posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Laurauk
What confuses me is, Mary was not the mother of God, she was the mother of the son of God, Jesus Christ. So how can this duke whom ever he is,
justify calling her, the mother of God. When you think they are not other nutters out there, worse than the pope himself, here comes along the
biggest nutter of them all. What a complete joke.
I would almost put money on my suspicion that Mr Duke is part of a very strange (and very small I must add) group of Catholics who think Mary is
actually God.
I have had big run ins with these folk before and they hold the highly bizarre and completely irrational belief that Mary is 'the giver, not the
reciever' I personally have absolutely no idea what that phrase even means
However, by association and belief in the holy trinity one can come to conclusion that Mary is indeed the mother of God, like this; Jesus is the son
of God, the word made flesh. God is in three parts; Father, Son and Holy spirit. These three parts are one and the same and make up the one God.
So therefore Jesus is God, and Mary who is his mother therefore becomes the mother of God. This belief is actually supported in the Hail Mary prayer;
(Caps added to highlight my point)
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you
Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb,
holy Mary, MOTHER OF GOD,
pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death
I personally believe it is more of a metaphorical idea, as the bible is full of references of three separate entities; God the father, (the one that
created the universe and everything in it and the judge of mankind and the one Jesus teaches us to pray to), The holy spirit (a kind of unseen force
that does God's will and somehow made Mary pregnant among other things) and Jesus (the son of God who walked this earth, caused quite the stir an
fathered Christianity) We refer to them as being one God because all three elements tie in and work together to bring mankind to salvation or so the
story goes - if you are a non believer.