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The illusion that is the free market...

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posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 10:57 AM
During a separate conversation, on another thread, the issue of the free market was raised. There seems to be a belief, by some, that the free market means anything that is unfair, unjust or not wanted by the masses will inevitably be correct by the power of the “free market”

That somehow, through choice, people will be able to have control over the things that we want. If we don’t want pollution, we won’t buy things that pollute... therefore the free market will correct the problem of “pollution” by itself.

If we do not have any government interventions, or control over the market, everything will turn out fine due to the will of the people.

Now i am no expert in economics and trade... i like to view things as simply as possible and feel that often people over complicate things to give the illusion of importance and intelligence... So this is my take on this subject...

It is all an illusion... for i believe it is not us that controls the market but the market that controls us... The free Market is a very clever concept dreamt up by industrialist to basically give them a free reign to make money without having any rules to restrict them...

They use all the dirty tricks in the book to pedal their wares and promote their own interests... From subtle brainwashing with adverts to industrial cover up and lies!

This whole concept of “free market” and “social Darwinism” (two things that i believe walk hand in hand)is wrong in my opinion... The attitude of “if a company aint strong enough to compete with the big boys then it doesn’t deserve to survive” is nothing short of elitism and leads to unfair monopoly’s... with this mentality i have the right to walk into my neighbours house, punch him in the face, and help myself to his food. Surely if he aint strong enough to resist me that’s his problem!

The thing that amazes me most, about this unfair system, is peoples willingness to embrace it and defend it... Even when they themselves are victims of it. The reason for this, i believe, is the hope that it gives to greed. I have seen people claw their way out of the gutter, become a success in the corporate world, and then sneer at those they left behind.
Too ignorant to acknowledge that they are simply lucky... for the way this system is set up requires that the masses are kept in poverty, in order for the rich to survive!!

Most people realise that not everyone on the planet can be rich... so why sneer at the poor?

And those that are in the gutter often have this disillusioned dream that they can one day make it!!! Starry eyed and covered in dirt they look to the very things that’s imprisoned them as their only escape! And because they are to blind to see the truth they defend the system passionately.

No doubt this thread will be unpopular... People fear any form of government control... What i want to ask is this...
I understand the fear of Government control... but do you really think that corporate control is a better option?? Do you really believe that these companies have your best interest at heart??

The Government has to answer to the voter... The corporates only answer to the shareholder!!

Maybe I’m being too simplistic... but that how i see it!!

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 11:11 AM
Good post.
too bad not many will read it.
They are all worried about Masons, Obama's birth certificate, aliens, HAARP and othe BS stuff that exists only in CT internet.
MEANWHILE, their lives are controlled by the very things you describe, and they not only allow it but defend it.
Very sad.
And they will be actively opposing any attempts to regulate the "free market" as they swallow the propaganda of Wall Street and corporate America whole, then ask for more.
It's because people do nothing.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 11:16 AM
May not be too related, and I am tired ... but speaking of illusions, the stock market = a perception of a perception of a perception of a perception!

Amazing we live our lives around pure speculation (or just plain crap).

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 05:52 PM
Great thread!

Originally posted by Muckster
That somehow, through choice, people will be able to have control over the things that we want. If we don’t want pollution, we won’t buy things that pollute... therefore the free market will correct the problem of “pollution” by itself.

Problem with that is that the people don't have enough education to know that the things they're buying are polluting. That's not a slam on people, it's just the truth. Corporations make products and tell us that everything is fine, but we don't have access (or aren't willing to spend the time to access) to what that company does to make the product available. So, we go along thinking that we're doing good, when really, we're supporting pollution.

People fear any form of government control... What i want to ask is this...
I understand the fear of Government control... but do you really think that corporate control is a better option??

Reminds me of a thread my husband wrote:
Why the "government bad, corporate good" attitude?

People don't like government regulation. They RAIL against it! But then go down to their local grocery store and buy a slab of meat and gallon of milk, knowing that they can go home and consume it and not die because of government regulations. They know they can walk in ANY public building and it's not going to fall on their heads because it has to meet a government code. Or drive on the roadways across this country with the knowledge that the roads will support them to safely go 70 mph.

But oh! They HATE government regulation!

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger

Good post.
too bad not many will read it.
They are all worried about Masons, Obama's birth certificate, aliens, HAARP and othe BS stuff that exists only in CT internet.
MEANWHILE, their lives are controlled by the very things you describe, and they not only allow it but defend it.
Very sad.
And they will be actively opposing any attempts to regulate the "free market" as they swallow the propaganda of Wall Street and corporate America whole, then ask for more.
It's because people do nothing.

Yeah i expected it to go down like a lead balloon but wanted to get my point across anyway...

There seems to be such hostility against any suggestion of a different system... Almost like people don’t even want to discuss alternatives...

How sad that people are so brainwashed and closed minded!

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Thanks Benevolent Heretic

Problem with that is that the people don't have enough education to know that the things they're buying are polluting. That's not a slam on people, it's just the truth. Corporations make products and tell us that everything is fine, but we don't have access (or aren't willing to spend the time to access) to what that company does to make the product available. So, we go along thinking that we're doing good, when really, we're supporting pollution.

Yes very true... there seems to be a growing trend of Anti-Environmentalism that wants us all to believe that everything is ok.

The rest of your points are also valid... people are always banging on about government control... What exactly do they expect the Governments of country’s to do, if not Govern

I read your Husbands thread... Excellent... Belated S + F from me

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:18 PM
The free market is an illusion because it isn't free.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by OldDragger

This IS the NWO. But too many people are blinded by Masons, birth certificates, and other nonsense to see it.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Muckster

About 5 corporations control each major sector of the economy. There's "regional monopolies" that fix prices.

Friendly Fascism -- corporate state control is not just price-fixing.

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