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CNN: Experts Say Aliens Real! We've been working with them for over 50 years now. [from 2007]

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Faiol
reply to post by Jeffdogg



man, this video is real, in 04 AND 01 a conference about UFO happened and a LOT of important people appeared and they got covered a lot in every news station

its just amazing, in one side you have disinformation, in the other a guy with a crazy theory that didnt even bothered to research

flag down system needs to be implemented, otherwise, this website will never be able to be taken seriously

alright well if this was on cnn yesterday proe it by providing a link to it from the website. if you cant provide it them dont speak unless you can prove me otherwise. This was not a video from yesterday so save you "God!! please stop nonsence" for your mommy cause you need a hug right about now.....

I want evidence of aliens as much as everyone else. But the difference between me and you is that I go by VALID EVIDENCE, you go by what a thread says and dont do no research after that.. Therefore you fail

I second the flag down system as mentiopned above.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Faiol
reply to post by Jeffdogg



man, this video is real, in 04 AND 01 a conference about UFO happened and a LOT of important people appeared and they got covered a lot in every news station

its just amazing, in one side you have disinformation, in the other a guy with a crazy theory that didnt even bothered to research

flag down system needs to be implemented, otherwise, this website will never be able to be taken seriously

alright well if this was on cnn yesterday proe it by providing a link to it from the website. if you cant provide it them dont speak unless you can prove me otherwise. This was not a video from yesterday so save you "God!! please stop nonsence" for your mommy cause you need a hug right about now.....

I want evidence of aliens as much as everyone else. But the difference between me and you is that I go by VALID EVIDENCE, you go by what a thread says and dont do no research after that.. Therefore you fail

I second the flag down system as mentiopned above.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Jeffdogg
Its a hoax, you ppl really need to research these threads before you post about "yeah bout time the truth comes out!" and crap like that. Just google the title never pops up in fact the only places with that title or anything close in reference is this site and the one the OP very ignorantly put on his post...

Hello Jeffdog,

It is not a hoax.

Just relax, let go of the misplaced vitriolic criticism and read please what I am about to say slowly and carefully.

This was an old video from around 2007 that was posted online by the website "Project Nsearch" on April 25, 2010 at 11:43am.

The title is the creation of "Project Nsearch" not CNN or the OP.

The video is from an episode of Wolf Blitzers' "Situation Room" show, where they discussed government officials coming forward during a panel discussion with alleged stories of U.F.O. or alien contact and sightings.

It's nothing out of the ordinary or even extraordinary since CNN covers U.F.O. sighting and claims from time to time. CNN isn't confirming their claims to be a fact just reporting that they made the claims.

It is not so unbelievable.

You ppl really couldn't see the lip sync problems? Your not wondering why that vid is soo choppy and thats the only site that has it? (cnn dont even have that video and they were the ones who were supposed to of made it right? lol. You guys are funny
and very gullible dont you see what your doing?

It is Wolf Blitzers voice, dude.

The "reporter" you heard talking underneath was from a clip at the panel discussion with the former or current government officials discussing their claims. On occasion with shows like this they talk while the clip is playing and if someone is speaking it is heard as low audio till they switch over to the clip fully.

I saw the show, it was old but it DID air.

Here is the transcript link from that I dug up with a little research.
I discovered the exact date this aired by using the news information from the CNN crawl at the bottom and when those highlighted events took place. Particularly the opening weekend for Fred Claus (Nov. 9, 2007) and deduced that the show would have aired a few days later on a Monday.


BLITZER: A group gathering here in Washington to talk about their UFO sightings but this apparently is no crack pot convention. Former high-level government and military officials are among those sharing among what they've seen in the skies. Our national correspondent Gary Tuchman is here. He's watching all of this unfold. So what's this conference, Gary, all about?

GARY TUCHMAN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well Wolf, it's most interesting, a panel discussion within the beltway about might be taking place in the Milky Way and beyond. Have extra terrestrials visited us here on earth? Well, 14 men from seven different countries participated in a panel discussion described why they believe UFOs visited earth. These are not guys they picked up off the street. The panel includes former governor of Arizona, Fife Symington, who is one of many Arizonians who said they saw UFOs back in 1997 during an episode that is popularly referred to as the phoenix lights.

According to the transcript from my research this show aired: November 12, 2007

Stop doing that, stop being lazy, and for gods sake please research threads before you post so you wont look idiotic

Yeah, that is some really good advice.

- Lee

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420

This is my third thread with over 100 flags, and I'm a newbie!

yes a newbie that faked his work to act like this vid was from yesterday without doing his research. Thats what makes you a newbie and will keep you a newbie for life.

If you always do what you have always done then you will be what you have always been.

