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posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 03:47 PM
Well I wasn't sure if this should go in sci/tech board or here, but I came acroos this news article on the main page about how a zoo in England just tool an animal that is half sheep half pig. I thought this was hilarious and hope you do to. Any thoughts if science has gone to far,or if it tastes good? Would you eat it? I wouldn't.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 04:09 PM
I typed "Sheep Pig" in the search box and found this article. Im not sure if its the exact one you are talking about, but at the least it looks similar.

There are some pictures of "Mangalitza Pigs" in the article.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 05:17 PM

sorry forgot to add the link before.....

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by FoxMulder91
I typed "Sheep Pig" in the search box and found this article. Im not sure if its the exact one you are talking about, but at the least it looks similar.

There are some pictures of "Mangalitza Pigs" in the article.

That thing is FUGLY.
And I don't eat pork or

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by FoxMulder91

I don't know why but had to say Man Bear Pig

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by mateandbucky06

I don't think it is hilarious at all. This will lead to the end of civilization. We are moving very quickly to the path of creating non-humans, meta-humans, trans-humans -- pick which one you like.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 06:09 PM
Lol wow! That's one crazy animal.. I can't wait til they make a cowchicken, that would be tasty..

edit: at first i thought it was an abomination of science but apparently just an animal i've never heard of... very cool!

[edit on 24-4-2010 by Amatheus]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ararisq
reply to post by mateandbucky06

I don't think it is hilarious at all. This will lead to the end of civilization. We are moving very quickly to the path of creating non-humans, meta-humans, trans-humans -- pick which one you like.

This breed of pig was bread back in the 19th century and is a cross between two different breeds of pig. So it's not some modern day animal hybrid experiment.
Many of the animals we see today are cross breeds. Your typical household dog is more than likely a "civilisation ending abomination" by your standards. Unless of coarse you were being sarcastic, in which case just ignore this post.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 11:05 PM
Man Bear Pig...
Your funny, and yes a curly haired sheep pig is hilarious, though I did not realize it is a mix of two already known animals, so thanks for the fact check.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 11:13 PM
The caption said pig in a blanket. Hahah!! That was so clever!! I could use a couple of these for my bugout bag, sheer them for the wool and fry them in the morning.
On a more serious note. Long live sheep pig
Spider pig spider pig does whatever a spider pig does


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