posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 02:06 PM
For the past couple of days I've been reading a fantastic book called "Pattern Recognition" by William Gibson (a writer of a a certain little novel
called "Neuromancer", which spawned the entire cyberpunk genre). It is not only Gibson's first ever novel set in the present, but it focuses on
internet culture in a very vivid fashion.
The key plot of the story is a few people trying to track down the creator of a series of weird, anonymous video clips that are being uploaded onto
the internet. I thought this was an awesome idea, and was amazed when I found out that this whole thing is pretty much the same sort
of thing. For all Ring Hunters in here, I strongly recommend you read this book, not only for its relevance but for its brilliant writing.
As a side query, is it too late to really get into this hunt, now that it's off the ground, and is there a place that summarizes all the hints and
clues found up to this time?