideen were significantly financed and armed (and are alleged to have been trained) by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the administrations of Carter[5] and Reagan, and also by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan under Zia-ul-Haq, Iran, the People's Republic of China and several Western European countries. Pakistan's secret service, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was used as an intermediary for most of these activities to disguise the sources of support for the resistance. One of the CIA's longest and most expensive covert operations was the supplying of billions of dollars in arms to the Afghan mujahideen militants. The arms included Stinger missiles, shoulder-fired, antiaircraft weapons that they used against Soviet helicopters and that later were in circulation among terrorists who have fired such weapons at commercial airliners. Osama bin Laden was among the recipients of U.S. arms.[6] Between $3–$20 billion in U.S. funds were funneled into the country to train and equip troops with weapons, including Stinger surface-to-air missiles.[7][8].

Osama bin Laden explained the origin of the term in a videotaped interview with Al Jazeera journalist Tayseer Alouni in October 2001:

The name 'al-Qaeda' was established a long time ago by mere chance. The late Abu Ebeida El-Banashiri established the training camps for our mujahedeen against Russia's terrorism. We used to call the training camp al-Qaeda. The name stayed.

Even if the story is complete hogwash :

A poem entitled "Tears in the Eyes of Time" was written about al-Banshiri, commemorating him among the greatest of the "fallen mujahideen", by Maloy oheb al-Qandahari. al-Zawahiri recited the poem in his January 2006 internet broadcast.

Wait what? their number 2 man was also mujahideen? Yeah, not existing and calling the same thing by 2 different names is worlds apart, I'm sorry.

Maktab al-Khidamat was established by Abdullah Azzam and Bin Laden in Peshawar, Pakistan, in 1984. From 1986 it began to set up a network of recruiting offices in the United States, the hub of which was the Al Kifah Refugee Center at the Farouq Mosque in Brooklyn's Atlantic Avenue. Among notable figures at the Brooklyn center were "double agent" Ali Mohamed, whom FBI special agent Jack Cloonan called "bin Laden's first trainer," and "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel-Rahman, a leading recruiter of mujahideen for Afghanistan.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
There are many people who think that Al Qaeda is an actual entity, even some former military members will swear to it mainly because of the way they were led into the fight against the ghost terror group by politicians who fed the military chain of command. Say what you will, think what you want and reply whatever makes you feel better. The truth is that Al Qaeda is a fabrication.

Bait and switch. The people we're attributing as being part of Al Qaida (I.E. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) are definitely behind the attack on 9/11 and are very much real, so in the end your objections of whether Al Qaida is an actual organization or not are largely immaterial.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Bait and switch. The people we're attributing as being part of Al Qaida (I.E. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) are definitely behind the attack on 9/11 and are very much real, so in the end your objections of whether Al Qaida is an actual organization or not are largely immaterial.

They are apart of 9/11? How so, ohh that is right because the Governmest says so.

Gotcha, everything the government say is accurate, they are on your side right?

Why would the goverment that is so trust worthy resort to torture and holding of 12 year olds in gitmo bay?

A judge ruled Thursday that one of the youngest detainees brought to Guantanamo Bay is being held illegally and must be released - 6 1/2 years after the detainee from Afghanistan says he was tortured into confessing at age 12

source here

I find this rather appauling, the torture of children!

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 05:41 PM
In my experiences that allow me to know what I do know about this, the vast majority of those elder & former freedom fighters that fought against the Soviets with the assistance of the CIA harbor a deep rooted hatred and distrust of the west due to the way that they were abandoned after the failed Soviet invasion. The US then cut off all of the money, weaponry, goods, services and supplies including food that was covertly funneled to them via Bin Laden who was the CIA's middle man for this action. The CIA almost immediately stopped all communication and dealings with them except for a few promises made by field operatives that wanted to keep their word to whom they promised it to. After those operatives, some of whom used their own expenses, connections and resources to make good they left or were removed for political reasons.

Something that many people do not know is that immediately after 911 some who were still working for the agency either directly or on contractual agreements attempted to contact some of their previous freedom fighter connections in an attempt to find out anything they could or determine if these connections would be willing to work for the US once more, they all failed to turn up anyone who was willing. Again due to the way that the US had treated them. Had the CIA kept their connections during and after the Soviet-Afghan era the US might have had many insiders willing to help out finding Bin Laden and others that were "blamed" for 911. Despite what the general media tells and reports primarily due to them being manipulated by the FedGov, reports of Bin Ladens whereabouts came to the attention of the CIA on many different occassions. Yet the Bush administration for whatever reason(s) acted on none of them to either kill or capture him. Al Qaeda exists for one reason, and thats so the PTB operating within the government of the United States can embark on missions worldwide under the cover of fighting terrorism as well as put in place it's own constricting agenda against the freedoms of its own people.

