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Public Enemy's Chuck D rails against AZ, Again 20 years later

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:18 PM
By the Time Chuck D Gets to Arizona

Not sure if any of you were into Public Enemy back in the day, but they had a song criticizing Arizona for not celebrating MLK day.

Now Chuck D is calling the state out again over the new immigration bill. He calls it racist and deceitful. And pure, simple profiling.

He urges musicians and other artist to speak out against the bill.

Here's my question for you ATSers: Would you stop supporting an artist/musician that would speak out about this? Or would you be more apt to support them for speaking out?

[edit on 26/4/2010 by Chamberf=6]

[edit on 26/4/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:34 PM
I'm sorry, but who is this guy and why should I give a sh*t what he thinks about Arizona??? Methinks this guy places a little too much importance on how important HE thinks he is!

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Personally I have always liked political messages in music.
I think it is a great way to get a message across--get people interested and listening with the music then hit them with the message.

BTW I don't see how speaking out about ANYTHING means you think of yourself as important....

[edit on 26/4/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:50 PM
I don't care I have learned in my older but still young years that if you dislike people for their politics you will quickly find yourself without any friends or people to talk too.

Same thing with Immortal Technique great artist just don't like his message. If I like the artist, but don't like the message I just wont purchase that song or listen to it. No reason to complain and rail about it.

Besides if people actually read the bill they would realize that this bill doesn't do any put give Arizona authority to enforce federal immigration law.

In a matter of days the bill has gone from being unconstitutional because it legalizes profiling, to being unconstitutional because states can't enforce federal laws.

So Chuck D can have his opinion and I'll exercise my right to not listen to that particular song or message.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Wow, hello pot meet kettle.............who cares what this dumbass has to say. It's just another opportunity for him to try and point out the evils of the white man........he's a professional racist /victim just like the Jessie and Al show.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:07 PM
PE was the bomb back in the day. Them and the Dead Kennedys. I miss that kind of music with "in your face" ideas. That didn't sound like the Chuck D of old to me, too watered down, not poetic enough. I think people like Chuck get stuck in a spot where they have all these people looking to them for ideas and they're perpetually afraid to disagree or piss off their core audience for fear of losing validity with them. I think this was kind 0f an automatic response just pandering to the crowd.
This is not a human rights issue, it's an issue of law and whether or not we have the will to enforce it. Illegals are just that, and even Chuck D should know that if the law has no force we will have no law. He's not an anarchist so I don't understand why don't black Americans see that they actually benefit from trying to stem illegal immigration. There would be more jobs and less strain on the very welfare system that (sadly) props up the black communities in this country.
Chuck, FlaV, Terminator X. Griff; props to you all!

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 01:07 AM

Anyone who supports this bill is a racist, whether you know it or not.

How are they gonna enforce it? Make every Latino carry there passport around so they can get frisked by cops everyday? Make em get a tattoo on their forehead? Ankle bracelets? - Tell Me?!

Lets not forget that American imperialism is the reason they are flooding in to America in the first place, you know, the economic stranglehold thats on their country as a result of US corporations.

Remember what Mexico used to be less than 160 years ago?

Chuck D is a legend - anyone who disagrees can go back to listening to their Ke$sha and GaGa - and I hope it gives them brain-cancer.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 01:11 AM
Chuck D has never supported america and he is not a republican. All he wants to do is tear our country down by not defending our freedom. I for one am now boycotting all of his music. I suggest we start a letter writing campaign to remove him from his label. This will teach him the value of being an american and understanding what liberty is. He had no right to make those accusations or comments and due to this its time we send a message to liberals like him who dare question our institutions and our government. If he isnt going to be a true patriot like Newt Gingrich and Sara Palin. Freedom is about being able to speak out against the terrorist in the white house, not destroy the liberties that brave men have fought and died for in iraq. If it wasnt for them we wouldnt even have an America right now! think about that the next time you listen to rap music.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Dude? Were you being sarcastic?

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6

BTW I don't see how speaking out about ANYTHING means you think of yourself as important....

