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Whats in a Carefully Prepared Alias? Who is Ari Fleischer?

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posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 02:53 PM
**Please note: This Research was private research which released prematurely by a member of the private forum where it was being researched, discussed, compiled, documented and vetted. This story would probably not have been released for weeks, perhaps months. Please keep this in mind as we wanted to really have had a lot more work and documentation in place before this was made public.

Whats in a Carefully Prepared Alias - Was Ari Fleischer's picture used for Flight 11 passenger Michael Theodoridis?

by; Phil Jayhan

This is getting more bizarre as we research the passengers themselves. Let me first state emphatically that we are not making any claims, and are only asking these disturbing questions about the passengers because we feel compelled by the evidence to do so. For those of you who have followed the Mike Rivero/John J. Wenckus look-a-like story, this might not come as the total shock it will to some. While doing research trying to figure out how many millionaires were on the 4 flights, I was looking through the passenger profiles, and their biographies and pictures, I stumbled upon John J. Wenckus, an alleged passenger from Flight 11. And as I was clicking on the next biography, had the feeling I had seen this man before or knew him in some way other than being a dead passenger. So I clicked back, and looked at the picture a little longer, before it came to me who he resembled. Mike Rivero from the internationally known website,

This might not be as odd as it appears, especially when you discover that Mike Rivero, prior to his film career in Hollywood, worked at NASA developing advanced image processing tools for the Viking Missions to Mars. Mike Rivero retired from NASA after working there for 25 years according to his online bio, and at IMDB says he has over 30 years experience in visual design and production. (Internet Movie Database)

From left to right:

Ari Fleischer - White House Spokesman - Michael Theodoridis - alleged Passenger from flight 11 - Ari Fleischer, Darker Complexion

So I pulled up a picture of Mike Rivero and was instantly astonished at the near identical natures of these two men. And I mean nearly 100% identical. Sure enough, John Wenckus has a darker complexion, and smiles, something which not surprisingly, Mike Rivero doesn't often do. And the bottom of his face is a tad chubbier than that of Rivero. Other than that, the two men are, in my opinion, perfectly identical. That discovery led me and many others here into a deeper search among the passenger faces which we had all ignored for so long. Let it be known that the first apparent passenger found is Barbara Olson, who appears to be back from the grave and who also re-married Ted Olson last summer.

If confirmed, Mike Rivero would be the 2nd alleged passenger from 9/11 to be discovered among the living. And oddly enough, is an alleged 9/11 patriot, here now demanding to know "what really happened" on 9/11. If this isn't one of the top 10 ironies of all time, I don't know what would be. So, having laid the groundwork for the first 2 alleged passengers now among the living, we have found another, a 3rd alleged passenger who also appears to have escaped the near certain death grip of Muslim fundamentalists on 9/11.

SUMMARY: Over thirty years experience in film/TV production, visual effects design and production, and supervision. Original link:

There is no doubt that these two men look nearly identical. The question is whether Lawrence Ari Fleischer (born October 13, 1960) and who was the former White House Press Secretary for U.S. President George W. Bush from January, 2001 to July, 2003, and Michael Theodoridis of Boston MA, are the same person - or do they look exceedingly similar? While it is certainly possible with plastic surgery and the theft of an identity that this could happen, it is also possible that Michael Theodoridis and Ari Fleischer are simply near identical look-a-likes.

And something else to consider, is in some of these cases, plastic surgery can be done to the photographs, rather than the actual people. Facial moles removed, slight changes made the eyes and eyelids. Nose features slightly changed. Everyone here has a fairly good idea of how relatively easy this is to do for those with the skills. All that is needed is a little bit of imagination when looking at the pictures.

While researching this, I came across this discovery on and felt it noteworthy.

Original link: 73 -- 35C? Michael Theodoridis? (???) Name almost completely obscured on our list, however appears to match Theodoridis, and the seating position reported by the Boston Globe 2.One of the passenger names has been almost deleted, with only the very lowest portion of each letter remaining visible. It appears to be Michael Theodoridis, named as a passenger on other sites, but we cannot be completely sure of that.

