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Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by oniongrass
More importantly why would the American government that’s long been claiming that America is too dependent on foreign oil, lease for a pittance, to a foreign company one of the largest reserves in the world?
Further how could you lease one of the largest reserves of oil in the world and not make a staggering sum doing so?
I don't doubt that the leases are too cheap. It's hard / impossible to prove what they're worth, and the oil lease monopsonists will take advantage of every bit of gray area there, meanwhile the government is not going to negotiate very aggressively.
Same way government deals with the big banks. Sweetheart deals, agreed.
Believe it or not the cost for one gallon of fuel delivered to the U.S. Military in Afghanistan exceeds 400.00 per gallon. That’s the average cost per gallon that the U.S. Government pays to hand full of contractors that deliver that gasoline.
Why is the U.S. Military not securing and procuring and delivering its own gasoline? It certainly has the means to do so and transport it and distribute it?
Why was Halliburton given a million dollar a day no bid contract to run the infrastructure in Iraq? More importantly why did we have to destroy the infrastructure in Iraq just to make American taxpayers pay for then rebuilding it?
Why does Halliburton actually destroy a brand new vehicle that has a flat tire rather than paying to have it fixed in Iraq? Because it needs to spend that million dollars a day on expenditures that appear legitimate, but how does destroying a brand new vehicle and buying a new one simply because it has a flat tire, improve the Iraqi infrastructure.
I didn't know about the $400 / gallon gasoline. I do remember the $10,000 toilet seats from the Vietnam era. I used to work in the defense industry. It was fairly comfortable with all that funding.
The giveaways to Halliburton and other companies, well known in the W era, were indeed bald criminality.
Taxation is in fact based on the divine right of Kings, you owe a debt to the state because the state allows you to live in it.
But what is the alternative. Do we let people opt out of receiving police protection, military "protection", etc.? If the system were run honestly, it would be a fair tradeoff. Of course the system is never run honestly.
Here's an idea! There should be some areas set aside as unincorporated zones on the planet, where people can pay no taxes and receive no services. And in other areas people can live under the protection of a state.
But here's a problem! How do we prevent a tough guy conquering the unincorporated area and setting up a state? Well you need outside protection, some (minimal) laws, etc. to keep that under control. Oops, mission creep! Now someone has to administer it. So it's not really unincorporated.
Yes the Shenzhen special economic zone. Actually a bit more color to that: HK had long been used as an economic gateway to China. When China took it over, it no longer had to put up with people's preference for dealing with Brits. As a result some business naturally moved from there to other cities, largely Shanghai. The HK entrepreneurs were from Shanghai anyway, having run to escape communism. Now the communism is much reduced, Shanghai is much improved, and many of them really preferred Shanghai anyway. Shanghai is becoming the leading business city, even though HK has a better port, because it's a different race (or sub-race) of people.
China began it’s transformation prior to the lease expiring in Hong Kong, they had set up a ‘free economic’ zone in Southern China across from Hong Kong they were rapidly industrializing and turning into a free enterprise zone so that once Hong Kong reverted back to China they could use it as a economic gateway to China. It’s spread out from there to basically the entire nation in a short period of time, but let’s examines a few important things about China.
One is its central bank is a Rothschild bank.
Do you have evidence for this? It is important.
So the Papal Rothschild Family controls its money and this explains a lot of why China loans the U.S. so much money.
Two is that when Richard Nixon visited China in the early 70’s, he like so many other Kissinger influenced politicians proclaimed a “New World Order”.
Three George Bush Sr. was then named Ambassador to China.
Four George Bush Jr. oversaw the transfer of American industry and the outsourcing of most of it’s manufacturing to China.
Today China has the second largest group of billionaires in the world as a result.
How a State chooses to manage its citizens (govern) makes no difference presently to Rome, what does matter is it does what it is told to with its resources.
Nixon wasn't in control. In fact he negotiated with Deng Xiaoping, who did not have the highest title and probably could not commit China to much. Now it's true that Deng was de-facto the leader of the country, and everyone knew it, but that doesn't matter in international law.
No doubt the Bush family has a lot of business connections to China, which they take advantage of. Whether it's corrupt is not China's problem. I don't know that it's corrupt from their side.
This explanation stands on its own, without having to believe that the Rothschilds run the Chinese system.
You are never going to see that money again, so why is China a communist nation loaning America a capitalist nation trillions of dollars?
