I have been looking into species on Earth right here, and the more I look into it, the more I realize, humanoids are not the best forms for
intelligent life. Most of what we hold dear for our selves is simply an illusion that other species have already proven useless.
If we look at aliens from supposed recordings, they are almost always humanoid. Why is this? Humanoid forms are good for running at targets with
spears and that's about it. On earth alone, intelligent forms range from our selves, to lumbering elephants, to dolphins, to even crows. In fact, if
we rank the most intelligent species on earth, the closest thing to a humanoid, the ape, ranks ranks 4th place!. Humans-Dolphins-crows-elephants-apes.
So I continue to ponder, why is it that we are seemingly locked into viewing only humanoid forms as worthy of capabilities like ourselves, when nature
clearly says otherwise.
One of the most spearheaded attacks against the humanoid form would be the crow. A species which essentially can do everything apes do and more, and
have already shown themselves to be incredibly intelligent. These last survivors of the dinosaurs also pretty much knock off the chances of a
reptilian alien looking human as well. You see, the unique thing about the crow is that is can do all this, with a brain about the size of the tip of
your thumb. The fact that these little critters are just slightly under the intelligence of our ancestors like homo erectus means that big brains are
not the stuff of intelligence. In addition, it means that walking upright is totally unrelated as well.
Their tool use, reasoning abilities, hunting capabilities, and many more mean that corvids in general are a big spike in the homo-centralist view of
In addition, we see videos and evidence that elephants are able to recognize speech of different languages, count, reason, and essentially be just as
good as crows. So what then?
Dolphins indeed we have all hear about as well, with their intelligence equal to that of our children. Semi-tool use, love, sex for pleasure,
reasoing, friendships, and sociability.
None of these species have hands or thumbs, and yet they make intricate and well crafted tools. None of these species walk upright nor show any sign
of developing this feature, but yet they can do all these things. None of these species show any remorse of desire to become more human like, and in
fact continue to develop on their own paths and forms.
So thus the question must be asked to the ufo community. If all these intelligent species are evolving, But with no signs of becoming more hominid,
how is it that so much intelligence can form on this little rock, but yet in space we are to believe in some kind of Roddenberry fairy tale that
anything smart looks like us? Just how certain are you that these things look human, and why must they?