The "al qaeda" name has been reported in various media forms as to having been originated here or there, the truth is that the name is a generalized moniker now used today but one developed by the CIA many years ago. Despite the many definitions & intepretations the name represents to many its just another tool utilized by the US for many reasons in which some may agree with, or not. In short, there is no organization headquartered, stationed or based anywhere that ever refers to itself as Al Qaeda unless it is spoken from the mouths of the United States and it's allies.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by theability
They are apart of 9/11? How so, ohh that is right because the Governmest says so.

No, becuase as I said in another post, Khalid Sheick Mohammed is openly confessing to his being the oen who organized the 9/11 attack, and he's soon to be charged in a civilian court so he's soon to be using it as a soapbox to point out all the bad things we're doing that makes us deserve the 9/11 attack. I'll believe his side of the story over those ridiculous conspiracy web sites you frequent, if you don't mind.

Yeah, you can make up stuff about how this is yet more gov't disinformation if you want, but I don't deal with speculation based upon entirely upon abject paranoia. Make believe is still make believe regardless of the pretty package you put it in.

A judge ruled Thursday that one of the youngest detainees brought to Guantanamo Bay is being held illegally and must be released - 6 1/2 years after the detainee from Afghanistan says he was tortured into confessing at age 12

So where do you get the idea that I don't find this appalling, too? All you've done is show they've been mistreating prisoners in Gitmo. You have a long, LONG way to show this is proof of any secret conspiracy to stage 9/11.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by aletheia
I am skeptical.

I have no proof that Al Qaeda is real, but if it's all a lie then who are those who attempt to terrorize all over the globe? Those who have succeeded in blowing up buildings and killing the innocent. Who are they?

Its not a lie. It has been documented, in many, many, many forms and many, many, many ways by multitudes of people around the world since the mid to late 1980's..

Those who would glom onto the sematical parsing of commentary and words from anyone anywhere to try and further and keep alive a long-dead canard are not worth the time to rebut, but rather should be ridiculed and held up as a fascinating example of the deluded and desperate in our world.

These people have not had one inch of traction in over 9 years...not one centimeter of movement. They have run the gambit of "theories" from invisible planes to laser beams from outer space. They have placed victims "alive" years later on non-existent European borders with billions in an obsolescent and worthless national currency. They refuse to acknowledge facts and physics , but would rather take *any* inconstancy (as if inconsistencies in life never, ever happened anywhere else outside of 9/11) and blow that up into some huge "Smoking Gun"! I swear...there have been SO many smoking guns over these past 9+ years I'm surprised there's any oxygen left to breath on this earth anymore.

Al-Qaeda is very real. Its genesis dates back to 1988. This is from Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Centre (yes, the same Jane's that publishes the "All The World's Aircraft" series"):

When the Soviets withdrew,Bin Laden decided to form a group that could unite the whole Muslim world into a single entity. Despite their differences, (Dr. Abdullah) Azzam and Bin Laden worked together until Azzam was assassinated in September of 1989. Although Soviet troops withdrew that year, they installed the pro-communist leader Najibullah in Kabul. MaK (Azzam's original organizations, Maktab al Khidmat lil--mujahidin al-Arab - also known as the Afghan Bureau) strengthened in order to fight the Najibullah regime and to channel resources to other international campaigns where Muslims were perceived as victims. In addition to benefiting from MaK's pan-Islamic, as opposed to pan-Arab ideology, Al-Qaeda drew from the vast financial resources and technical expertise mobilized during the decade-long anti-Soviet campaign.

The above passage is behind a pay-for-view firewall at Jane's (one of the more rousing successes of capitalism), but one could find any sort of similar history in dozens of other places.

Believe the OP if you wish. The chances that you personally will suffer from a direct terrorist hit are much, much less than if you were to die in a car accident, by walking across the street, by drowning, in a fire, by falling, or by being murdered. 9/11 was only partially successful yet was still a $2 trillion hit on the US economy and untold amount of financial impact on the global economy. What is much more likely than you personally or the OP author or me or anyone dying in a terrorist attack by AL Qaeda or some other transnational terrorist organization is another global terrorist incident that blows apart the intricate financial threads that tie nations together, leading to a global recession and the resultant unemployment, failed governments (Greece, Spain and Portugal are all right now hanging by a hair's breadth worth of financial security and solvency), borderline-and-failed states going in the tank with civil wars. Imagine a dozen Taliban Afghanistans from Morocco to Indonesia, some with nukes (Pakistan), etc.

Al Qaeda is real. Bank on it.

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