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Why I Dont want Immigration reform

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posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by jam321

You need to read up on immigration laws. I know many people who have residency but have no desire to be a US citizen. All legal according to the law as written.

At some point the Visa expires. After that visa has expired they must either become a citizen or return home. There is no such thing as a permanent visa. They can also re-apply for a visa. At some point they must either return home or become a citizen. Residency is for people that are in the country legally.

Feds aren't doing their jobs in other areas as well,. Should we just let Arizona take care of that as well.?

They should. Arizona is a state in the Union of the United States of America, the law they passed governs their states ability to enforce immigration laws in their state. There is nothing in the constitution which bars the States from enforcing federal law.

So now you are going to tell me that sanctuary cities override the welfare laws that were written by States and federal statues.

Laws do no good if they are not enforced. Such is the case with the massive problem of illegal immigration we are dealing with now. The government has failed to enforce immigration law. Doesn't make illegal immigration legal, its just the states and fed have chosen not to enforce those laws.

If you won't to revert to name calling, i can definitely do the same. But IMO, it serves no purpose.

What you fail to realize is that many American gangs are just as involved in war on drugs as the cartel. Never said illegals aren't in those gangs.

Mr. Placido. I can personally address the answer for you,
Mr. Gohmert.
The fact is that we have hard empirical evidence indicating
that the traffickers consistently have said they do not want to
engage in violence on the United States--on U.S. Soil. There
are repeated instances of that that we could provide, in a
different setting, to document that for you.

I wasn't name calling, I was asking you not to be a fool.

So you are going to take the word of the Traffickers over the hard empirical evidence that gangs operating as arms of the cartel engage in kidnapping and murder in the states?

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Star and flag man, star and flag.

Being part of an exodus from a city that is being over run by illegals I can identify. I had to move my family over 100 miles to the north to get away from that crap. My kids school was so infested with illegals that they had to teach my kid Mexican just so he could fit in and communicate with his non English speaking classmates. So disgraceful.

The high illegal population in that city is absolutely killing it. They've driven wages so low its impossible to find a single job that will put you in lower middle class.

Now when I go back for whatever reason I have to laugh. I actually tried to raise my children there. What was I thinking!? No future. No future alt all.

Now the packing house that moved all of the illegals in is leaving town. That place is totally fugged.

[edit on 25-4-2010 by Thirty_Foot_Smurf]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:56 AM
First and Foremost, Loken68, I'm hispanic, and I complety agree with your first post. While some would like to run and hide behind the famous "that's Racist" comment, I can pretty much assume that most people that responded with such comments are what I call "Closet Racists", or someone who has never been to an illegal infested area. I bet everything I own that if most ppl could see this, they would reneg on their previous statements. We need the illegals out, and we need them gone NOW! It's not our problem if they came here to better the lives of their families and such, you wanna do that, we have LEGAL means of doing that, and its too bad if you took the criminal means of doing so, it's YOUR fault your familiy is being deported back to Mexico, jailed and or split apart because you commited a CRIME, and you are no different than a drug dealer trying to "make ends meet" by selling crack coc aine on the street corner. But I soppose we should take it easier on the Dealers & crooks now, y'know if they were just trying to pay for rent and such...waa,waah! Trash, is trash no matter how you label it.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:09 AM
First and Foremost, Loken68, I'm hispanic, and I complety agree with your first post.

Thanks for your input friend. I didn't ever mean for this to sound or end up racist, but like I said earlier If I were a war protester I would paint the war as ugly as possible.

I still think the majority of the folks here that disagree with reform just don't have the knowledge that comes from living and working in the middle of this problem

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Light of Night

At some point the Visa expires. After that visa has expired they must either become a citizen or return home. There is no such thing as a permanent visa. They can also re-apply for a visa. At some point they must either return home or become a citizen. Residency is for people that are in the country legally.

This is 100% false. You obviously have no clue about the immigration laws. You can be a Legal Permanent Resident (just google that term) and NEVER become a citizen. In fact...once you are granted Legal Permanent Residence...if you fail to renew your "greencard" still don't lose your Legal Permanent Resident status.

You are thinking of temporary visas...not Legal Permanent Resident status (seriously...go look it up...then come back and admit you were wrong).

Why do you continue to be ignorant about the topics you speak about???

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

My kids school was so infested with illegals that they had to teach my kid Mexican just so he could fit in and communicate with his non English speaking classmates. So disgraceful.

Really...they taught him Mexican??? That must be a new language only Mexicans speak...huh? You know...for someone who claims to know so much about the illegal immigration problem...first hand would think that you would know that they speak Spanish...not Mexican. And if they were teaching your kid would think you would know what they were teaching your kid.