It does appear that early on someone was perhaps trying to possibly undo a bad decision made before 9/11, and try to erase the name of Michael Theodoridis. But after 9 years now, it would be hard to track or research or find out, although the why would be obvious.

For various other pictures for comparison see these. there are too many pictures to copy here, and I am out of space here anyways.

Let me say something in closing here. I am not making the claim that these two men are one and the same man. But because of all the confusion surrounding 9/11 and the alleged passengers of the 4 flights, when one comes across a near identical match regarding a passenger and someone of such high stature in the Bush Administration, it raises legitimate questions.

And that's all I am doing is asking those questions.

The point of this story is that we simply do not know anything about the passengers. We do not know if they boarded planes. We do not know if passengers even showed up at the airports. We do not know if a single passenger flew that day. We do not know if the passengers are alive. Or dead. We do not even know if all the passengers were real living people or creations of Identity fiction. We do not know if they used recently, or in some cases, not so recent dead peoples identity.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 03:39 PM
Before now I have never heard of anything like this concerning the 9/11 truther movement. Being a truther, I would say that the probability of these two men, in fact, being one and the same is very good.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by ReVoLuTiOn76

Whats interesting is prior to having found any near identical look-a-likes I was completely ignorant of what a carefully prepared alias was. Until I found the picture of John J Wenckus and saw the near identical nature between that and Mike Rivero.

Then some of the confusion of a carefully prepared alias (CPA) started to lift. a CPA can come in an endless variety of packages; If Mike Rivero is John Wenckus, then that leads us down the path of possible second alternate identities, or dual identities. And in his case, the alleged dual identity is killed off, while one of the identities remains.

The same thing goes for Ari Fleischer. He most definitely was in Florida with Bush. But a dual identity of Ari Fliescher could be anywhere because it is a fictional identity, with a real person behind it.

I am not convinced about anything on the passenger issues. We need to ask questions and open up avenues of thought previously forbidden. I have about 3-4 other big profile near identical identities I have discovered among the passenger memorials.

We are working to vett this other unreleased material, and document what we can before releasing them. We were in the process of doing this research and documentation regarding Michael Theodoridis & Ari Fleischer before someone released it without permission or authorization and our hand was forced to write the story early.

But I agree. I see a near identical and perfect match between that of Michael Theodoridis and that of Ari Fleischer. They are disturbingly identical.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply; This is a tough subject and people are prone to react to a story such as this rather than just opening their mind to the possibility of it. The bottom line is that there is very little we know about the passengers or those claimed to have been on the planes. And we all know there are many serious issues regarding the passengers which need answers. Now there are more of them.


posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Phil Jayhan

Wow, this is almost as good as your Lady Evelyn Booth Olson stuff.

If I was a truther, I would be seriously concerned that you are just trying to totally discredit the movement more than it is already.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by Phil Jayhan

Wow, this is almost as good as your Lady Evelyn Booth Olson stuff.

If I was a truther, I would be seriously concerned that you are just trying to totally discredit the movement more than it is already.


This kind of thing does not help anyone and, by association, makes a mockery of the whole truth movement.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by spg595

Asking legitimate Questions never Ruins anything

I completely disagree. Asking questions never hurt anything. I consider this type of response a "shout-down" to close any inquiry or legitimate questions.

The point of this story is that we simply do not know anything about the passengers. We do not know if they boarded planes. We do not know if passengers even showed up at the airports. We do not know if a single passenger flew that day. We do not know if the passengers are alive. Or dead. We do not even know if all the passengers were real living people or creations of Identity fiction. We do not know if they used recently, or in some cases, not so recent dead peoples identity.

Just because this might not fit into your paradigm or understanding doesn't mean asking these questions will ruin anything. Think about the absurdity of the claim your making. "Ruining the truth movement."

