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The Truth about Aliens and What could Really be Happening

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by jokei

Interesting you are. Perhaps your mind is ready to travel....)(----

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by True-seer
I Run out of space
so if you need me to ellaborate on anything just leave a comment explaining what you want to know and i`ll do my best to Answer.thier are several other reasons i know stuff is happening but i cannot say.

The "There are several other reasons I know stuff is happening but I cannot say" can negatively effect your creditability in the eyes of some.

If you want to communicate a full and complete argument you should present all the information you can to support your claims.

I have been to a lecture presented by S. Greer in Denver Colorado. He never mentioned any witness all he discussed was zero-point energy and that he would release information by the end of the year. This was a few years back. We are still waiting. S. Greer, interestingly enough, mentioned he had been working with scientists (who all wanted to remain anonymous, as they feared for their lives) that have developed zero-point energy that will revolutionize the world. He mentioned that he forfeit his medical career and his family has suffered greatly. He went on to discuss meditation sessions he engaged in with colleges of his based in England that allowed them to summon and communicate with UFO's/Aliens. I left with many more questions than answers. I really wondered if buying his book/witness DVD's were worth it.

The conclusion I reached was that all his witnesses are credible. The claims and statements made at the press release prior to 911 were made by legitimate professionals with nothing to gain from coming forward. I asked myself - why does S. Greer seem so odd, he is a licensed Doctor and presents himself very well. Yet he seems a little off. Could dealing with everything he must have gone through (loss of medical career, stress, family life, etc) caused him to lose it a little bit. I appreciate his work in compiling his witness base - but the claims he made about being able to summon UFO's/Aliens through meditation with people in a secluded ranch in the English countryside seemed too science fiction-like for me to accept wholeheartedly. I respect his work but was unfortunately very disappointed when he walked the room of listeners (you could have heard a pen drop) down a metaphysical, nonscientific path.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by Mr.Hyde]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:37 PM
Welcome True-seer, I applaud you on airing your views out for all to see and comment on. In truth if you stay on this site for any length of time you will come to see that posts in the nature of yours are somewhat common. In their commonality they have

-A date of Disclosure... with a big escape hatch labeled "maybe".

If you are correct? well good for you for being correct where a legion of others have jumped down the escape hatch.

If you are wrong? well at least you are not alone.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by Helmkat]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by True-seer

I have been to a lecture presented by S. Greer in Denver Colorado. He never mentioned any witness all he discussed was zero-point energy and that he would release information by the end of the year. This was a few years back. We are still waiting. S. Greer, interestingly enough, mentioned he had been working with scientists (who all wanted to remain anonymous, as they feared for their lives) that have developed zero-point energy that will revolutionize the world. He mentioned a that he forfeit his medical career and his family has suffered greatly. He went on to discuss meditation sessions he engaged in with colleges of his based in England that allowed them to summon and communicate with UFO's/Aliens. I left with many more questions than answers. I really wondered if buying his book/witness DVD's were worth it.

I admired him for a time but a close examination of some of his claims will reveal that he is somewhat 'liberal' with the truth and has an exagerated sense of self-importance. I believe his intentions are good but I don't find him particuarly credible.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:43 PM
All I got to say is that:

1) Whether the GFL is true or not it does bring positive messages and just because a majority of people don't necessarily believe in it doesn't make it less true.

2) The fact that their plans for mass landing didn't come to fruition could possibly mean that it wasn't the right time...Things happen...Hell how bout all of those times people say they're gonna do something and don't...Other factors could interfere with their original plans...It doesn't make them less credible.

3) Since these channeling are done by humans, there is subject for error or misinterpretation.

4) No one knows the truth about anything. That's why its important to live moment to moment and stay in the now...and just believe what's in your heart. If the GFL gives you hope then by all means take it in, This is your reality and just because there are many ATS'ers on here that don't believe it to be true---That's their OWN belief Not yours...