This thread fails hard the video is from years ago not from yesterday your giving yourself a bad name by posting threads as ignorant as this one is..
trust me its not something you want to be bragging about...

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:42 AM
I haven't been on the site in awhile but today I decided to check back to see what's up especialy since this Stephen Hawking's has been saying Alien's are basically real and we better watch out.

I just love when a person with his TITLE is able to captivate people and they hang on his every word.................. The UFO Groups are stale same crap different day I never seen such a subject move so slow and if it gets any slower you will be going backwards.

The Governments have gotten away with this secrecy for so many decades the people just talk and complain about it but don't stand together as one and demand the info or fire the whole lot of them. They do work for us and they need to know that.

I can't get over the fact people are just getting to the point that okay UFO's might be real but..... maybe they are ours and Alien's, well that's another whole subject.

Well, let me tell you life isn't what you thought people. Abductee's have been trying to reveal their experiences and instead of listening with an open mind they are mostly criticized, real shame.

I am going to write what I feel a need to write here and if minded the Moderatoer's can remove, I don't care to be honest. As I see it if only one person reads what I write then they will have some knowledge and with time it will come to light, and you can think of me what you like but at least you will learn something about what life is really about.

The Ships and Beings have been not only right here on this Planet but they are everywhere and still to this day mapping this massive Universe.
On what we call Planets many Species are underground simply because they can not survive above ground..... such as here on Earth there is to much Oxygen in Earth's atmosphere for them.

When you look up at the stars at night not all them there stars are what they appear ...many are ships that return to there specified locations at night when there duties are done. This entire Planet is Monitored 24/7 ships are underground, in our skies and many species live in the deepest of our waters such as the Grey's.....and all Grey's are not bad just misunderstood.

To be honest I don't understand why the Human would think they are the Cat's Meow. In Alien terminology Humans are considered a stupid species with intelligence worth study.

A Human is just another Species and low on the totem pole but none the less an interesting Species with an interesting created Planet.

Actually where does the Human think they came from. God, who is God your God(s) are Aliens and you are part of this and that... they made the Human. In Human terminology we would consider the Beings Dr.s Surgeon's, Scientist, Monitor's and Protector's.

In a way we are to them as animals are to us, some pets, some testing specimens and some left to roam the wilds until they may be needed for whatever. Many Humans could also have been transferred here ( their Soul) per agreement. Your God's (Aliens's are capable of many things) but we will leave it at that.

This Planet as a whole is PROTECTED. I must say two words that intrigue me are....Protected and interfere.

We know our meaning of Protect for ourselves as a Species, for them protect is taken more openly as a whole picture for them.

For example the Grey's consider the Earth their's, they have been here since it's beginning so they will Protect this Planet..... now don't misunderstand they aren't going to protect you exactly unless you have meaning to them and they will allow us to kill each other off if that is the way we want it but they will not allow us to destroy this Planet.... BECAUSE, it is their's.

Interfere well since they consider that we Human's are theirs since they created us and as THEY CREATED this Planet "HOW WOULD THEY BE INTEREING WITH US" You are their's weather you know it or like it, this is just the way it is.

If/when we are about to " totally destroy" this Planet you will know without a doubt and it will be unforgettable.

Well, I do have things to do today and I do apologize for going on and on there is so much more.... but hey!

Again I apologize for interrupting your thread but yes the SHIPS and ALIEN'S are real but I don't expect you to believe..... your gut and Soul will lead you down your path, "whatever way it is to be."

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420

This is my third thread with over 100 flags, and I'm a newbie!

Congratulations, man.

I personally didn't star or flag this thread, but only because I knew this was old information (having seen that show) and just posted up recently on a website with a new title.

I do hope at least, that the transcript I found from the CNN website will dispel any concerns over the actual videos authenticity.


- Lee

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by jrmcleod
Disclosure will NEVER happen unless the Aliens do it themselves, why? Well because...

1. There would be mass panic and global wars
2. Economies would crash all over the world
3. Religion and faith would be pretty much shattered
4. Governments would loose a crazy amount of money from illnesses etc if new technology was released too quickly

These are but a few reasons why it will NEVER happen from a human angle

Why would all those super rich and powerful people want their fortune removed? They dont care about us common people, they care about power...unless they all die or Aliens disclose, it wont happen

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by ashanu90

Its a very simple logic/intelligence test.

If aliens had ill intentions, we'd already be gone!?

and as far as mining, zoos, or food, or any other nonsense. NO
Theres enough planets and technology to bypass this need.

Ive always been under the firm belief that the universe has a built in garbage program.
Any species that would be violent in outter-space would surely, and hopefully destroy themselves before becoming a space faring civilization

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420

This is my third thread with over 100 flags, and I'm a newbie!