And why exactly is it disgraceful for your kid to learn a second language??? It will help him if he ever wants to go to college. Learning spanish isn't evil...nor is learning any other language.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

My kids school was so infested with illegals that they had to teach my kid Mexican just so he could fit in and communicate with his non English speaking classmates. So disgraceful.

Really...they taught him Mexican??? That must be a new language only Mexicans speak...huh? You know...for someone who claims to know so much about the illegal immigration problem...first hand would think that you would know that they speak Spanish...not Mexican. And if they were teaching your kid would think you would know what they were teaching your kid.

And why exactly is it disgraceful for your kid to learn a second language??? It will help him if he ever wants to go to college. Learning spanish isn't evil...nor is learning any other language.

Well if you must know I see enough differences between proper Spanish and the Mexican where I feel justified and correct by calling it Mexican. If you lived around it then you'd know this.

Its disgraceful that in this school a majority of children couldn't speak the damn language. Its disgraceful that There there were so many illegals at the school that Americans had to adjust their way of life to accommodate them instead of how it should be...The other way around.

He can learn the language of his choosing when he gets old enough to make that decision for himself not something that is crammed down his throat because Jose or Fernanda are fresh over the fence and cant speak English.

Our immigration policies are a joke! It once was that we'd only let those in that would strengthen this country. How is strengthening us? Its not. With this inundation of these illegals they refuse to assimilate into America by embracing its language and culture and that weakens us. Its turning us into Mexico North.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:19 AM
And why exactly is it disgraceful for your kid to learn a second language??? It will help him if he ever wants to go to college. Learning spanish isn't evil...nor is learning any other language.

But it seems to be ok if they don't learn English. Wow talk about your double standards. And yes I am a constitutional Lawyer.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:52 AM
So you just stated:

Originally posted by Loken68
And yes I am a constitutional Lawyer.

And in OP:

Originally posted by Loken68
3. I love seeing feces in the floor of resturaunts and my workplace.

So are we to assume that those defecating in your workplace are either:

A. Other lawyers / staff?
B. Clients?

Just Kurious.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Loken68

I never said it is ok for them not to learn English...go find a quote of me saying that. I actually think it is very important for them to learn English...but I also don't think it is bad for them to speak Spanish...even in public *gasp*

My satement about X does not imply my position on would think a "lawyer" would know that.

And, LOL, come aren't a lawyer...I know it is the internet and all and people lie...but come one believes that.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:12 PM
I honestly have had it with all this racist bull # we “all humanity” need to understand that there are bigger issues in this world that need to be dealt with! But all these radical groups “kkk, Islamic radicals” and every other hate group out there keep on trying to spread their filthy views on mankind! It is so sad to see our RACE the “human race” be so savage and horrifying to its own species. If only we could come together as one great civilization our capabilities would be endless. But we can’t even do that! We can’t even see past what we want to see, we need to see the bigger picture and stop thinking about what is better for our self’s when we do that our life’s will change forever!

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Cradle12003
I honestly have had it with all this racist bull # we “all humanity” need to understand that there are bigger issues in this world that need to be dealt with! But all these radical groups “kkk, Islamic radicals” and every other hate group out there keep on trying to spread their filthy views on mankind! It is so sad to see our RACE the “human race” be so savage and horrifying to its own species. If only we could come together as one great civilization our capabilities would be endless. But we can’t even do that! We can’t even see past what we want to see, we need to see the bigger picture and stop thinking about what is better for our self’s when we do that our life’s will change forever!

Dont forget La Raza and the Atzlan movement. They are more pertinent to this subject.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

Originally posted by ..5..
They use toilet paper but they do not flush it. They throw it in the trash and if there is no trash can it goes on the floor next to the toilet. This trend is passed onto their american born children. The schools are afraid to say anything (like "You can flush the toilet paper down the toilet. It's called 'Toilet Paper' for a reason.") for fear of being called the R word.

Goodness knows a cholera epidemic throughout an entire school is more socially acceptable than being called a racist.

I can only assume from your post that you either have cameras installed in bathrooms or are judging an ethnic group of people based on the personal hygiene habits of children.

That seems the only plausible criteria to substantiate your claim.

BTW, I have visited a few roadside rest stops and gas stations on the highway in the states that were quite messy, but I can't claim I know who the poop perps were.

Alert the Poopy Police. Simply bizarre.

[edit on 25-4-2010 by kinda kurious]

I can attest to this. Some of the mexicans that work for us dont flush the tp down the toilet, forcing our "janitor" to have to throw it out. He got tired of having to take out the trash and said he is going to stop putting a trash can in there and i dont blame him. Its rather nasty. Also, they use anything from newspapers to paper towels to whatever, even if tp is well stocked.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Cradle12003
I honestly have had it with all this racist bull # we “all humanity” need to understand that there are bigger issues in this world that need to be dealt with! But all these radical groups “kkk, Islamic radicals” and every other hate group out there keep on trying to spread their filthy views on mankind! It is so sad to see our RACE the “human race” be so savage and horrifying to its own species. If only we could come together as one great civilization our capabilities would be endless. But we can’t even do that! We can’t even see past what we want to see, we need to see the bigger picture and stop thinking about what is better for our self’s when we do that our life’s will change forever!

