Sitchin has basically added to my theory for me, as he relates his theories about the Olmecs of South America, and I quote him now:
The peoples of Mesoamerica employed in addition to a practical calendar of 365 days, called the Haab, also a Sacred Calendar (called Tzolkin) of
260 days. The two cyclical calendars were conceived as two wheels with meshing teeth that turned and returned to the same spot once in 52 years; and
52 was the Sacred Number of the Winged Serpent god?
Since 52 was also the Secret Number of the god known to the Egyptians as Thoth; since Thoth as Quetzalcoatl, was the god of science and the calendar;
and since Thoth was exiled from Egypt circa 3100 B.C., I have suggested that it was he who took a group of his African followers to a new land,
bringing the "Olmecs" to Mesoamerica.
What is particularly interesting about his theory is the timeline. 3000 BC is approximately the same time frame for the introduction of civilization
to the wandering tribal peoples all over the planet. In fact, here's something I wrote on the subject a year ago:
In the Egyptian Book of the Dead there are prayers for deliverance from the Watchers (Tchatcha, the princes of Osiris) , who came from Ta-Ur, the
"Far Away Land." Ta-Ur is Ur in Sumeria! - Sitchin
It's interesting to note here that the passage says "From which the gods had come to Egypt." Remember, the Annunaki [Sons of God - Angels,
and in the case of the Annunaki, FALLEN angels] had not been imprisoned yet. Satan and his cohorts were still intermingling and interfering with the
human species on a massive scale. [...]
Another interesting note is the fact the Egyptians felt they needed to be delivered FROM the gods of Sumeria who had come to their land. The egyptians
were praying to be SAVED from Tchatcha, the princes of Osiris. Literally, they were praying for deliverance FROM the Sons of God - not deliverance BY
- but FROM! [...]
Establishing the Timeframe for the arrival of the Annunaki to the Earth.
Two major events happened simultaneously -
1) Human civilization sprung up across the globe
2) The Annunaki arrive on the planet.
According to our current dating methods, the earliest civilization was in Sumer (Sumeria, Shinar, Land of the Watchers). It was here that the Annunaki
first descended to the planet. Not much later other civilizations sprung up almost immediately and simultaneously in various places:
The Antediluvian Timetable of Mesopatamian Civilization
Ubaid 5000-3500 B.C.
Uruk 3500-3100 B.C.
Jemdet Nasr 3100-2900 B.C. Annunaki arrive
Early Dynastic I-III 2900-2350 B.C.
The Antediluvian Timetable of Ancient Egyptian Civilization:
Predynastic until 3000
Archaic 3000 -- 2700 Annunaki arrive
OLD KINGDOM 2700 -- 2200
The Antediluvian Timetable of Nubia Civilization:
3000 to 2350 Annunaki arrive
The Antediluvian Timetable of Chinese Civilization:
2637 to 2350 Annunaki arrive
The Antediluvian Timetable of Indian (India) Civilization:
3000 to 2350 Annunaki arrive
The key word here is civilization. Prior to this time, humans were pretty much nomadic and uncivilized. With the influx of the Annunaki, we were
taught the practices of warfare, medicine, weaponry, magic, architecture, writing, languages, religion, etc. What had once been a fairly uneventful
and sedate life of food gathering and wandering, turned into a complex, organized system of cities with libraries and alphabets and languages and
astrological charts, etc. The ancient Sumerians had established not just a language, but a specialized language - one for males, one for females. You
had to learn, not just one language, but two, in order to communicate with one another.
This occured, as you can see from the above Antediluvian Timetables, almost simultaneously in places that were separated from each other by thousands
of miles. As I indicated in the Circle of the Earth thread, it occured in a ring around the entire planet, along which not only did civilization and
writing spring up, but various MAJOR religions did as well. The world's first known written languages, Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Sumerian Cuneiform,
were also developed along this line of ancient sites. The Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Brahman and Buddhist religions, as well as ancient Egyptian and
Peruvian religions, also sprang up along this line.
The Book of Enoch outlines this sudden arrival of civilization:
Sitchin's Olmec theories support the same findings. Around 5000 years ago or around 3000 BC, nephillim and civilization started springing up all
around the world. The comparative 500 years or so prior to that, give plenty of wiggle room for the original non-nephillim humans. I happen to agree
with Sitchin's Olmec theory and find it very plausible for several reasons, the least of which is the fact it agrees with all the other information
and for the cherry on top, it brings pyramids, Annunaki (Thoth) and egyptians (who were of nubian, black and semetic descent) to South America
[edit on 12-6-2004 by Undomiel]