Yay! =]

You did the right thing by changing the title to read [2007]. Sometimes things are overlooked and old stories are brought anew but I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that this was unintentional.

That being said, please pay no attention to the posters [or poster] that feel the need to troll and flame you. Those type of posts say more about the poster than they do about you.


[edit on 26-4-2010 by xEphon]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
reply to post by ashanu90

Its a very simple logic/intelligence test.

If aliens had ill intentions, we'd already be gone!?

That's humans projecting their own realities onto other races. We think ill intentioned aliens would be like Mars Attacks, flying around and blowing things up, like we do in wars. But in reality, they could just have no respect for us at all, and stop in to grab some DNA and soft tissue now and then like the planet is some kind of bizarre supermarket. They'd probably have millions of planets they do it to, and we're just the one they use when they're in this region.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by Risen]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:46 PM
It is very hard for me to believe that UFO's are automatically E.T.'s flying around the universe. I think that they are man made flying objects that are being tested out/perfected by the government. Perhaps thats why they are always so secretive ? They wouldn't want an "alien " investigation to end up being a classified project investigation right?

Basically what I am saying is why do you believe that aliens are the ones being seen and not something that has been created by man?

IF you went back 200, heck even 50 years ago and handed someone an iPhone they would have thought it to be alien technology.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by ventian
Maybe we are finally gonna get disclosure (I ain't holdin my breath though). All this stuff of aliens in the MSM lately certainly makes you wonder though. Looking at the time on the video, this would have been shown during prime time news cast. Very awesome.

I really dont see the point of disclosure, I mean if the government tells you aliens exist, you'll finally accept it?

I dont think they need to, or ever will disclose anything about ET's, ET craft, or reverse engineered technology. Seriously, why would they? Do you believe the government is honest and truthful with all other topics they "disclose" to the sheep, err i mean public?

If you really need proof, dont look to your government for answers, look back through history. Nearly every single civilization that has existed, reports contact with beings that "came from the sky" and had incredible technology, deeming them Gods in the eyes of the ancient people.

Look at all of the paintings done through the ages that show the typical UFO shape, and even people pointing up towards the objects in wonder.

Think about the countless cases of hard working honest people who genuinely think they encountered something otherworldly.

How much proof do we really need before something so blatant will finally be accepted?

That's great that the MSM is jumping on the bandwagon, but lets remember, they dont report on topics to do us some public service. They (CNN) are a corporate business that wants to be profitable. They could care less if they're talking about aliens or illegal immigration, as long as they get the viewers, they'll say or do just about anything.

If you're really looking for disclosure, go to the UFO museum in Roswell. It sounds corny I know, but it actually provides some compelling evidence. As you walk through it, on every wall they have signed affidavits from people ranging from your average Joe, to former Presidents and world leaders. All stating that there IS something out there. Thats all the disclosure I need.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by WhiteDevil013]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Jeffdogg

yes a newbie that faked his work to act like this vid was from yesterday without doing his research. Thats what makes you a newbie and will keep you a newbie for life.

Title was changed to "2007" and I still got another 60 flags...

Invalid argument is invalid.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:24 PM
Thanks for posting this, even though it may be somewhat dated it is still a good way to review the subject. The current state of Human affairs shows how difficult it is to "get your act together" and it may be impossible for us to do so at this stage of our evolution. Right now we can't even control our own DNA or educate sizable portions of our population. Heck we are still often driven by shape fear.

Do I believe there are civilzations out there among the galaxies? indeed I do and I think our universe may be more akin to Brins "Uplift" then we could ever imagine. Right now we are infants in our crib, lets hope that when the big kids take notice of us they play nice because if they want to they can keep us in the crib forever. We will never be the conquering Humans in so many novels, we will either play nice or not be allowed to play at all.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Jeffdogg

Title was changed to "2007" and I still got another 60 flags...

Invalid argument is invalid.

I think he was refuting the fact that you're bragging about "star farming" on a previously discussed topic. I tend to agree. Good post, but toss the pitchfork before it gets you in trouble.


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:46 PM
wow, we should give this the highest priority. Who would have ever thought that CNN would expose this?

I mean, after all CNN has the MOST integrity in the news media, right?

No wonder their ratings are in the toilet and very few watch CNN. The OP notwithstanding of course.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:59 PM
Shame that this dates back to 2007 and is only now getting attention.

It'll probably be forgotten about in the next few weeks

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:12 PM
certantly an interesting article\video, I got the impression that the one who wrote the article was not entirely unpartical

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:27 PM
I think the only way the community will wake up are when all the media draws their attention to the subject. Just like this one

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

I foolishly flagged your thread when it popped up thinking it was new footage, stupid me.

+1 on a flag down system.

edit: that's one hell of a bong - cool!

[edit on 26-4-2010 by cripmeister]

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