posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 10:49 AM
I don't know why the destruction of the environment and likely extinction of most life within a few more generations depresses me. I mean, after all
we are the only known world within possibly millions of light years which has the conditions to support the richness, beauty, intelligence of life
found on our planet. And it only took a gazillion years for these unique conditions to form the varied life we have on this rare world.
And in just the microscopic thin sliver of eonic time we humans have been here, we can now successfully royal F**ck most all life, natural resources,
sanctuary of wild places, and the environment within a few more decades. And we, the perpetrators of this cosmic crime, are largely ignorant, in
denial, or just plain indifferent about it all - and many (even on this board) are blatant anti-environmentalists to boot.
So why does this depress me? I mean after all, I am 55, don't have kids or grandkids (to inherit this cluster F), and we are likely to see better and
better Iphones (and ever greener lawns!) come out every year. Whats there to be depressed about?
Cheers its, Earth Day.
[edit on 23-4-2010 by whatsup]