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If the draft started tommorow,would you serve in another illegal war?

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posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:50 AM
Just a quik hypothetical, but if the draft was enacted tommorow for I don't know, lets say a war with Iran, or for more troops in the Middle East, Would you serve? I understand it's every Americans duty to serve and blahh blah, but we all know the wars we are in or rather will be in, are and will continue to be illegal. I for one will not put my life on the line for a gov't that conducts false flag ops to start wars,and bullies other countries into submission. So how will you respond if the draft starts tommorow?

BTW- I'm not saying I wouldn't serve ever, but only If war comes to the states,will I be there with Gun in hand and ready to take on any and all real threats to my country.

[edit on 22-4-2010 by The_truth_is_stranger]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by The_truth_is_stranger

The last time Congress actually declared war was during World War II. Failing an actual declaration of war by Congress, conscription becomes a dubious legality. The draft is Constitutional and provided for with the phrase "to raise and support armies", but to actually ship a person off to fight and possibly die in battle, legally Congress would have to officially declare war before finding any authority for such conscription. So, to answer your question in fighting an illegal war, if it ain't legal, then neither is the draft.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:33 AM
There have been "peacetime" drafts in the United States before: Pre-WWII, Korea, Vietnam. So it has happened, more than once at that.

However, if the draft came to the United States now, you could heat the country with all of those burning draft cards!

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by The_truth_is_stranger
t if the draft was enacted tommorow for I don't know, lets say a
war with Iran, or for more troops in the Middle East, Would you

is this a trick question ????

Test Questions:

1) Would you serve in a war in the middle east?

a) he!! no
b) $h!+ no
c) f&%k no
d) all the above

I choose D !!!!
for several reasons

1) I am too old to enlist
2) I am disabled
3) I don't support the reasons why we are in that war
4) And I don't support the government that won't take care
of it's own people just so it can kill others.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:51 AM
Medically ineligible to serve. They could call me up and I would show up to be inspected. Would be home in time for dinner. Only time I would clamor to go to war is in the event of an invasion, in which case i'm sure most of the people here wouldn't object to joining.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:54 AM

Nuh uh.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:54 AM
The Ten Ways to Avoid the Draft
1. Self-Exile (The Canadian Maneuver)
A popular choice during Vietnam. A classic. This is a good opportunity to "see the world." Actually, it's like being drafted in that you get to learn new customs in a different culture, (saying "eh" to indicate that you are speaking, beer drinking as an artform, finding out what a "took" (rhymes with "Luke") is and why you wear it on you head). Plus, there is always the comforting knowledge that there will always be a room (10x10x8) waiting for you back in the States.

2. Physical Phake (The Springsteen Gambit or No-Doze about it)
This is fairly easy. Simply watch 72 hours of TV straight. The VCR is ok, and so are video games, but theater movies are out. The key is the cathode-ray tube. Be sure to sit close to the set. Feel free to eat if you must, and bathroom breaks are OK, but no sleep! Caffeine is totally legal. This must be done immediately prior to your physical examination for the Armed Forces. Try not to yawn when you get there, but don't resist your urge to make guttural moans. The only disadvantage is that coming off the caffeine buzz is liable to drop you into a coma, but think of all the rock songs you can write.

3. Physical for Real (Mono on Mono or "Hello, kiss me... what's your name?)
Going without sleep has no effect on you? You've got the allnighter's tolerance? You're going to need to catch something. Virulent. This can definitely involve some interesting social interactions.

4. Ageification (The Doctor Method...who?)
Age yourself seven or so years in a hurry! This stratagem either requires some very expensive time travel equipment or your girlfriend telling you she accidently took the Pill out of order and has been eating vitamins for the past week. In any case, an old British phone booth can be substituted for one of these methods.

5. Dopeification (Whajjuu say, man?)
The trick is to balance you inner inner cerebral whirl on the brink of the utmost ultimate hazy high while downing a fifth ducking to avoid that mind-worm and trying to find that mushroom or other tab of the really #ed up stuff and your third eye is screammmming and your head is hammmmering... and when you wake up in de-tox, the whole thing is over. Ten years ago.

6. Conscientious Objection (The "peace and non-violence, brother" strategy)
Just file for exemption as a conscientious objector. Note, you must prove (with notarized documents) that you've been an objector since age three, have a visible aura, and stigmata.

7. Captivity (Non-self anti-exile)
The default method. See, the draft is a choice. If you make NO choice at all, and just go about your life as usual, you will NOT be drafted! When you don't report to base after receiving your draft notice, the army won't make you fight. In fact, they'll take you to a maximum security penal institution for a nice long visit. (Bonus: free food, shelter, and back rubs).

8. Orientation Rearranging ("Sir, you are one HOT sergeant, sir!")
Under the sexual orientation heading of your draft acknowledgement form, check the box next to "homosexual." You couldn't beg them to let you stay in.

9. In and Out (The Max Klinger Section 8 Clause)
Sure! You'll fight! Report in. Move in to the barracks! You want to fight, yeah. Act enthused... maybe... too enthused. Talk about how you dreamed of this to your bunkmate. Be sure to keep a hollow, far away look in your eyes. It's also a good idea to twitch random muscles whenever anyone is near you. Scream "DIE" very loudly several times during the night. In the morning, say "Sergeant, Satan told me he loves me and is glad I'm here." Repeat as necessary, don't blink, and drool slightly from one corner of your mouth. Once you get to the sanitarium, cheerily convince the doctors you were just kidding and that you are actually quite sane.

