Originally posted by lostinspace
Ignore the Trolls.
1. Life spans decrease greatly
2. Rainbow appears for the first time
3. Grape juice spoils and ferments
4. Animal meat aids human survival
5. Circumcision required for cleanliness
These five things indicate that the atmosphere changed from its original design.
Ok, I am the trolls.
1. Is there any historical and biological evidence on that?
2. Rainbow appears for the 1st time? That's a joke, wasn't it?
So there was no rain, no water, no sun before the flood?
Wikipedia says : "The rainbow's appearance is caused by dispersion of sunlight as it goes through raindrops. The light is first refracted as it
enters the surface of the raindrop, reflected off the back of the drop, and again refracted as it leaves the drop."
You can easily see a rainbow by spraying water hose facing the sun.
You can see rainbow near waterfalls during daytime.
3. That's where the wine came from, wasn't it? Everything spoils!
There is no point drinking grape juice if it never spoil. What is the point of drinking grape juice and peeing 100% grape juice?
4. Alright, that give you an excuse to eat animals, didn't it? I thought the Adam's family like to kill and eat animals as well, at least they ate
lamb. And Adam was before flood right?
5. If you want it clean, KEEP IT CLEAN!. Wash it more often!
You can't keep circumcised thing clean WITHOUT cleaning it yourselves!
Circumcision was for lazy dirty people in the old times.
And I think the first circumcision was found in Egypt.
- They copied the flood story
- They imitate the circumcision
- what else?