::I will re-post the "Hebrew" theories with some enhancements and new links::
for all newcomers (and regular contributors) benefit
Note: Dates are based on “modern” western calendar system…
B.C. and A.D. did not “officially” exist until middle ages (Rome-Vatican).
Different calendars and date systems were used in various areas in ancient times.
The word “Jew” is English – English did not exist in early Roman times.
The word “Jew” came in Middle-English circa 1000 A.D.
“Jews” were from “Judah”, “Hebrews” were from “Israel”.
Today’s English refers to “Jews” from anywhere.
The word “Semitic” is a word used in English to define a group of ancient middle-eastern languages and ethnic groups.
“Hebrew” is one Semitic group.
The Greek word is “Hebraios”.
The name “Phoenician” was labeled in later times by the Greeks and the name
“Phoenicia” was later depicted as the “homeland” of “Phoenicians”, at that time it was within the kingdom of “Canaan” referred to by
the Egyptians and earlier cultures.
The Akkadian language was widely used in “Babylonian” times and is a precursor to later languages.
“Phoenicia” not to be confused with “Phocaea”, a city founded by Athenians circa 1000 B.C., in present day western Turkey.
The Akkadian word “Kinahna” means “Canaanites”,
The Akkadian word “ilutu” means “highness, divine”,
The Hebrew word “kena’ani” means “Merchant”.
The Akkadian word “Labnăna” is the “name” of “Phoenicia”, present day Lebanon.
The Phoenician word “hay” means “brother”.
The Phoenician word “habr” means “associate or colleague”.
The Phoenician word “hebil” means “sailor”.
The Babylonian / Hebrew / Roman “Money Funnel” Economies
The quest to control populations (wide-area banking systems).
The “Phoenicians” were “pre-Hebrew” Semitic society groups that dominated and “Governed” trade and finance circa 3000 B.C. thru early
Roman times. They had strong military alliances and conflicts with multiple civilizations from time to time spanning many centuries. Elite Groups
(families) may have formed, descended and migrated from ancient pre-Akkadian trade administrations merging with sub-groups (Indo-European, Semitic
nomads (Amorites), pre-Persian, Indus Valley, China, ancient Spain/Saharan, Harifian, Mari, Capsian, ancient pre-Egypt, ancient Egypt, ancient
Anatolian, Catalhoyuk, Vinca, Varna, and other super-ancient cultures) into various Semite “Merchant Ruling Class” Phoenician influenced areas,
and Greek/Egyptian influenced areas. These merging groups may have invented the myths of pre-ancient “Osirian” origins circa 15000 B.C. and
older. Intermingling and local inbreeding produced a unique and powerful wealthy elite financial administrating class of well-educated and
“secretive” merchant families by the time Babylon came into emergence circa 3000 B.C.
The Merchant Trade Groups had Multi-Nation influence over City-States and ports spanning the entire Mediterranean coastal areas and many inland
outposts as far away as present day Europe, Great Britain, Africa, Egypt, upper and central Asia, India, China and probably limited areas in the
The trade Groups were private tamkaru (ancient Akkadian language word meaning “trader”) and had infiltrated 100’s of kingdoms, towns, cities,
organized groups, and local trade districts. They used all the language and value systems in existence possibly spanning thousands of years. The
Groups had no established “national” borders or boundaries (other than perhaps the ancient Baalbek Lebanon location), and no genuine single
“ethnicities” or “worships” (other than wealth), and were “independent” within trade routes and outposts.
These “Phoenician” merchant trade groups had also infiltrated the Etruscan economies (pre-Roman Kingdom) by way of their (Phoenician) established
trade port in present day Genoa, Italy (a Mediterranean “pirate” base for Phoenician exploits), and ports on Corsica and Sardinia. Early Etruscan
settlements were started by Phoenician/Lydian allied groups.
Their “Banking and Finance” and civil systems became the Babylonian code systems, many from Sumerian Ur-Nammu codes.
The Akkadian language was widely used in “Babylonian” times and is a precursor to later languages.
These “Groups” may be the “Forefathers” and “Founders” of modern international trade systems and “secret” political/religious
organizations. The ancient ruins in Baalbek may have been the first “World Bank”. Ancient temples within “nations” and “city-states”
were used as “depositories (and warehouses)” and may have been the first “central banks”.
1000 B.C. to year 0:
Hebrew / Judea “Faiths” and “Laws” were created by “Elitist” financial and merchant trade groups (scholars and entrepreneurs).