People that often bark this out "Ruining the truth movement." are in essence shouting others down, using the bullying tactic of fear of information suppression. whether intentional or otherwise.


posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Phil Jayhan

Please note that there is a difference between making a baseless disgusting accusation and putting a question mark on the end and asking a legitimate question. You are excersing the former, not the latter.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by hooper

I never made any such type of accusation; Can you please quote me what your talking about? I did no such thing. And I understand how you feel but cannot be controlled by your paradigm and limited thought process. Nothing in 9/11 is off limits for investigation because everything we were told are lies. Except that it happened on 9/11.


posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 05:31 PM
I didn't read the whole thing, but looking at the pictures, the centre one appears to have a cleft chin, but the other two do not. Have you taken that into consideration? Other than that they look the same; but having not read the post I won't comment on whether I think you're right or not.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by ShadowArcher
I didn't read the whole thing, but looking at the pictures, the centre one appears to have a cleft chin, but the other two do not. Have you taken that into consideration? Other than that they look the same; but having not read the post I won't comment on whether I think you're right or not.

There are slight differences. Yet when watching videos of Ari Fleischer I have seen just about everything displayed in his facial expressions that constitute differences. And please do read the entire story because I did in fact already cover this area. Not the chin per say, but the general question which you asked was basically answered in my first post. Look for the part where I speak about them doing plastic surgery to the photographs rather than the people themselves.

Take the picture of Barbara Olson and Lady Booth:


Here, they did plastic surgery to the person, rather than the photographs. People that look for easy answers to the 911 mystery will always be disappointed because there aren't many easy answers.

But there is an identifying mark on both photographs in my opinion, and it is the dent in air Fleischers skull. Although barely visible, you can discern that same general indentation in Michael Theordoridis's skull, above his right eye. Our left when viewing the picture.

Also notice that this indentation in Ari's skull is also visibly absent in the far right picture, while totally obvious in the left picture.


Hope that helps-


posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 06:48 PM

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 08:09 PM
Here is a collage I put together of some pictures of Ari Fleischer & Michael Theodoridis. Sometimes more reference points helps;



posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:52 AM
Phil, some people just look quite similar. You're going to have to get over it.

Plus you say you were going to "vet the information". What does that mean? I suggest that it's a caveat designed to allow you to make a baseless - and quite distasteful allegation - without backing it up properly.

Furthermore, have you checked with Michael Theodoridis's family? They can't be that hard to track down. Or is that one of the vetting procedures that you conveniently haven't got round to yet?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by phil jayhan

Let it be known that the first apparent passenger found is Barbara Olson, who appears to be back from the grave and who also re-married Ted Olson last summer.

Don't forget, the brilliant rocket scientists who came up with that Barbara Olson story also had her captured on the non-existent border between Austria and Poland (or some such foolishness - the Truthers need more geography majors in their ranks) with a bajillion lira in her possession - 2 years after Italy switched to the Euro (the Truthers need more international finance majors in their ranks).

The Truther movement is a self-licking ice cream cone - it exists merely to perpetuate its own raison d'etre. The funniest part remains how serious they take themselves. Can't wait for the next one!

[edit on 26-4-2010 by trebor451]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
Phil, some people just look quite similar. You're going to have to get over it.

You gotta consider the source here, Trick. Jayhan has peddled the long-debunked "pod" disinformation for many years on his forum. He and a few at his forum think they see a pod on the fuselage of FL.175, when in fact there isn't.

Now they think they see comparisons in people that aren't even close. For example:

A person usually keeps the same moles throughout their life. I've pointed out several moles on the face of Rivero that are not on Wenckus. That automatically means they are not the same person.

Even if you want to explain away the obvious dissimilar looks of the two by claiming plastic surgery, their teeth aren't the same either. That would mean that Olsen would have to have had her entire mouth pulled and replaced with dentures.

And now finally, Fleischer/Theodoridis
Thanks to the collage, we can now see that these two aren't even the same race! All one has to do is look at Theodoridis' hair to see that.

Just because the wing fairings of a jetliner can appear to look like a "pod" due to lighting/shadows, doesn't automatically mean there is one there.

Just because these people appear somewhat similar, doesn't automatically mean they are the same person.

