Republicans Support 64' Civil Rights Legislation
I am sick and tired of the democratic partys antics in claiming that they were wholly responsible for passage of the landmark 1964 civil rights
legislation when in fact it was their party that stood in the way of reform for decades.
CongressLink, Key events in passage of 1964 civil rights bill
"The Republican Party was not so badly split as the Democrats by the civil rights issue. Only one Republican senator participated in the filibuster
against the bill. In fact, since 1933, Republicans had a more positive record on civil rights than the Democrats. In the twenty-six major civil rights
votes since 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 % of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored
civil rights in over 96 % of the votes."
"The Republican pro-civil rights forces were blessed with gifted leadership. Although Senate minority whip Thomas Kuchel initially managed the
party's forces, it increasingly became clear to Democrats, Republicans, the press, civil rights groups, and the White House that Everett McKinley
Dirksen (R) was the key man in the entire civil rights legislative effort."
"On June 10,1964, after an impassioned plea by Dirksen on behalf of the compromise bill, the Senate voted 71 to 29 to close off the civil rights
filibuster. Every member of the Senate was present for the vote, including Senator Engle of California who had suffered a stroke and could not speak
but pointed to his eye as a sign of his "aye" vote. The margin was four votes larger than the 67 required. It ended 57 days of debate, the longest
debate since the cloture rule had been adopted in 1917. Forty four Democrats and 27 Republicans supported cloture; 23 Democrats and 6 Republicans
opposed it."
Final Votes
"Under the Senate rules, after cloture is invoked each senator may speak for one hour on the bill or pending amendments. Although southerners called
up many amendments between June 10 and June 17 to stall action further, the Senate leadership allowed only those it wanted to be adopted. Most of the
amendments were defeated by large margins. On June 17, the Senate voted by a 76 to 18 margin to adopt the bipartisan substitute worked out by Dirksen
in his office in May and to give the bill its third reading. Two days later, the Senate passed the bill by a 73 to 27 roll call vote. Six Republicans
and 21 Democrats held firm and voted against passage. In all, the the 1964 civil rights debate had lasted a total of 83 days, slightly over 730 hours,
and had taken up almost 3,000 pages in the Congressional Record."
Political ads by the democratic party dealing with the record on civil rights are false, misleading and designed to perpetuate the hijacking of this
legislation as wholly invented by the democratic party, so far the propaganda put out has been very successful as witnessed by some of the answers to
this post, the lie has been swallowed hook line and sinker unknowingly by most liberals today who are taught revisionist history as truth.
The lie's have been so successful for decades it has even allowed an ex klu klux klan leader to be regarded as an elder statesman of the democratic
[Edited on 5-6-2004 by Phoenix]