posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 07:39 AM
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The Two babylons
by Reverend Alexander Hislop.
Go to sub section 1 The Child in Assyria.
After the flood of Noah's day, his sons and daughters-in-law dispersed and Ham went in to the valley of Shinar to set up house. Babylon.
The tales of Adam and Eve and Cain and Able, The Flood, morphed with the tellers religion.
The nomadic peoples of Shem and Japheth didn't write the accounts of their ancestor, Noah, but passed it down orally.
So, because you find the epic of gilgamesh BEFORE The Tenach or old testament, doesn't mean it PREDATES it!
Some other reasons for their longevity is the increased oxygen!
Before the vapor canopy was broken in the flood, there was a LOT more!
Also the increase in the cores' magnetism.
Japanese scientists have proven that plants grown in magnetized water grow
Don't forget that sin causes death.
[edit on 6-12-2007 by Clearskies]