10. Violence (The Last Resort)
While attending a student's birthday party during a later week of one of his hunger strikes, Ghandi was offered a piece of chocolate cake by a less enlightened disciple. The disciple then remembered Ghandi's fast and repealed the offer, apologizing. The doctors managed to sew the man's nose back to his face, but Ghandi's lesson to him is well noted. Should you find your back to the wall, here are some recommended guidelines in the use of violence: cause pain, be random, no mercy, hit, yell, kick, cheat, avoid soft things, steroids can help but watch out for liver damage down the road, pinching hurts a lot but doesn't do a lot of damage, be senseless, dominate, dominate, dominate, don't let him get away with that, take the safety off, and there are NO innocents! Sure, you may become the thing you most despise, but at least it's your fight.

Good Luck!


posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:04 AM
erm no id rather shoot it out with the people trying to draft me than travle half way round the world to 1 murder thousands people just trying to live there lives. 2 die for the rich. 3 leave my family unprotected. if a draft did happen they should just come and kill me outright.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:43 AM
Ill see you in Canada Eh!

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
Ill see you in Canada Eh!

No way hoser, you have a job to do in here in this country, eh? You need to get elected to Congress so you can sit back and approve undeclared wars made by Presidents to send young men to die in. Just kidding. I'd like to think one of the things you did as a Congressman is vote against any undeclared wars.

[edit on 22-4-2010 by Jean Paul Zodeaux]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Not only would I vote against wars, I would vote against funding for said wars!

Our troops are to DEFEND America, not be the police for the world!

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Not only would I vote against wars, I would vote against funding for said wars!

Our troops are to DEFEND America, not be the police for the world!

I was counting on you saying that. Here is my one handed applause to you Wuk:

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 11:10 AM
I had this discussion with my 18 year old when the socialists(democrats) were talking about bringing back the draft a few years ago. When the rules of engagement are such that you have to get your head blown off before you can shoot & they prosecute you when you get back for murder or lesser crimes(see Navy Seal trial), they aren't getting mine. I hope he learns Canadian quickly.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 11:38 AM
If it was, beyond a shadow of a doubt, justified and the congress of the United States of America voted with a clear cut majority to vote for war, I may consider it, however, I would probably not go for the following reasons:
1) I am too old for such.
2) I am object and could not kill another human being, would not pick up a weapon and fire, would not go to war, as I believe that there is always a solution to problems.
3) My health problems would be something they could not get over, so it would not make me eligible for such.

As I recall, and talking with those who actually had to go through the draft boards, being on them and through them, some of the stuff you mentioned you would have to prove to the military to get them to let you out. There are tests to prove a persons sexual orientation. The objection clause may work, but here again, you would have to prove to the military court about such and it would have to be documented. The drug part simply means that you would go to the front lines after basic training as they would pretty much find ways to deal with such.
Canada may not be an option cause if I was going to bring back the draft, the boarders and travel would be heavily restricted, to where you could not get out easily, and prison may not be an option.
The problem with a draft these days is that there are way too many variables and things that those who would think of such would have to overcome and make exceptions for inorder to fill the roles with such.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier

I like to go down to the recruiting center and yell "I wanna KILL KILL KILL, I wanna see viens hanging from my teeth" #9 from Arlo Gutherie. If I did get drafted, I would work for the enemy.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:11 PM
Nope...I wouldn't...not to fight a war like Iraq.

However...if the United States was being invaded by an army...I would voluntarily join up. Gotta protect the homeland.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:38 PM
Of course I would serve and so would most Americans that realize there are people who want to hurt us and it has nothing to do with the U.S. being "bullies". What a tired phrase that is. Is it better to sit back and watch the takeover of our way of life? Do you really believe that the only way the U.S. should fight a battle is on our shores? What a pity if you do!

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:41 PM
If I didn't have a contigency in place to get out of the country by then, unfortunately I would. This is where America has us by the balls, because at the end of the day everyone is going to do what it takes to ensure their families are okay.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by billyjack
I had this discussion with my 18 year old when the socialists(democrats) were talking about bringing back the draft a few years ago. When the rules of engagement are such that you have to get your head blown off before you can shoot & they prosecute you when you get back for murder or lesser crimes(see Navy Seal trial), they aren't getting mine. I hope he learns Canadian quickly.

Those Democrats that you call socialists were trying to get that bill introduced in order to end the war in Iraq. They knew the American people would never go for a draft, and that getting close to one could bring about a massive public outcry.

As for the Navy Seals on trial, the first one was found innocent of wrongdoing today, and for the love of god tell me you were joking about the "learns Canadian quickly" bit.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by The_truth_is_stranger

If I was in the military it would not be up to me to pick and chose what is an illegal war or not. Even you have a degree in constitutional law, and think a war is wrong, your interpretaion is just that. Presidents tip toe around constitutional details as it applies to using military force all the time, and always have. GW just managed to do so in the most expensive, and spectacular debachle that I know of. Some people think any military action should require a town meeting. People who chose not to show up at an induction center is one big reason I don't want a draft. Remember Vietnam? (By the way, I don't think we should have been their either).

It's different if if you honestly believe,you are to be orderd to egage in crimes against humanity. It would be much more effective if you want to change that minsdet, to be drafted and change it from within by following the letter of military law (unless that's changed) that states you are not to follow an order considered illegal which includes any war crime, atrocity, etc. Does tha sound simplistic? It is. At some point it would require a group effort, but most of all courage. But you not going to change anything if if you just don't show up.

I woulden't support a draft unless our troop numbers were dangerously low for a persistant period of time. From what I've heard right now, recruitment is not a problem. Today, with our military made up of soldiers there by choice plus improvements in technology and tactics, I think we have best military the world has ever seen. Thats not a sound bite. It's common sense you do a better job when you want to do that job in the fist place. About a year ago, I the honor of attending a dinner with national guard soldiers in another state. I never met so many young active duty men and women at one time. I was impressed by their intelligence, dedication and passion. I was quite moved by that event.Who would want to screw that up with a draft?

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