[edit on 26/4/2010 by Chamberf=6]

Of course not. The only way to really be important these days is to be the first troll in a thread to waste time with a post asking what or who the thread is all about.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 01:43 AM
He sounds like a fool for supporting ILLEGAL aliens.
These people should have come into America via legal immigration channels instead of just jumping the border and riding on liberal sympathy.
Funny that this Chuck D guy is black.
He probably is upset that his ancestors were brought here by Jewish ship owners that traded with African slave sellers.
Somehow in his mind he is sure that these illegal border crossers are being forced into living in this hateful country that doesn't give a damn about anybody except white-skinned blue-eyed blonds with double D's.
I can't trust him.
Does he even know what time it is?
I'm going to fight his power.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

Dude, no doubt America has an "illegal"-immigration problem - but these particular laws are racial-profiling and anti-constitutional.

Why is that so hard to understand.

People are too binary.

So I will be.



[edit on 27/4/10 by ghostsoldier]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 02:00 AM
racial profiling? In case you didnt know minorities commit the majority of crime.

its high time we protect our children from these criminals and keep them locked up PERMANENTLY! The FBI current statistics show that minorities are the leading cause of murder and rape. Lets start doing whats right for america by clamping down on these people before they put the clamps on us.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by ghostsoldier

No way, dude. This law is not creating storm troops to go door to door. It is not racist to ask for identification. It is not anti-constitutional to ask that somebody come into the country legally.

If a police officer pulls over a car with a driver and asks that driver for identification then finds out that the driver doesn't have ID it is obviously because the driver has something to hide. If the driver is taken to the police station for a while and is asked to prove their identity then what is racist about that?

You sound like you are angry about illegal aliens being caught in the act of being illegal aliens. What is racist about catching criminals?

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 02:05 AM
Arizona is not ''hunting'' illegals. They are not out there ''looking'' for the illegals based on physical traits. They are simply saying that when an officer comes into contact with somebody through a normal daily operation that the officer is no longer to ignore the fact that the person can not identify themselves. In the past, police were trained to just look the other way or just write a worthless paper ticket that would be ignored. Now, the illegal is going to be grilled for identification. Are you crazy? Are you arguing for open borders and no national identity? I got you, commie!!

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
reply to post by ghostsoldier

No way, dude. This law is not creating storm troops to go door to door. It is not racist to ask for identification. It is not anti-constitutional to ask that somebody come into the country legally.

So cops will be stopping everyone and asking them for proof of citizenship or legality (NOT ID! THEY ARE NOT LOOKING FOR ID! REPEAT: THIS IS NOT ABOUT ASKING FOR ID! IT IS PROOF THAT THEY ARE HERE LEGALLY THEY ARE LOOKING FOR AND ID DOES NOT ALWAYS SATISFY) and not picking certain people to check?

If a police officer pulls over a car with a driver and asks that driver for identification then finds out that the driver doesn't have ID it is obviously because the driver has something to hide. If the driver is taken to the police station for a while and is asked to prove their identity then what is racist about that?

You are talking about a law that is already on the books in every state. You have to have a legal license to drive here. If you are driving and GET PULLED OVER, you need to have a license, not just ID. This bill does not address that.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
Arizona is not ''hunting'' illegals. They are not out there ''looking'' for the illegals based on physical traits. They are simply saying that when an officer comes into contact with somebody through a normal daily operation that the officer is no longer to ignore the fact that the person can not identify themselves.[...]

Over 270,000 illegal immigrants served jail time in 2003. I don't think you've got a problem with putting them in jail under your current system. Can you be sure police wont be hunting Latinos - because I know that alot of black people still get pulled over more than whites, I know minorities are randomly patted down more so than whites, I know minority groups are massively over represented in prison.

How would you feel if everywhere you went you had to produce your papers.

this video is funny

Minorities are harassed much more then whites. And if you were a Latino or an African American, I guarantee if you were the guy above, you would of got your ass stomped and tazered without question.

[edit on 27/4/10 by ghostsoldier]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
Would you stop supporting an artist/musician that would speak out about this? Or would you be more apt to support them for speaking out?


I don't bother to listen to celebrities' views on politics. If I like an artist's music, I listen to it for that reason only. I don't purposefully listen to or avoid listening to an artist's music because of his/her political beliefs.

That being said...

*Thrashes around in the mosh pit*


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