posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:55 PM
Hi. I'm new as a registered member. I've been reading this site for years though and have found many of the topics more enlightening than the news
that's for sure.
I've been an indepent researcher into a wide range of topics relevant to this site. I guess I'm coming out of my shell, so to speak. I hope to be
able to post my first thread, the subject of which I think is of utmost importance. There have been threads on it here, which have died recently yet
remained active on the topic in other forums and some really strange stuff has been going on in the last couple days. So, that thread will also be a
test (details given in the thread). So. I'll keep ATS posted! Find me in the threads!!! We could make it a game! Who can be the first to find my
next post!!
/\ That's what Edward Bernays would have called 'a teaser." Seriously though, I don't really want to tip my hand on it here, for several reasons
but most importantly that it isn't the right area to do so, and it's hint that I'll be out there introducing myself to ATS by adding my own take on
those topics.
So, track me down if you're interested in a rowdy Rhodies take on reality!