Oh jeeze dude you forgot about the Crypt, Ms13, Latino princes, Its not racism when your under an economic terrorist attack. They Mayor of Chicago is calling for the National Guard to be called in. Bush already once deployed them to the border until the ACLU filed suit. Your a typical Roman you want to live in a utopia while Rome burns down around you. If we were Iraq these guys would be called insurgents.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:35 PM
The purpose of this post is to shed a little background in the spirit of "Consider the Source" and "Deny Ignorance."

Here are a few claims made by OP in recent threads:

Originally posted by Loken68
And yes I am a constitutional Lawyer.

Originally posted by Loken68
I work in a industry that is 96 to 98% hispanic. We are made to sign agreements that we will not question their immigration status and if we do we will be terminated for descrimination.

Originally posted by Loken68
My employers are Egyptian as well a Islamic ...

Originally posted by Loken68
I put my trust in Christ,

OK so if we can believe various claims, the OP is a Christian Constitutional Lawyer who works in a predominantly Hispanic industry that is owned by Egyptians and he isn't fond of Mexicans as demonstrated by OP.

Inasmuch as we all take 'creative license" at times here on ATS (self included) to substantiate our claims, I firmly believe that the evidence above speaks VOLUMES about credibility.

Based on the off color remarks in OP and various other conflicting exaggerations, I am calling BUNK. This thread is nothing more than a thinly veiled guise to bash hispanics.

Since the OP is a relatively new member, I can cut some slack but caution him that when 'sizing up' an opponent, some of us do a little research to see what we are up against. In this case, fantasies and fairytales to suit position on any given thread. Feel free to continue this charade, it will be fun if you like chameleons.

To quote a boating term we use here in Florida, "All sail and no rudder."

[edit on 26-4-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:23 PM
Wow, Do you think an mid-eastern country "Egypt" that decides to open shop in America might need a little help in structuring a business.
My fine fellow you don't or will never know the length we've had to go to open a foreign business in this state. Especially after 911.
We also have four business lawyers, one tax and two immigration lawyers that are contracted to this establishment. I do have a degree in Constitutional law but its not what I practice.
However I've never saw a law yet that said it was a conflict of interest to be a Christian and study law at the same time so "BUNK" if you will. It's still not racism when it's against the law.

I do however get the idea that you like to "research" other op's just to go on the attack. I joined this sight not for debate but for "Ideas". If I wanted to debate someone on say conspiracy or unpopular ideas I would have signed up on the de-bunkers sights.

Just a thought.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Loken68

My prior post stands. It is nice to see you wallow in humiliation. As far as you being a lawyer, unless the Barney Fife School of Law has relaxed their spelling, grammar and syntax requirements, I find that highly unlikely.

As far as you being a Christian, only an utter hypocrite could claim that after writing such an arrogant and blatantly bigoted OP. You are a Christian in the same way Colonel Sanders is a Chicken Welfare Advocate. You have been eviscerated and exposed as a charlatan, or as the kids say nowadays you got pwnd.

Looking for new ideas? I'd say you were looking for a racist circle jerk.

Usted tienes albondigas in su cabeza. (You have meatballs in your head.)

And by the way this is a site. Please learn to spell.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:18 AM
Very nice, you-high jacked the post by doing what most Socialist Democrats would do.

You diverted attention from the problem by attacking the ones who try to shed light on the subject. Though understandable after looking at your other post.

I bet next you'll say Arizona's immigration laws will lead to a national I.D. card.
That's already going to happen anyway thanks to other Socialist Democrats.

No need to reply I'm adding you to the iggy list.

[edit on 27-4-2010 by Loken68]

[edit on 27-4-2010 by Loken68]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by Loken68

And so little Billy this is a prime example of how bigoted cowards cut and run.

In light of his previous posts, can we believe him? Don't bet your Taco on it.

Notice the supposition, labeling and avoidance? This is a the universal characteristic of someone who has been exposed for what they truly are and offer no further argument.

Whoops, I did it again.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
Who do you think cleans up the crap in America?

If it were not for illegal aliens, nobody would be able to fill their shopping carts full of food because no American is going to pick fruit in the hot sun for minimum wage.

That's a common fallacy I hear repeated.

The truth is most janitorial and agricultural workers are Americans. The whole meme, they do jobs American's won't do, is just wrong, and it's insulting to the Americans who do those jobs.

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