Earlier established “Babylonian-Hammurabi” beliefs were greatly “enhanced” (Especially Financial) and many declared to be “divine”.
Scholars created “Judaism” as a “religion” (sets of beliefs) for economic consolidation purposes, uniformity, and redundancies for disaster
The “Hebrew” Calendar adopted (for standardization) from Phoenician / Chinese trade partnerships.
Scholars from these Groups “create” the “Hebrew” (ibritu) Language (from Akkadian/Phoenician-Canaanite (Kinahhu), and possibly Hindu)
AND create a pre-Latin Language (from Greek).
Latin was to be used primarily by the trade and financial sub-groups (from different ethnic populations), and future consolidated military forces.
Latin was to be used to consolidate many Italic languages (mostly of Greek origins) at major trade junctions (City-States), City of Rome, etc.).
Hebrew to be used by “Elite” educated scholar groups (consolidated Semitic language, for “historical” recordkeeping and higher level
Latin / Hebrew accounting systems were to be used by administrators, merchants and scribes.
Attempt to consolidate trade related communication and create redundancy regardless of (then) current political/religious/military structures and
“Dark Age” (history blackouts) created during trade consolidation periods to mask infiltrations and solidification efforts (usually
Pre-“Old Testament Writings” created and written by Hebrew “scholars and scribes”.
Attempt to control all “religious” and worship beliefs and consolidate into one belief - for trade and financial control over populations.
Consolidate different Semite languages and beliefs (into Hebrew).
Promote Anti-Paganism anti-cultism, and perhaps mask and retain Royalty Elitist scholars Antonism (later Mithraism) political leadership agendas.
Used (and enhanced) ancient Egyptian and Semitic mythology and exaggerated “Paganistic” stories and myths and folk lore to fit agenda and spread
“Hebrew” influence (“religious” and financial).
Create new mythical characters and new mythical territories and establish mythical ethnic groups.
Jewish (Latin: Ludaeus) “expulsions” and “exiles” created with agreeing ruling governments to allow non-military and post-military Jewish
“colonizing” in “open” territories (infiltration of economies).
Create new and manipulate known “historical” “records” to fit the “Jewish” agendas, based on fears and legends and explain the
“un-explainable” as “divine”.
Create and install new local “leaders” as “divine” and “godlike” figures into financially conquered territories.
Hebrew “envoys” and “scouts” (well-educated and multi-lingual) contact “target” territories and attempt “Judea” conversions (religious
and economic goals) prior to military invasions (by mercenary groups and military allies, some success). Mercenary groups (land and sea forces) were
slaves from conquered territories, escaped prisoners and slaves, deserters and traitors from rival kingdoms with Hapiru/Habiru commanders and some
volunteers for profit.
Jewish “cloaking” begins as an effort to conceal true agendas and to gain confidence in expanded territories.
Calendar manipulations begin to coincide with fabricated “religious” and “historical” events.
“Old Testament” eventually produced (by Roman/Hebrew historians/scholars) from writings over a period of hundreds of years.
1st thru 3rd Centuries A.D.:
Pre-“New Testament Writings” created and written by Hebrew “scholars and scribes” by secret Hebrew/Roman agreements.
Hebrew Anti-Pagan efforts were failures in many trade areas.
Hebrew beliefs were not widely accepted by general (conquered) populations.
Hebrew efforts create “anti-Jewish” (hence, anti-Semitic) rivalries to set stage for “new”, more popular “religions”.
Hebrew scholars create “new” un-provable “history” from mythical events and stories and “new” fictional characters and territories.
Roman govt and Hebrew Scholars “align” and “invent” the appearance of being “rivals” (included military expeditions).
Roman govt accepts and begins codification of “Jewish” financial influences (banking systems) and create “new” religious leadership groups and
figureheads to promote new and existing “religions”.
Hebrew scholars consolidate and re-invent a Latin alphabet, for common use by populations (west).
Hebrew scholars begin mass writings of “religious” books based on newly created history and myths.
Paganisms and cults were predominant at the time.
Latin became predominant language (easily understood by conquered populations) in Roman Empire (west).
Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic were widely spoken (Roman east and west).
Many Roman “Leaders” may have been “Hebrew” envoys cloaked as non-Jews. Early Roman “Leaders” had very little if any, traceable
“bloodlines” (other than Etruscan) and were made out to be (usually by proclamation) of “divine” “Godlike” images (similar to ancient
Greek and Egyptian legends). Late Roman “Leaders” had bloodlines traceable only to earlier “Leaders” and some may have descended from
Cleopatra VII who was of Semitic bloodlines.
