posted on Mar, 6 2003 @ 09:18 AM
Alexander the Great, as the only one on the list to actually Lead the Known World, hehe...
However, he was able to rule not only by force, but also
by meshing the culture of Greece with the culture of the conquered, thus not upsetting the balance too much.
Reagan is a close second however...though I admire others on the list greatly.
JFK is EXTREMELY over-rated. Though many would disagree, if he served thru his term, we would likely all be living in a post-nuclear holocaust right
now. The man constantly ignored his advisors (Bay of Pigs), and has only two outstanding achievements, the revving up of the Space Program (which was
only done as a pi$$ing contest between him and Russia), and the Cuban Missile Crisis (when he finally decided to listen to his advisors after all).
Not to mention that he wanted to dissolve the CIA (which, at the time, would have been suicide for the US, and is likely what lead to his demise).