Easy because if they don’t they won’t receive the oil and manufacturing contracts it needs to run it’s new and improved infrastructure.
When the Shenzhen SEZ was set up, people flocked there from the countryside because they could make a bit more money. Chinese love money, and that has nothing to do with Rothschilds.
I think it's a consequence of capitalism. The capital can be controlled by any hands, they do not have to be the Rothschilds or anyone in particular.
Did you see how tough China was in negotiating against the Western bankers, for 20 years or more, turning back endless attempts at subversion? I do not believe it was all for show.
I'd say China these days is about the most capitalist place on earth. Ask any Chinese, there or here.
[edit on 14-8-2010 by oniongrass]
Originally posted by tankthinker
Hey proto would it be possible to provide a list of treaties that are of most importance in understanding the Roman conspiracy.
I would love to read them.
[edit on 12-8-2010 by tankthinker]
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
What makes it interesting is all along the route that carries these illegal aliens up to and into the United States are way stations and free pensions (over night hostiles) run by the Catholic Church and Priests who feed and shelter these immigrants over night all along the thousand mile route the train takes.
So answer me this skeptics why is the Roman Catholic Church feeding and housing illegal immigrants to help them get into the United States illegally against the laws of the United States.
The Middle Inn of the Crown Temple has publically acknowledged there were at least five Temple Bar attornies, under solemn oath only to the Crown, who signed what was alleged to be the American Declaration of Independence. This simply means that both parties to the Declaration agreement were of the same origin, the CROWN TEMPLE. .....the importance of this, there is no international agreement or treaty that will ever be honored or will ever have lawful effect, when the same party signs as both the first and second parties. It's merely a worthless piece of paper with no lawful authority when both sides to any agreement are actually the same.
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Big star and flag my friend and kudos to you for a very well researched and presented original post and theory.
You very well may have stumbled upon the symbols and their numerical significance in how the 2033 date was arrived at for the beginning of the New World Order, and the New Rome/New Atlantis, that the United States of America seems to have been founded as a staging ground to play a pivotal and preeminent role in creating.
My source for the 2033 date, and the picture of the pyramid beings used in your OP presented them to me as being Masonic in origin. Though I have no doubt the Masons of ATS will deny this in various ways.
This according to my source is the target date for the completion of the new control grid and the new one world government to go along with it.
Unlike a great number of the Prediction Threads that include dates that pop up here on ATS this is one that I most certainly would not like to see ever come true at any point in time, the way that the Shadow Government would like for it to come true.
I feel that we have a realistic chance to prevent this from happening by exposing this conspiracy and raising people’s level of awareness, so they in fact will not go along with the controls that my source tells me will start to be rapidly implemented starting in 2013, and continue on for a 20 year period of building upon them and locking them down, with a final completion in 2033.
I feel we have a realistic chance in stopping this conspiracy and making a much better future for ourselves because of people like you my friend, who are diligently trying to expose these things, by thinking outside of the box, and outside of the control grid to figure them out and shed light on them.
World War III is largely going to be an information war, a guerilla information war, and it will be won or lost by the information that either dissuades people to not go along with the drive to a one world government and ever excessive security controls and regulations, or lost because people are convinced to go along with it.
Great job my friend.
Originally posted by Revolution33
what exactly we should be expecting to happen in 2012-2013 and 2013-2033 ? and what do you think will the New World Order look like at the end of the process?
Originally posted by serbsta
reply to post by infinite
Given by whom?
Why should we believe anything about this 2033 date when there is no proof whatsoever to support it.
Originally posted by pjl_u2
if this dribble counts for anything more than another jewish masonic road side attraction in any of the readers minds, it certainly explains a lot about this site and the state of the planet....
Christianity in India since the living days of a JEW called the "doubting" Thomas(52 A.D.), puts the only nail needed in the coffin of this long winded fluff barrel.
Complete destruction of the current system. Expect the economy to be annihilated. The basic function of a World Central Bank and global reserve currency will be in place by 2015.
Originally posted by serbsta
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Did you just say nothing in your post again? Oh yes, you did...
2033, where does it come from?
Why should we believe it?
Sorry, you know I'm not close with all those secret government agents and heads of state like you are. I don't have inside knowledge of how the worlds ruling cabals operate, so excuse my ignorance in asking a simple question to someone who is so obviously tied with the elite and therefore should be able to provide the answer.
2033. Go.