And a little more digging and a few seconds of real research shows that none of the above is true.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by _BoneZ_]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by phil jayhan

Thanks for all the great laughs! Please keep 'em coming...

People, living or dead, who resemble one another? Can't imagine that would ever happen, not even in the World of Celebrities...(?):

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:10 AM
I've had an idea. We could start a thing where we collect pictures of our friends, or maybe famous people from TV and movies, or sports, and we show them side by side. For laughs. We can call it likey-looks.

Or perhaps not. Maybe it would never work because two people so rarely look the same.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:34 PM

The point of this story is that we simply do not know anything about the passengers. We do not know if they boarded planes. We do not know if passengers even showed up at the airports. We do not know if a single passenger flew that day. We do not know if the passengers are alive. Or dead. We do not even know if all the passengers were real living people or creations of Identity fiction. We do not know if they used recently, or in some cases, not so recent dead peoples identities.We do not know why only 130 families of the passengers received money from the official 911 victims compensation fund. And we do not know how many of those alleged people allegedly flying on the 4 flights were carefully crafted dual identities,as it appears might be the case with John J Wenckus and Mike Rivero. I have not crossed over into any theory in this thread.

Whats ironic here is the comments about the pod being debunked, When was that? As far as I know everything in 911 has been debunked by someone in 911 or another. Ironically, anyone who believes in the controlled demolitions of the world trade center is advocating the use of military drones, whether they know it or not.

Do these people believe that the hijackers were working together with whoever planted the charges in the world trade center? The hijackers working together with the US government to hit the buildings in the exact location where the building would later start to experience total collapse? The planes could NOT have been commercial airliners. They had to have been military drones. Also consider the source of this so called "debunking." The whole smear campaign against the use of drones was started, launched and perpetuated by Alex Jones and Mike Rivero.

The idea that the hijackers were working together with those who planted the charges in the world trade center is ludicrous. Yet thats basically what they are saying when they reject the idea of drones being used. And their position is so much more ridiculous, all one has to do is think to see through their smoke and mirrors.

Can anyone here prove that the passengers even showed up at the airports? And flew on planes at all? Please provide this proof if you have it because it doesn't exist. Can anyone here prove that a single passenger was aboard any of the 4 planes on 9/11? No, they cannot. They are taking the governments word for it. There is not proof of one single passenger being found dead at any of the 4 crash sites.

Watch out when people mock people and shout them down with such frivilous arguments, because its a sign they are here to shout down any avenues of investigation that they themselves don't "pre-approve."

Why did only 130 families of the 245 passenger families receive any money form the victims compensation fund? And what was the criteria used for eligibility? Why is there only an extremely small handful of passengers found on the social security death index? Which boasts an 83% accuracy rating?

Why has not one single video been released showing a single passenger at a single airport? Why were no bodies recovered at Shanksville? If you say otherwise please provide the proof. How is it that the government claims the fires were so hot at the Pentagon that it consumed the plane completely, yet they were allegedly able to identify nearly all the remains through DNA testing? A simple answer comes to mind; The government is lying.


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:03 PM
Care to address my question, Phil? Or is it "frivilous"?

Given that how you answer it will speak volumes about your "research" methods I'm keenly anticipating your response.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Actually, yes it is frivilous. Maybe when you answer all my questions, perhaps then I will answer yours. Why is it that you don't use your real name? Personally I think that people who hide behind screen names and want to be on the permanent payroll of the Devils advocacy group should be taken with a grain of salt. But hey, that's just an opinion.

I will always feel free to investigate what I feel warrants investigation and ask appropriate questions on the material I believe warrants it. I don't really respond to disingenuous questions or people generally, not in any great length as it's like pissing in the wind. But hey, to each his own!

Has anyone here ever considered the idea that the reason nothing has happened in 911 is because we have no legal controlling authority in the land? And not because there is "poor evidence" presented by some in 911?

The FBI, CIA and most other government agencies are up to 911 to their eyeballs. So until I see that change, I'll keep doing what I do and ask the questions I want to ask. And if this bothers you, feel free not to read my posts, or better yet, go read a book and take a break from your neon screen.


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