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Doomsayers Are Making This Site Boring!

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posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by weirdo

Dude what`s your issue

No issue l enjoy the site,but l hope the succes dosn`t make the people who run it complaceant.At the moment the subjects l follow are covered in so much detail l would end up having a divorce if i read them all.
I agree with Casse Clay that the post she detail is getting boring.It is inevitable that in time this could be repeated for other topics.The drive force of this site should not be it`s success in attracting an audiance and having them comment boring issues with no info to back up other than from excisting web sites.I believe that growth is better for B.T.S than this site as subject matter has a wider audiance where A.T.S is small and more speciallised.Sorry but this is probably a British way of thinking that big is not always sustanable.

do you realise how hard it is to run a message board? especially a large one, eventually you cant control how things go, you kinda have to let it sort itself out and you cant see everything so you rely on members and moderators to control things, every board has the same problems eventually yet most are still successful anyways.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 05:49 PM
I think that you are seeing more posts because the public is becoming for concerned and intrested in these type of things and as it is a public and free speech board i dont see a problem with people saying things like this.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 06:02 PM
I must say that its really different strokes for different folks. So you don't like the doomsday threads, don't read them. I am not interested in the best aircraft in WWII and mythical creatures etc etc, so I skip those and read the ones I am interested in. The point of a message board like this is to share information with other like minded people. I am sure not everybody here buys into UFOS or government conspiracies. Live and co-exist.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 06:02 PM

Title of link Gold mine turned into advanced U S facillity.

First response.Do you have any links or referances to back this up.Duh

Because of the size of this site people who work in these types of facilities are not going to spill the beans

What we lack is real evidance.people getting out there and taking photo`s investigating.otherswise most threads are speculative.

Ofcourse this will never happen.So l like others will lose interest and find other sources and then Bitch at them.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 10:32 PM
i personaly as a person is kinda new to this bored think that its fine...sure i'm kinda getting tired of the doomsday type post but for some odd reason i tend to still read them and get over it not being the way i want it instead of complaining

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 10:34 PM
The posts do not bother me, discussion is healthy.

The personalities pushing theories and dramatising lies are the things that bother me though.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 11:32 PM
I have to agree with Nerdling, other threads have been shut down when people behave the same way they do in the end of times debates.

The same ol people making the same outlandish claims, refusing to answer questions, and making no factual case for their claims.

There seems to be more and more people solely possessed with discussing the end times in three or four threads not related to the main debate. Like when I see the word meteor in the thread about fleet movements. Im not naming names, but I agree with what Nerdling said.

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