Peace my friend and thanks for the post, I believe our other worldly brothers and sisters will make contact soon...Its inevitable!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Has anyone here ever had a dream that has a reoccurring theme? Specifically, I have had several most wonderful dreams recently where I am outside, at night and am watching a multitude of unexplained flying craft. Each of these craft is very different and they all have the ability to display quite a light show. In any event, upon awakening, I feel both excited and peaceful. No dates here, but I feel the fast walkers will soon make their appearance.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:06 PM
To the OP:

Here's what your post translates like to people who've seen these things come and go.

Something is going to happen that will rock the world and change the very way we live and breathe. This will happen within two weeks.

...Or sometime this year.

I'm almost sure of it.


It might could almost sometimes happen. If it doesn't, it's probably because maybe didn't do something they were supposed to or maybe they did something they were supposed to.

I'm not sure.

Either way...hang on to your butts!

References: wikipedia;charlatans;dreams

Can you see why there might be some skeptics?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by True-seer

WOW...i mean, like WOW!

An off topic post removed...FROM THE THREAD OP?!

Isn't that his prerogative, considering it IS his / her thread?

On topic;

You should avoid calling out dates for the 'truth' to be revealed matey.

By rights, we should all be dead many, many times over if we went by the 'absolute' truth some posters had placed here.

World war by Feb was one.

Deadly virus wiping us all out by X, Alien disclosure by May 6th...Oh, hat one was see what i mean of course?

Your views are your views mate, and of course you are perfectly entitled to them, but by posting them here, you are encouraging others to go along with them, and of course there will be many who won't agree.

Thanks for posting though.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:19 PM
Well...I'll remain hopeful like I always do, but if nothing happens atleast we have Star Wars day to look forward to! "May the 4th be with you". I am also ashamed to say I was foolish enough to hold my breath with the whole Blossom Goodchild rigmarole......wont be fooled again!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:24 PM
Congrats on the thread.

I understand disclosure is “supposed” to happen on May 7th or so this year. I am on the email list from Paradigm Research Group, which is heavily involved in the X Conference set for May 7-10 in Washington - and it will be live streamed.

In addition, I received an email that led me to a “warning” for better word that after May 5 this year, all will be different. Supposedly a message from a Navajo elder that was channeled.

At any rate, May outta be a pretty interesting month. If we don’t disappear by may 5th, perhaps we’ll have disclosure by May 7th. It all sounds pretty good to me.


posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by True-seer
reply to post by warpcrafter

I found your post quite amusing and i will take joy in the fact that you have no idea what is really going on your blind to the lies and your blind to the way everything is.


like i said before were being prepared

[edit on 21-4-2010 by True-seer]

I might not believe that will happen but I hope that it will happen.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Gutterpus

That's an even better (as in bigger) prediction. Ima go with that one on my calendar countdown.

The suspense is terrible... I hope it lasts.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:54 PM
Great post OP. I myself have been keeping a close eye on these types of "conspiracies" and also have come to the conclusion that the time for us to finally be exposed to the ET's, quite possibly the Federation of Light, is drawing nearer and nearer everyday. Hopefully this will be what the people of this planet need most. Disclosure might put an end to Religion, which is what most wars are and have been fought over.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Dynamitrios

/Agree. Putting our fate in something or someone else to save us is shifting the responsibility. We got ourselves into this mess and it is us who has to get out of it. I think the human race classically shifts responsibility to something external to ourselves and it is the source of almost all of our problems. I mean look at how many people depend on the gov'ment to take care of them. What ever happened to taking responsibility for your own actions? WE can make this world a better place...or we can continue to WAIT for something or someone to come SAVE us!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Gutterpus

I went to that site but you have to BUY access to the "live stream." Wait a minute...we have BUY the Truth!? If this is as big as people say, I am sure that the footage or at least the stories will be all over the place in no time. I guess I'll just have to wait...

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Beamish
reply to post by True-seer

Welcome, True-seer, to ATS. Congratulations on your first thread.

Unfortunately, now you’ve mentioned the Galactic Federation of Light, your research becomes somewhat tainted.

