posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 10:55 PM
True-seer, first let me say that I have nothing but respect for you and your posts, your opinions, and your right to hold them. Please do not read any
enmity whatsoever toward you or your posts into my words.
With that said, you must understand that a lot of people here have done a lot of thorough reading and lay-research into these phenomena and stories
too, but have reached completely different conclusions based on their evidence (or, in many cases, lack thereof.) You must also be tolerant of their
different interpretations of reality if you're serious about your message being taken seriously. And those interpretations will include fellow
"believers" who simply see what they perceive as the reality of alien visitation to Earth differently than you do, as well as skeptics (such as
myself) and pseudo-skeptics.
Now, it bears pointing out as well that there is a huge misconception between the true definition of skepticism, and its common interpretation. Most
people think being a skeptic means to not believe in something, or to be an active proponent of disbelief in a given phenomenon, hypothesis, story,
etc. That isn't true. Being a skeptic simply means not accepting something as factual without proof, including the assertion that something
isn't true. In other words, a skeptic cannot honesty or with integrity tell you, "Everything you have said is wrong and you are a fool to
believe it" as a statement of fact unless they have proof of that fact. All they can say is, "In the absence of conclusive proof, you could be
wrong, or you could be right." They might also, based on evidence they've seen or not seen, say, "I have seen no evidence that anything you're
saying is true or accurate." That isn't a personal attack. It's just a statement of fact consistent with skepticism. You have to be prepared to
accept those kinds of statements if you're at all serious about your intended message being taken seriously.
You must also understand that many members here have been through this same scenario many, many times in the past here on ATS. With particular
reference to disclosure, there have been countless threads claiming that official disclosure will occur on a specific date or within a certain time
frame. Every one of these thus far, with the exception of course of those rare few with dates still set in the distant future, have been false. With
reference to other predictions pertaining to tumultuous and world changing events (with very, very rare exceptions,) there have been threads beyond
reckoning that have all also turned out to be false. So you must be tolerant and understanding of long term members here being extremely reluctant to
place any faith in your claim without irrefutable proof.
That doesn't mean they're "one of those damn skeptics who refuse to believe in anything," because as explained above, that isn't what being a
skeptic really even means. It just means that they are being a good skeptic. Skepticism isn't a negative or blinding stance, nor does it mean one has
been blinded by lies or misinformation, because a true skeptic does not accept anything as fact (official or otherwise) without proof.
It can be healthy and stimulating to engage in skepticism even with regard to deeply held beliefs. For example, with regard to anything you believe -
whether it's the topics discussed in this thread or not - ask yourself: where does your information come from? Do you have proof that those sources
are absolutely, irrefutably accurate and reliable? Have you seen that proof yourself? Is there any other possible explanation? If so, is there any
evidence at all to support those alternative explanations?
As you can see, skepticism means keeping an open mind to possibilities, while simply being aware, observant, and keen to not accept anything blindly
without proof. That is the antithesis of being blinded.
Now, in keeping with skepticism, all I can say about your opening post is this: You may be right, and you may be wrong. I have no conclusive
proof to determine which will be the case at this time. That is the only wholly factual statement I can make.
I can make a statement of opinion, however, as follows: Hopefully time and greater knowledge will remedy the aforementioned lack of evidence,
and we will know one way or another whether you are correct. In my opinion, it seems unlikely, but I could be wrong.
I can further make a statement of feeling as follows: I personally would like nothing better than for extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or
intra-temporal entities to reveal their prescience to us, and to have a positive impact on our existence and ways. I have longed for that since I was
a child. I don't feel that such an event is imminent, however, or that it will occur - if it ever does, or even can - in my life time. I have read
about some (arguable) evidence that such entities may have, at some time, had contact with human beings via various scenarios. I have no way of
knowing whether that is actually the case or not, as I have never witnessed such a scenario personally. I have had some experiences I cannot explain
that some have proposed such scenarios as explanations for. Again though, I don't know whether that's the case or not at all.
Notice how nothing in that constitutes a personal attack? (I ask that of those opposing you as well, not just you. All we have to do is separate
statements of fact from statements of opinion, belief, and feeling and we can have discourse on any topic, no matter how fanciful or seemingly
improbable without hostility.)
My two cents.
[edit on 4/22/2010 by AceWombat04]