There are no known surviving Roman records of the First Century that refer to, nor are there any Jewish records that support the accounts in the
Christian gospels except for one book allegedly written by one Jewish scholar – Josephus Flavius. In fact, other writings by Josephus Flavius have
many conflicting styles which may indicate that Josephus Flavius may himself be a mythical character created by group scholars over long periods of
Ancestral and life accounts of Josephus Flavius including His bloodlines and family name were authored by Himself, offering no proof or verified
sources. The alleged writings by “Josephus Flavius” and other scholars from the Roman Piso Family contributed heavily to the modern day
Christian/Judea beliefs (early Roman versions of Old and New Testaments). The only existing “evidence” may be in the secret possessions of The
2nd thru 5th Centuries A.D.:
Roman efforts to control society with a “new” belief (Christianity").
Establishment of “culture – counter-cultures” (divide and conquer (and in some cases also destroy), Hegelian dialectics, dog chasing the tail,
etc.) agendas are continued.
Establishment of new separate religious authorities was to continue in all financial agendas.
“Laws” enacted to promote “Judaism” and demote “Christianity.
“Laws” enacted to promote “Christianity” and demote “Judaism”.
(Both at the same time in various areas to create confusion and diversions as trade continued to move forward and monies collected into group
monopolies continued to grow).
Continue “religious” writing manipulations to fit religious/financial agendas (Judea and Christian).
New “Historical” Myths of “Hebrew” slavery and mass discrimination were created to enhance the “anti-Semitism” agendas.
More historical “events” are created of Jewish massacres, expulsions, exiles, etc. (some truth) (perhaps as sacrificial “investments”)
allowing more “Jewish Expansion” (some open, some disguised) into new territories (established new trade routes and new merchant sub-groups under
various names).
Christianity and Judaism seemingly rejected by Arab/Persian factions - Roman East.
Christianity generally accepted - Roman West (after centuries of efforts).
Hebrew scholars “create” and write Islam beliefs to counter Christian and Judea beliefs,
using some popular Zoroastrianism influences along with some Judea and Christian.
Mass infiltrations (some military) begin in areas of “Paganisms”.
Arab/Persian factions accept Islam and eventually adapt to “Jewish” financial systems (centuries later).
The “New Testament” is eventually compiled by Roman/Hebrew “religious” group from “more recent writings” (spanning hundreds of years) and
written in more than one “language” to “accommodate” conquered populations and becomes “Christianity” as “Catholicism”.
6th Century thru middle Ages to present day 21st Century:
Sub-Latin languages and “spin-off” Hebrew languages (and some Cyrillic) are created and enhanced to allow better (religious and economic)
“manipulation” of localized populations.
Establish strong “ethnic” groups (new nationalities and languages) through local inbreeding after intermingling (infiltration) and continuation of
“culture – counter-cultures” agendas (religious and economic) among “financially conquered” territories.
Continue “Hebrew suppression” myths and Jewish “suffering” to further the financial and power agendas.
Continue “Governments’” public anti-Semitism, anti-Christian, anti-Islam agendas to further the “Jewish” privately controlled economies and
Solidify Political / Business / Religious alliances (treaties, etc.).
Continue “Jewish migrations” and dominance of financial systems regardless of political/religious/military climates.
Establish economic diplomacies based on political/religious grounds regardless of political/religious climates.
Continuation of attempted “Judea” conversions (religious and economic goals) prior to military invasions,
(some disguised as “Islam” or “Christian” or “new” political ideologies) (some non-military success).
Continue “Dark Age” (history blackouts) created during trade consolidation periods to mask solidification efforts of major “religions” (the
‘Big Three’) and to backdate, modify and solidify “historical” records and illusions.
Continue language and calendar manipulation for economic (and legal) control agendas.
Continue manipulation of religious writings based on mythical illusions (economic control methods).
Continue “Judea” – “Christian” – “Islamic” modifications to fit new agendas (economic / political).
Establish “higher learning” institutions for further development of economic agendas and “Illusional Maintenance”, hence economic, religious,
and political dominance through “education”.
Today’s “Judea/Hebrew/Jewish” financial establishment is all based on ancient trade group ideas that have been greatly modified through time
to fit agendas including “religions”, “economics”, “politics”. The “true to heart” religious beliefs are not reflected in the big
financial pictures. The original Groups evolved into a powerful organization that is using the (self-made) Judea/Hebrew “front” and all
subsequent “religions” as the shield to keep the wealth flowing into the monopolies.
ALL comments and criticisms and counter-opinions are welcome.
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