Have you heard of Blossom Goodchild and her hoax predictions?

The GFL are not in contact with any aliens. They are a feel-good pseudo-cult who’s entire doctrine is based on, well, no real evidence or original idea. Despite their world wide fail on October 14th, 2008, they still listen to Ms Goodchild’s deranged ramblings and consider her to be a real “contactee”.

They are a joke.

The old argument always gets dragged out of the closet that even if they are mistaken in their beliefs, their message is a good one. Well, I for one don’t want to listen to messages of universal love from anyone who would willingly regard a charlatan as a leader.

They are in the “love and light” game for attention, mutual support in the sense of a live RPG, and the pseudo-religious aspect of their creed. Despite the fact that most of their members aren’t even aware of those fact, when it is pointed out to them, they always vehemently disagree.

Well at least we learned how much you despise these people.

All life in this universe is available for contact within your own conscience in the 4th density vibration and above.

Come on people! How many thousands of years do we have to deal with 3rd dimensional slave minds?

Everyone's running around looking for government documents and disclosure when it is freely available to them every single day.

I truly hope ascension happens fast, you guys could really use a little push. Clear the mind and go into the subconscious state. You will have your disclosure.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by Visitor2012]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by warpcrafter

to you reality is going to a strip club and getting hammered? you have a small and narrow mind.

Personally i agree with almost everything he stated, because its more then fact, its REALITY. We WILL come into full contact with "aliens" and you must accept that there are other forms of life asides from your friends at the strip club. But at the same time it's not good to obsess over this but merely accept it, and accept them as PEOPLE, like us..execpt more advanced

One texas man told me, that if he ever met an alien he would shoot it because it was differnt (stone age much?) Like look back 100 years ago women and black people weren't accepted as "people", how will igorant people deal with such a change? of course with guns and panic, a RETARD would react better.

So it all comes down to it, can humanity accept THIER presence? or will it just cause panic and people turn into over relgious zealots?

So ponder on this, personally if i had a chance to leave earth and never come back i would take it, without second guessing, its where i belong.

Take the time to consider the situation and how long they have really been around? Consider the possibltiy that humans are thier creation

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 05:42 PM
We get one of these threads once a week. Don't feel bad op if people are skeptically sinister toward your "opinions". Its just that ats veterans, like myself, have seen posts like this since mid 2001. Needless to say, next week some guy will swear he knows the key to the truth, or some random guy will tell us (for some reason) his vivid account aboard an Interstllar ship with "creatures", or another member will claim to have irrefutable evidence of ET activity on earth. Oh and the gujys who get telepathic contact is always entertaining.
So, the cycle continues , cheers, don t fret. When the time comes, the world will know the truth and you won't have to worry about this fuzzy feeling inside that convinces you you are "right" or "think " you (somehow) know a truth no one else on this forum knows. (Its a all a dead horse that's been beaten to death...bludgeoned sometimes. ) cheers.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Is this link what Blosson Goodchild predicted?
2000 mile wide UFO crossed American sky on 10/14/2008
reply to post by Beamish

I even captured video of the event. The moon is an Alien ship/base with its own propulsion. As earths ice melts the shoreline will be miles away, explain that. How can I prove this? Time will tell.


posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:09 PM
I'd like to believe there is a whole Star Wars scenario in space with a Galactic Federation, but if you study ufology the Greys seem to appear the most in documentation.

On a side note, is there a thread of any sort, debunking the planet sized space ships appearing near the Sun?

Also there is no increase whatsoever in natural disasters. Do your homework first. For example looking up Earthquakes of 6.0 magnitude or greater worldwide for the last 100 years. Nothing unusual going on right now.

I think globally the only thing that is changing are glaciers melting at the North and South Poles....correct?

Wasn't sometime last year there was some type of disclosure or sighting right around 4/20/09 and then the Swine Flu epidemic swallowed up the news?? It all happened in the same week.
(anyone remember?)

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